python/steamutil,vdfparser: Fix mypy issues

Taeyeon Mori 3 years ago
parent 2786987f57
commit a8e3ae2ae7
  1. 116
  2. 173
  3. 45

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# Custom property-like classes
from typing import Dict, Literal, MutableMapping, NewType, Optional, Sequence, Generic, TypeVar, Callable, Type, Any, Mapping, overload, Union
T = TypeVar('T')
O = TypeVar('O')
class CustomProperty(property, Generic[T]):
""" Subclass property for IDE support.
Subclasses need not call super().__init__(),
but might want to initialize self.property_name if such information is available """
property_name: str = "<<name unknown>>"
def __init__(self):
# Overwrite property constructor
def __set_name__(self, owner: Type[O], name: str):
""" Set name given in class body.
May not be called if assigned outside class definition """
self.property_name = name
@overload # type: ignore
def __get__(self, obj: None, cls: Type[O]) -> 'CustomProperty[T]': ...
def __get__(self, obj: O, cls: Type[O]) -> T: ...
def __get__(self, obj: Optional[O], cls: Type[O]):
if obj is None:
return self
raise AttributeError(f"Cannot read property {self.property_name} of {obj:r}")
def __set__(self, obj: O, value: T):
raise AttributeError(f"Cannot write property {self.property_name} of {obj:r}")
def __delete__(self, obj: O):
raise AttributeError(f"Cannot delete property {self.property_name} of {obj:r}")
class CachedProperty(CustomProperty[T]):
""" A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces
itself with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the
def __init__(self, func: Callable[[O], T]):
self.__doc__ = getattr(func, '__doc__')
self.func = func
self.property_name = func.__name__
def __get__(self, obj: Optional[O], cls: Type[O]): # type: ignore
if obj is None:
return self
value = obj.__dict__[self.property_name] = self.func(obj)
return value
class SettableCachedProperty(CachedProperty[T]):
def __set__(self, obj: O, value: T):
obj.__dict__[self.property_name] = value
class DictPathRoProperty(CustomProperty[T]):
_NoDefault = NewType("_NoDefault", object)
_nodefault = _NoDefault(object())
def __init__(self, source_member: str, path: Sequence[str],
default: Union[T, _NoDefault]=_nodefault, type: Callable[[Any], T]=lambda x: x):
self.source_member = source_member
self.path = path
self.default = default
self.type = type
def _get_parent(self, obj: O, *, create=False) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
d: MutableMapping[str, Any] = getattr(obj, self.source_member)
for pc in self.path[:-1]:
d = d[pc]
except KeyError:
if not create:
nd: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {}
d[pc] = nd
d = nd
return d
def __get__(self, obj: Optional[O], cls: Type[O]): # type: ignore
if obj is None:
return self
val = self._get_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]]
except KeyError:
if self.default is not self._nodefault:
return self.default
return self.type(val)
class DictPathProperty(DictPathRoProperty[T]):
def __init__(self, *args, allow_create_parents=True, **kwds):
super().__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.allow_create_parents = allow_create_parents
def __set__(self, obj, value):
self._get_parent(obj, create=self.allow_create_parents)[self.path[-1]] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
del self._get_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]]
__all__ = ['CustomProperty', 'CachedProperty', 'SettableCachedProperty', 'DictPathRoProperty', 'DictPathProperty']

@ -5,78 +5,14 @@ import sys, os
import re, fnmatch, datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Iterable, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Union
from typing import List, Iterable, Dict, Literal, Mapping, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Union, Any, cast, overload
from vdfparser import VdfParser, DeepDict, AppInfoFile, LowerCaseNormalizingDict
class CachedProperty:
""" A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces
itself with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the
def __init__(self, func):
self.__doc__ = getattr(func, '__doc__')
self.func = func
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj)
return value
class DictPathRoProperty:
__slots__ = "property", "path", "default", "type"
_nodefault = object()
_id = lambda x: x
def __init__(self, property: str, path: Tuple[str], default=_nodefault, type=_id): = property
self.path = path
self.default = default
self.type = type
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
d = getattr(obj,
for pc in self.path:
d = d[pc]
except KeyError:
if self.default is not self._nodefault:
return self.default
return self.type(d)
class DictPathProperty(DictPathRoProperty):
__slots__ = ()
def _get_create_parent(self, obj) -> Dict:
d = getattr(obj,
for pc in self.path[:-1]:
d = d[pc]
except KeyError:
nd = {}
d[pc] = nd
d = nd
return d
def __set__(self, obj, value):
self._get_create_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
del self._get_create_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]]
from vdfparser import VdfParser, DeepDict, AppInfoFile, LowerCaseNormalizingDict, dd_getpath
from propex import CachedProperty, DictPathProperty, DictPathRoProperty
_vdf = VdfParser()
_vdf_ci = VdfParser(factory=LowerCaseNormalizingDict)
class MalformedManifestError(Exception):
@ -110,11 +46,11 @@ class AppInfo:
def launch_configs(self):
return self.appinfo["appinfo"]["config"]["launch"].values()
name = DictPathRoProperty("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "name"), default=None)
oslist = DictPathRoProperty("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "oslist"), type=lambda s: s.split(","))
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty("appinfo", ("appinfo", "config", "installdir"), default=None)
languages = DictPathRoProperty("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "supported_languages"))
gameid = DictPathRoProperty("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "gameid"), type=int)
name = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "name"), default=None)
oslist = DictPathRoProperty[List[str]] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "oslist"), type=lambda s: s.split(","))
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("appinfo", ("appinfo", "config", "installdir"), default=None)
languages = DictPathRoProperty[Any] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "supported_languages"))
gameid = DictPathRoProperty[int] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "gameid"), type=int)
# Misc.
def get_userdata_path(self, user_id: Union[int, 'LoginUser']) -> Path:
@ -167,7 +103,7 @@ class App(AppInfo):
if "AppState" not in self.manifest:
raise MalformedManifestError("App manifest doesn't have AppState key", self.manifest_path)
super().__init__(libfolder.steam, int(self.manifest["AppState"]["appid"]))
super().__init__(libfolder.steam, int(dd_getpath(self.manifest, ("AppState", "appid"), t=str)))
installed = True
@ -175,9 +111,9 @@ class App(AppInfo):
return "<steamutil.App #%7d '%s' @ \"%s\">" % (self.appid,, self.install_path)
# Basic info
name = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "name"))
language = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "UserConfig", "language"), None)
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "installdir"))
name = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "name"), None)
language = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "UserConfig", "language"), None)
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "installdir"), None)
def install_path(self) -> Path:
@ -191,27 +127,30 @@ class App(AppInfo):
# Steam Play info
def is_steam_play(self):
uc = self.manifest["AppState"].get("UserConfig")
if uc and "platform_override_source" in uc:
return uc["platform_override_source"]
def is_steam_play(self) -> Optional[str]:
return dd_getpath(self.manifest, ("AppState", "UserConfig", "platform_override_source"), None, t=str)
def is_proton_app(self):
uc = self.manifest["AppState"].get("UserConfig")
def is_proton_app(self) -> Optional[bool]:
uc = dd_getpath(self.manifest, ("AppState", "UserConfig"), None, t=dict)
if uc and "platform_override_source" in uc:
return uc["platform_override_source"] == "windows" and uc["platform_override_dest"] == "linux"
return None
def compat_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "compatdata" / str(self.appid)
def compat_prefix(self) -> Path:
return self.compat_path / "pfx"
def compat_drive(self) -> Path:
return self.compat_path / "pfx" / "drive_c"
return self.compat_prefix / "drive_c"
# Install size
declared_install_size = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "SizeOnDisk"), 0, type=int)
declared_install_size = DictPathRoProperty[int]("manifest", ("AppState", "SizeOnDisk"), 0, type=int)
def compute_install_size(self) -> int:
def sum_size(p: Path):
@ -275,10 +214,11 @@ class LibraryFolder:
manifest = self.steamapps_path / ("appmanifest_%d.acf" % appid)
if manifest.exists():
return App(self, manifest)
return None
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str) -> Iterable[App]:
reg = re.compile(r'"name"\s+".*%s.*"' % regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
for manifest in self.appmanifests: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for manifest in self.appmanifests:
with open(manifest, encoding="utf-8") as f:
content =
@ -320,7 +260,7 @@ class UserAppConfig:
t = int(self._data.get("Playtime2wks", "0"))
return datetime.time(t // 60, t % 60)
launch_options = DictPathProperty("_data", ("LaunchOptions",), None)
launch_options = DictPathProperty[Optional[DeepDict]]("_data", ("LaunchOptions",), None)
class LoginUser:
@ -341,8 +281,8 @@ class LoginUser:
""" 32-bit account ID """
return & 0xffffffff
account_name = DictPathRoProperty("info", ("AccountName",))
username = DictPathRoProperty("info", ("PersonaName",))
account_name = DictPathRoProperty[str]("info", ("AccountName",))
username = DictPathRoProperty[str]("info", ("PersonaName",))
def userdata_path(self) -> Path:
@ -410,6 +350,7 @@ class Steam:
path /= "Steam"
if path.exists():
return path
return None
# Various paths
@ -433,7 +374,7 @@ class Steam:
vdf_ci = VdfParser(factory=LowerCaseNormalizingDict)
with open(self.loginusers_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = vdf_ci.parse(f)
for id, info in data["users"].items():
for id, info in cast(Mapping[str, Dict], data["users"]).items():
if info["mostrecent"] == "1":
return LoginUser(self, int(id), info)
except KeyError:
@ -451,9 +392,9 @@ class Steam:
with open(self.config_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
return _vdf.parse(f)
config_install_store = DictPathProperty("config", ("InstallConfigStore",))
config_software_steam = DictPathProperty("config", ("InstallConfigStore", "Software", "Valve", "Steam"))
compat_tool_mapping = DictPathProperty("config_software_steam", ("CompatToolMapping",))
config_install_store = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config", ("InstallConfigStore",))
config_software_steam = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config", ("InstallConfigStore", "Software", "Valve", "Steam"))
compat_tool_mapping = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config_software_steam", ("CompatToolMapping",))
# AppInfo cache
@ -470,7 +411,7 @@ class Steam:
return info[891390]["appinfo"]
def compat_tools(self) -> {str:{}}:
def compat_tools(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
tools = {}
# Find official proton installs
valve = self.steamplay_manifest["extended"]["compat_tools"]
@ -492,7 +433,7 @@ class Steam:
for mfst_path in manifests:
with open(mfst_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
mfst = _vdf.parse(f)
for name, t in mfst["compatibilitytools"]["compat_tools"].items():
for name, t in dd_getpath(mfst, ("compatibilitytools", "compat_tools"), t=dict).items():
# TODO warn duplicate name
t["install_path"] = mfst_path.parent / t["install_path"]
tools[name] = t
@ -502,19 +443,34 @@ class Steam:
def library_folder_paths(self) -> List[Path]:
with open(self.libraryfolders_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
return [Path(v) for k,v in _vdf.parse(f)["LibraryFolders"].items() if k.isdigit()]
data = _vdf_ci.parse(f)
def gen():
for k, v in dd_getpath(data, ("LibraryFolders",), t=dict).items():
if k.isdigit():
if isinstance(v, str):
yield Path(v)
elif 'path' in v:
yield Path(v['path'])
raise ValueError("Unknown format of libraryfolders.vdf")
return list(gen())
def library_folders(self) -> List[LibraryFolder]:
return [LibraryFolder(self, self.root)] + [LibraryFolder(self, p) for p in self.library_folder_paths] #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
return [LibraryFolder(self, self.root)] + [LibraryFolder(self, p) for p in self.library_folder_paths]
def apps(self) -> Iterable[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for lf in self.library_folders:
yield from lf.apps
def get_app(self, id: int, installed=True) -> Optional[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
def get_app(self, id: int, installed: Literal[True]=True) -> Optional[App]: ...
def get_app(self, id: int, installed: Literal[False]) -> Optional[AppInfo]: ...
def get_app(self, id: int, installed=True) -> Optional[AppInfo]:
for lf in self.library_folders:
app = lf.get_app(id)
if app is not None:
return app
@ -522,8 +478,14 @@ class Steam:
for appid, appinfo in self.appinfo.items():
if appid == id:
return AppInfo(self, appid, appinfo_data=appinfo)
return None
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed: Literal[True]) -> Iterable[App]: ...
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed: Literal[False]) -> Iterable[AppInfo]: ...
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed=True) -> Iterable[App]:
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed=True) -> Iterable[AppInfo]:
""" Find all apps by regular expression """
if not installed:
# Search whole appinfo cache
@ -538,7 +500,7 @@ class Steam:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for lf in self.library_folders:
app = lf.get_app(appid)
if app:
yield app
@ -556,8 +518,8 @@ class Steam:
print("[SteamUtil] Warning: found broken entries in appinfo cache:", ",".join(map(str, broken_ids)))
# Search local manifests directly
reg = re.compile(r'"name"\s+".*%s.*"' % regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for manifest in lf.appmanifests: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
for lf in self.library_folders:
for manifest in lf.appmanifests:
with open(manifest, encoding="utf-8") as f:
content =
@ -569,3 +531,4 @@ class Steam:
def find_app(self, pattern: str, installed=True) -> Optional[App]:
for app in self.find_apps(pattern, installed=installed):
return app
return None

@ -7,14 +7,51 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
import struct
import collections
import datetime
from typing import Dict, Union, Mapping, Tuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, Union, Mapping, Tuple, NewType, cast, overload
DeepDict = Mapping[str, Union[str, "DeepDict"]]
#### Nested dictionary support
# Mypy doesn't support recursive types :(
DeepDict = Mapping[str, Union[Mapping[str, Any], str]]
_NoDefault = NewType('_NoDefault', object)
_nodefault = _NoDefault(object())
_DefaultT = TypeVar('_DefaultT', DeepDict, str, None)
_DDCastT = TypeVar('_DDCastT', DeepDict, str)
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _NoDefault=_nodefault, *, t: None=None) -> Union[DeepDict, str]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _DefaultT, *, t: None=None) -> Union[DeepDict, str, _DefaultT]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _NoDefault=_nodefault, *, t: Type[_DDCastT]) -> _DDCastT: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _DefaultT, *, t: Type[_DDCastT]) -> Union[_DDCastT, _DefaultT]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: Union[_DefaultT, _NoDefault]=_nodefault, *, t: Optional[Type[_DDCastT]]=None):
Retrieve a value from inside a nested dictionary.
@param dct The nested mapping
@param path The path to retrieve. Represented by a tuple of strings.
@param default A default value. Raises KeyError if omitted.
@param t Result type for built-in typing.cast(), specify 'str' or 'dict'
d: Any = dct
for pc in path:
d = d[pc]
# XXX: runtime type check
assert (t is None or isinstance(d, t)), f"Expected value at path {path} to be {t}, not {type(d)}"
return d
except KeyError:
if default is not _nodefault:
return default
#### Case-Insensitive dictionary.
# Unfortunately, Valve seems to play it a little loose with casing in their .vdf files
class LowerCaseNormalizingDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
@ -268,7 +305,7 @@ class BinaryVdfParser:
key, value = self._read_item(fd, t)
map[key] = value
def _read_item(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase, t: int) -> (str, DeepDict):
def _read_item(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase, t: bytes) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, DeepDict]]:
key = self._read_cstring(fd)
if t == self.T_SKEY:
