python/steamsync: Add proper support for Wine

Previously only supported through Steam Proton
Taeyeon Mori 3 years ago
parent a8e3ae2ae7
commit d8d4401707
  1. 493

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, os
import fnmatch
import re
import itertools
@ -11,16 +10,60 @@ import shutil
import tarfile
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Union, Set, Callable, Any
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from getpass import getuser
from pathlib import PurePath, Path, PureWindowsPath
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Dict, List, Union, Set, Callable, Any, Optional, TypeVar, Generic, Sequence, overload
from warnings import warn
from propex import CachedProperty, SettableCachedProperty
from steamutil import Steam, App
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Clone Abstraction
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
_Clone = TypeVar("_Clone", bound="Cloneable")
class Cloneable:
__slots__ = ()
from steamutil import Steam, App, CachedProperty, MalformedManifestError
def clone(self: _Clone, **update) -> _Clone:
# XXX: Implement directly?
obj = copy(self)
for k, v in update.items():
setattr(obj, k, v)
return obj
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sync Abstractions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SyncPath:
PathOrStr = Union[PurePath, os.PathLike, str]
_SyncPath = TypeVar("_SyncPath", bound="SyncPath")
class ISyncContext:
target_path: Path
home_path: Path
class ISyncOp(metaclass=ABCMeta):
parent: ISyncContext
def target_path(self) -> Path: ...
def _do_copy(self, ops: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> bool: ...
def report_error(self, msg: Sequence[str]): ...
class SyncPath(Cloneable):
A SyncPath represents a pair of paths:
local/common ; target/common
@ -38,34 +81,32 @@ class SyncPath:
__slots__ = "op", "local", "common"
op: 'AbstractSyncOp'
op: ISyncOp
local: Path
common: Path
common: PurePath
def __init__(self, op, local, common="."):
def __init__(self, op: ISyncOp, local: PathOrStr, common: PathOrStr="."):
self.op = op
self.local = Path(local)
self.common = Path(common)
self.common = PurePath(common)
## Change paths
def prefix(self, component: Union[str, Path]) -> 'SyncPath':
""" Return a new SyncPath that has a component prefixed to the local path """
return SyncPath(self.op, self.local / component, self.common)
def __truediv__(self, component: Union[str, Path]) -> 'SyncPath':
""" Return a new SyncPath that nas a component added """
return SyncPath(self.op, self.local, self.common / component)
## Retrieve paths
def path(self) -> Path:
""" Get the local path """
return self.local / self.common
return Path(self.local, self.common)
def exists(self) -> bool:
""" Chech whether local path exists """
return self.path.exists()
## Change paths
def prefix(self: _SyncPath, component: PathOrStr) -> _SyncPath:
""" Return a new SyncPath that has a component prefixed to the local path """
return self.clone(local=self.local/component)
def __truediv__(self: _SyncPath, component: PathOrStr) -> _SyncPath:
""" Return a new SyncPath that nas a component added """
return self.clone(common=self.common/component)
def target_path(self) -> Path:
""" Get the sync target path """
@ -80,7 +121,11 @@ class SyncPath:
class _SyncSetCommon:
class _SyncSetCommon(metaclass=ABCMeta):
files_from_local: CachedProperty[Set[Path]]
files_from_target: CachedProperty[Set[Path]]
files_unmodified: CachedProperty[Set[Path]]
def show_confirm(self, skip=True) -> bool:
# XXX: move to SyncOp?
print(" Local is newer: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_from_local)))
@ -97,6 +142,13 @@ class _SyncSetCommon:
return True
return False
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool: ...
def execute(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool:
warn("SyncSet.execute() was renamed to commit()", DeprecationWarning)
return self.commit(make_inconsistent=make_inconsistent)
class SyncSet(_SyncSetCommon):
@ -105,7 +157,7 @@ class SyncSet(_SyncSetCommon):
FileStatSet = Dict[Path, Tuple[Path, os.stat_result]]
op: 'AbstractSyncOp'
op: ISyncOp
spath: SyncPath
local: FileStatSet
target: FileStatSet
@ -193,7 +245,7 @@ class SyncSet(_SyncSetCommon):
for name, (path, _) in
tf.add(path, name)
def execute(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool:
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool:
operations = []
if self.files_from_local:
if self.files_from_target and not make_inconsistent:
@ -209,58 +261,268 @@ class SyncSet(_SyncSetCommon):
class SyncMultiSet(list, _SyncSetCommon):
""" Provides a convenient interface to a number of SyncSets """
### XXX: Is this safe with how files_* do relative paths??
def _union_set(self, attrname) -> Set[Path]:
if not self:
return set()
return functools.reduce(operator.or_, map(operator.attrgetter(attrname), self))
def files_from_local(self) -> Set[Path]:
return self._union_set("files_from_local")
def files_from_target(self) -> Set[Path]:
return self._union_set("files_from_target")
def files_unmodified(self) -> Set[Path]:
return self._union_set("files_unmodified")
def execute(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool:
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool:
res = True
for sset in self:
res = res and sset.execute(make_inconsistent=make_inconsistent)
return res
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Common Paths
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
P = TypeVar('P', Path, SyncPath)
class AbstractCommonPaths:
class Common(Generic[P], metaclass=ABCMeta):
## Abstract
def _path_factory(self, path: PathOrStr) -> P: pass
## Basic
parent: ISyncContext
def __init__(self, *, parent):
self.parent = parent
## Platform
is_wine: bool
is_windows: bool
is_native_windows: bool
is_native_linux: bool
## Common paths
def home(self) -> P:
return self._path_factory(self.parent.home_path)
def from_(self, path: PathOrStr) -> P:
return self._path_factory(path)
class WindowsCommon(Common[P]):
is_windows: bool = True
is_native_linux: bool = False
def drive_c(self) -> P: pass
# abstract attribute
my_documents: CachedProperty[P]
class Windows(WindowsCommon[P]):
is_native_windows: bool = True
is_wine: bool = False
def drive_c(self) -> P:
return self._path_factory("C:\\")
def my_documents(self) -> P:
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """
def get_my_documents():
import ctypes.wintypes
CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents
SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH)
ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, CSIDL_PERSONAL, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf)
return buf.value
return self._path_factory(get_my_documents())
class Wine(Common[P]):
_wine_prefix: Path
def __init__(self, *, prefix, **kwds):
self._wine_prefix = prefix
def wine_prefix(self) -> P:
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix)
def drive_c(self) -> P:
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix / "drive_c")
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Sequence[str], exclude: None=None) -> List[Path]: ...
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: None, exclude: Sequence[str]) -> List[Path]: ...
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Sequence[str], exclude: Sequence[str]) -> List[Path]: ...
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None) -> List[Path]:
entries: Dict[str, Path] = { p for p in path.iterdir() if p.is_dir()}
results: List[Path] = []
if candidates is not None:
def gen():
for name in candidates:
p = entries.get(name)
if p is not None:
yield p
if exclude is not None:
results.extend((path for name, path in entries.items() if name not in exclude and path not in results))
return results
def _wine_prefix_userprofile(self) -> Path:
## Try to find out the username in the prefix
## usually, this is the same as the system user, but
## e.g. Proton always uses 'steamuser'
# XXX: make user name configurable or at least cache it?
# BUG: mypy#7781 overload staticmethod is broken when called on instance
candidates = self.__class__._find_file_ci(self._wine_prefix / "drive_c" / "users", [getuser().lower(), 'steamuser'], ['public'])
if not candidates:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not detect userprofile path in wine prefix {self.wine_prefix}")
# XXX: be smarter?
return candidates[0]
def home(self) -> P:
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix_userprofile)
def my_documents(self) -> P:
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """
ppath = self._wine_prefix_userprofile
# BUG: mypy#7781 overload staticmethod is broken when called on instance
candidates = self.__class__._find_file_ci(ppath, ['my documents', 'documents'])
if not candidates:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find 'My Documents' folder in profile at '{ppath}'")
return self._path_factory(candidates[0])
class Linux(Common[P]):
is_native_linux: bool = True
is_native_windows: bool = False
is_windows: bool = False
is_wine: bool = False
## XDG
# XXX: make it methods and search all locations?
def xdg_config_dir(self) -> P:
raise NotImplementedError()
def xdg_data_dir(self) -> P:
raise NotImplementedError()
class CommonPaths:
class Mixin(AbstractCommonPaths.Common[Path]):
def _path_factory(self, p: PathOrStr) -> Path:
return Path(p)
class LinuxPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Linux[Path], Mixin): pass
class WindowsPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Windows[Path], Mixin): pass
class WinePaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Wine[Path], Mixin): pass
Paths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths, WinePaths]
NativePaths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths]
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: None) -> NativePaths: ...
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: Path) -> WinePaths: ...
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: Optional[Path]) -> Paths:
if wine_prefix is not None:
return c.WinePaths(parent=parent, prefix=wine_prefix)
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
return c.WindowsPaths(parent=parent)
return c.LinuxPaths(parent=parent)
class CommonSyncPaths:
class Mixin(AbstractCommonPaths.Common[SyncPath]):
op: 'AbstractSyncOp'
def __init__(self, *, op: 'AbstractSyncOp', **kwds):
# Not sure why this complains. Maybe because of the **kwds?
super().__init__(parent=op.parent, **kwds) #type: ignore
self.op = op
def _path_factory(self, p: PathOrStr) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self.op, p)
class LinuxPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Linux[SyncPath], Mixin): pass
class WindowsPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Windows[SyncPath], Mixin): pass
class WinePaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Wine[SyncPath], Mixin): pass
Paths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths, WinePaths]
def create(c, op: 'AbstractSyncOp', wine_prefix: Optional[Path]) -> Paths:
if wine_prefix is not None:
return c.WinePaths(op=op, prefix=wine_prefix)
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
return c.WindowsPaths(op=op)
return c.LinuxPaths(op=op)
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sync Operation
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class AbstractSyncOp:
parent: 'SteamSync'
_AbstractSyncOp = TypeVar("_AbstractSyncOp", bound="AbstractSyncOp")
class AbstractSyncOp(ISyncOp):
parent: ISyncContext
name: str # Abstract
def __init__(self, parent: 'SteamSync'):
def __init__(self, parent: ISyncContext):
self.parent = parent
# Properties
def name(self):
""" Name of the app """
raise NotImplementedError()
# Paths
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths:
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, None)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.paths, name)
# Properties
def slug(self):
""" Name of the destination folder """
def slug(self, value: str):
dict(self)["slug"] = value
def target_path(self) -> Path:
""" Full path to copy saves to """
return self.parent.target_path / self.slug
def __call__(self, func: Callable[['AbstractSyncOp'], Any]):
def __call__(self: _AbstractSyncOp, func: Callable[[_AbstractSyncOp], Any]):
# For decorator use
return func(self)
@ -281,43 +543,9 @@ class AbstractSyncOp:
print("\033[34mNow Synchronizing App \033[36m%s\033[34m (%s)\033[0m"
% (, self.__class__.__name__.replace("SyncOp", "")))
def report_error(self, msg: List[str]):
def report_error(self, msg: Iterable[str]):
print("\033[31m"+"\n".join(" " + l for l in msg)+"\033[0m")
# Start from here
def home(self):
return SyncPath(self, self.parent.home_path)
def my_documents(self) -> SyncPath:
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """
if sys.platform == "win32":
def get_my_documents():
import ctypes.wintypes
CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents
SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH)
ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, CSIDL_PERSONAL, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf)
return buf.value
return SyncPath(self, get_my_documents())
raise RuntimeError("Platform has unknown My Documents location")
def from_(self, path: Path) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self, path)
class GenericSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
""" Generic Sync Operation for Non-Steam Apps """
name: str = None
def __init__(self, parent, name):
super().__init__(parent) = name
class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
""" Sync Operation for Steam Apps """
@ -327,6 +555,10 @@ class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
super().__init__(ssync) = app
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths:
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, if else None)
## Implement AbstractSyncOp
def name(self):
@ -341,18 +573,6 @@ class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
def game_directory(self) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self,
def my_documents(self) -> SyncPath:
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# TODO: what about native games?
return SyncPath(self, / "users/steamuser/My Documents")
return super().my_documents
def user_home(self) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self, self.parent.home_path)
## Steam Cloud
def steam_cloud_ufs(self) -> SyncMultiSet:
if "ufs" not in["appinfo"] or "savefiles" not in["appinfo"]["ufs"]:
@ -374,9 +594,9 @@ class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
# Find root anchor
root = ufs_def["root"]
if root == "WinMyDocuments":
path = self.my_documents
path = self.paths.my_documents
elif root in ("LinuxHome", "MacHome"):
path = self.user_home
path = self.paths.home
raise NotImplementedError("Steam Cloud UFS root %s not implemented for %r" % (root,
@ -401,6 +621,38 @@ class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
return sms
class GenericSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
""" Generic Sync Operation for Non-Steam Apps """
def __init__(self, parent, name):
super().__init__(parent) = name
class GenericFoundSyncOp(GenericSyncOp):
_found: Path
def __init__(self, parent, name, found: Path):
super().__init__(parent, name)
self._found = found
def found(self) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self, self._found)
class WineSyncOp(GenericFoundSyncOp):
_wine_prefix: Path
def __init__(self, parent, name, prefix: Path, found: Path):
super().__init__(parent, name, found)
self._wine_prefix = prefix
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths:
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, self._wine_prefix)
class SyncNoOp:
""" No-Op Sync Operation """
def __call__(self, func) -> None:
@ -415,23 +667,60 @@ AppNotFound = SyncNoOp()
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Sync manager class
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SteamSync:
class NoSteamSync(ISyncContext):
target_path: Path
steam: Steam
home_path: Path
def __init__(self, target_path: Path, *, steam_path: Path = None):
def __init__(self, target_path: Path):
self.target_path = Path(target_path)
self.steam = Steam(steam_path)
self.home_path = Path.home()
def paths(self) -> CommonPaths.NativePaths:
return CommonPaths.create(self, None)
def generic(self, name, find: Optional[Callable[[CommonPaths.NativePaths], Path]], *, platform=None) -> Union[GenericSyncOp, SyncNoOp]:
""" Non-Steam App """
if platform is None or platform in sys.platform:
if find is None:
return GenericSyncOp(self, name)
search_path = find(self.paths)
if search_path.exists():
return GenericFoundSyncOp(self, name, search_path)
return AppNotFound
def wine(self, name, prefixes: Sequence[PathOrStr], find: Callable[[CommonPaths.Paths], Path]) -> Union[WineSyncOp, GenericFoundSyncOp, SyncNoOp]:
Works the same as .generic() on Windows, but additionally searches any number of Wine-Prefixes when not running on Windows
if sys.platform == 'win32':
search_path = find(self.paths)
if search_path.exists():
return GenericFoundSyncOp(self, name, search_path)
for prefix in prefixes:
prefixpath = Path(prefix)
paths = CommonPaths.create(self, prefixpath)
search_path = find(paths)
if search_path.exists():
return WineSyncOp(self, name, prefixpath, search_path)
return AppNotFound
class SteamSync(NoSteamSync):
steam: Steam
def __init__(self, target_path: Path, *, steam_path: Path = None):
self.steam = Steam(steam_path)
# Get Information
def apps(self) -> List[App]:
return list(self.steam.apps)
# Get Sync Operation for a specific App
def by_id(self, appid):
def by_id(self, appid: int) -> Union[SteamSyncOp, SyncNoOp]:
""" Steam App by AppID """
app = self.steam.get_app(appid)
if app is not None:
@ -439,11 +728,11 @@ class SteamSync:
return AppNotFound
def by_name(self, pattern):
def by_name(self, pattern: str) -> Union[SteamSyncOp, SyncNoOp]:
""" Steam App by Name """
pt = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"), re.IGNORECASE)
app = None
for candidate in self.apps: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for candidate in self.apps:
if app is not None:
raise Exception("Encountered more than one possible App matching '%s'" % pattern)
@ -451,9 +740,3 @@ class SteamSync:
if app is None:
return AppNotFound
return SteamSyncOp(self, app)
def generic(self, name, *, platform=None):
""" Non-Steam App """
if platform is not None and platform not in sys.platform:
return AppNotFound
return GenericSyncOp(self, name)
