animelib: v5 with new commandline interface

Taeyeon Mori 8 years ago
parent 63cfaefe2b
commit 8fc06ca351
  1. 633
  2. 1
  3. 844

@ -1,633 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (c) 2015 Taeyeon Mori <>
# Anime Import V2-4
import os
import sys
import re
import itertools
import logging
import argparse
logger = logging.getLogger("AnimeImport")
## Utilities ##
def cat_to(filename, text):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def cat_from(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
def abspath_from(path, anchor):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(anchor, path)) if not os.path.isabs(path) else path
def transport_path(path, old_anchor, new_anchor):
:brief: Transport a relative path from one anchor to another
return os.path.relpath(abspath_from(path, old_anchor), new_anchor)
def make_symlink(target, at, anchor=None):
:brief: Make a symbolic link
:param target: The link target
:param at: The location of the new symlink
:param anchor: The anchor if <target> is relative. defaults to os.curdir
This function preserves the absoluteness of <target>, meaning that if you pass in
an absolute path, the link will be created using that absolute path.
However, any relative path will be transported to the new link's containing directory.
That is important if the link isn't created in the cwd because posix symlink() can take
any value which will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link.
if os.path.isabs(target):
os.symlink(target, at)
elif os.path.isdir(at):
os.symlink(transport_path(target, anchor if anchor else os.curdir, at), at)
os.symlink(transport_path(target, anchor if anchor else os.curdir, os.path.dirname(at)), at)
def clean_links(path):
for f in os.listdir(path):
if not f.startswith(".") and os.path.islink(os.path.join(path, f)):
os.unlink(os.path.join(path, f))
def maybe_number(s):
return int(s) if s.isdigit() else s
def opt_value_str(o):
# since maybe_number converts them back to numbers, we abuse numbers as bools
if o == True:
return "1"
elif o == False:
return "0"
return str(o)
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile(r'(\d+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in _nsre.split(s)]
## Specials patterns ##
class Special:
Specials format:
Specials <= Special '\n' Specials | Special
Special <= Properties '\n' Regexp
Regexp <= regular expression with optional 'ep' group
Properties <= Property '|' Properties | Property
Property <= Name '=' Value
Name <= python identifier
Value <= string value without '\n' and '|'
Valid keys:
type <= "extern" "special" "opening" "ending" "trailer" "parody" "other"
name <= Folder name for "extern" type
offset <= Number to add to the episode number
epnum <= Force all matched episodes to have this episode number (discouraged. use offset instead)
first <= start counting episodes here. This only applies if <ep> is NOT matched in the regexp
subdir <= Specials are located in a subdir of the source
Should contain an <ep> group to match the (relative to [offset]) episode/special/ending/etc number
def __init__(self, properties, pattern):
self._properties = properties
self.pattern = pattern
self.season = 0
if "type" in properties:
t = properties["type"].lower()
if t in ("extern", "episode", "episodes"):
self.season = 1
off = 0
elif t in ("special", "s", "specials"):
off = 0
elif t in ("opening", "op", "openings"):
off = 99
elif t in ("ending", "ed", "endings"):
off = 149
elif t in ("trailer", "t", "trailers"):
off = 199
elif t in ("parody", "p", "parodies"):
off = 299
elif t in ("other", "o", "others"):
off = 399
off = 499
self.type_offset = off
self.type_offset = 0
self.is_extern = "name" in properties
self.is_subdir = "subdir" in properties
if "$custom" in properties:
if not callable(properties["$custom"]):
raise ValueError("$custom Specials must be created from python code and be callable objects")
self.custom = properties["$custom"]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._properties[name]
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self._properties
def source(self):
return "\n".join(("|".join(map("=".join, self._properties.items())), self.pattern.pattern))
def match(self, f):
def custom(self, m, i):
return None
def adjust_episode(self, ep):
ep += self.type_offset
if "offset" in self:
return ep + int(self.offset)
elif "epnum" in self:
return int(self.epnum)
return ep
def get_episode(self, match, last):
if "ep" in self.pattern.groupindex and"ep"):
# TODO: fix this. When doing it properly it breaks the assumption that ...OP is OP1 while OPn is OPn. It makes OP OPn+1
return self.adjust_episode(int("ep")))
#return self.adjust_episode(int("ep")))
elif last == 0:
return self.adjust_episode(1)
return last + 1
def parse_properties(src):
return dict(map(lambda p: p.split("=", 1), src.split("|")))
def parse(cls, props_src, regexp_src):
return cls(cls.parse_properties(props_src), re.compile(regexp_src))
def iterparse(cls, src):
for a, b in zip(*[iter(src.split("\n"))]*2):
yield cls.parse(a, b)
def simple(cls, type, regexp):
return cls({"type": type}, re.compile(regexp))
## The core ##
class Importer:
# Filenames
source_fn = ".source"
master_fn = ".main"
pattern_fn = ".pattern"
exclude_fn = ".exclude"
special_fn = ".specials"
options_fn = ".options"
# Defaults
default_pattern = re.compile(r"[_ ](E|e|Ep|Episode|ep)?[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)([Vv]\d+)?[_ ]?[\(\[\.]?")
default_options = {
"auto_specials": 1,
"exclude_parts": 1,
"exclude_playlists": 1,
auto_specials = [
Special.simple("Opening", r"[_ ](NC)?OP[ _]?[^\d]"), # FIXME: HACK
Special.simple("Opening", r"[_ ]((NC)?OP|Opening)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)"),
Special.simple("Ending", r"[_ ](NC)?ED[ _]?[^\d]"), # FIXME: HACK
Special.simple("Ending", r"[_ ]((NC)?ED|Ending|Closing)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)"),
Special.simple("Special", r"[_ ](Special|OVA|SP)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)?[ _]?"),
# .nfo files
Special({"$custom": lambda m, i: ("link", os.path.join(i.destination, i.main_name + ".nfo"))}, re.compile(r".nfo$"))
link_template = "{series} S{season:d}E{episode:03d}"
def __init__(self, destination):
# Find master
master_f = os.path.join(destination, self.master_fn)
while os.path.islink(master_f):
new_dest = os.readlink(master_f)
if not os.path.isabs(new_dest):
new_dest = transport_path(new_dest, destination, os.curdir)"Destination '%s' belongs to '%s'; Selecting that instead" % (destination, new_dest))
destination = new_dest
master_f = os.path.join(destination, self.master_fn)
self.destination = os.path.abspath(destination)
self.main_name = os.path.basename(self.destination)
source_f = os.path.join(destination, self.source_fn)
if os.path.islink(source_f):
self.source = os.readlink(source_f)
if not os.path.isabs(self.source):
self.source = transport_path(self.source, destination, os.curdir)
self.source = None
options_f = os.path.join(destination, self.options_fn)
if os.path.isfile(options_f):
self.options = {k: maybe_number(v) for k, v in (x.split(": ") for x in cat_from(options_f).split("\n"))}
self.options = {}
pattern_f = os.path.join(destination, self.pattern_fn)
if os.path.isfile(pattern_f):
self.pattern = re.compile(cat_from(pattern_f).rstrip("\n"))
self.pattern = self.default_pattern
exclude_f = os.path.join(destination, self.exclude_fn)
if os.path.isfile(exclude_f):
self.exclude = re.compile(cat_from(exclude_f).rstrip("\n"))
self.exclude = None
special_f = os.path.join(destination, self.special_fn)
if os.path.isfile(special_f):
self.specials = list(Special.iterparse(cat_from(special_f)))
self.specials = []
def _save(self, filename, content):
# save data to <destination>/<filename>
path = os.path.join(self.destination, filename)
if content is not None:
with open(path, "w") as f:
elif os.path.exists(path):
def save(self):
# Write settings to disk
if not os.path.isdir(self.destination):
self._save(self.pattern_fn, self.pattern.pattern if self.pattern is not self.default_pattern else None)
self._save(self.exclude_fn, self.exclude.pattern if self.exclude is not None else None)
self._save(self.special_fn, "\n".join(map(Special.source, self.specials)) if self.specials else None)
self._save(self.options_fn, "\n".join((": ".join((k, opt_value_str(v))) for k, v in self.options.items())) if self.options else None)
source_f = os.path.join(self.destination, self.source_fn)
if os.path.islink(source_f):
oldpath = transport_path(os.readlink(source_f), self.destination, os.curdir)
if oldpath != self.source.rstrip("/"):
logger.warn("Updating source link '%s' with '%s'" % (oldpath, self.source))
make_symlink(self.source, source_f)
for sp in self.specials:
if not sp.is_extern:
path = os.path.join(self.destination, "..",
if not os.path.isdir(path):
master_f = os.path.join(path, self.master_fn)
if os.path.islink(master_f):
oldpath = transport_path(os.readlink(master_f), path, os.curdir)
if oldpath != self.destination.rstrip("/"):
logger.warn("Updating master link '%s' with '%s'" % (oldpath, self.destination))
make_symlink(self.destination, master_f)
def effective_specials(self):
return itertools.chain(self.specials, self.auto_specials) if self.option("auto_specials") else self.specials
def option(self, name):
return self.options[name] if name in self.options else self.default_options.get(name, None)
def process_file(self, filename, subdir=None):
# Exclude
if self.option("exclude_parts") and filename.endswith(".part"):
return "skip", "partial download"
elif self.option("exclude_playlists") and (filename[-4:] in (".vml", ".m3u", ".pls")):
return "skip", "playlist file"
elif self.exclude and
return "skip", "excluded"
linkpath = self.destination
# Specials
for special in self.effective_specials:
if bool(subdir) != special.is_subdir or (subdir and subdir != special.subdir):
sm = special.match(filename)
if sm:
result = special.custom(sm, self)
if result:
return result
ep = special.get_episode(sm, self.last_special.get(special, 0))
self.last_special[special] = ep
if special.is_extern:
name =
linkpath = os.path.join(self.destination, "..", name)
name = self.main_name
linkname = self.link_template.format(series=name, season=special.season, episode=ep)
if subdir:
#logger.warn("Unhandled file in subdir %s: %s" % (subdir, filename))
return "skip", "in subdirectory"
m =
if m:
self.last_episode = int("ep"))
self.last_episode += 1
linkname = self.link_template.format(series=self.main_name, season=1, episode=self.last_episode) # TODO: allow more seasons?
return "link", os.path.join(linkpath, linkname + os.path.splitext(filename)[1])
def clean_all(self):
for special in self.specials: # auto_specials doesn't have "extern" specials
if special.is_extern:
clean_links(os.path.join(self.destination, "..",
def run(self, *, dry=False):
if not dry:
self.last_episode = 0 # FIXME: global state
self.last_special = {}
for f in sorted(os.listdir(self.source), key=natural_sort_key):
path = os.path.join(self.source, f)
if os.path.isdir(path):
if self.specials:
for ff in sorted(os.listdir(path), key=natural_sort_key):
if self.handle_file(os.path.join(f, ff), *self.process_file(ff, subdir=f), dry=dry) != 0:
return 1
if self.handle_file(f, *self.process_file(f), dry=dry) != 0:
return 1
def handle_file(self, f, what, where, *, dry=False):
if what == "link":
if os.path.exists(where) and not dry:
logger.error("LINK %s => %s exists!" % (f, os.path.basename(where)))
return 1
else:"LINK %s => %s" % (f, os.path.basename(where)))
if not dry:
make_symlink(os.path.join(self.source, f), where)
elif what == "skip":"SKIP %s (%s)" % (f, where))
assert(False and "Should not be reached")
return 0
def reset(self, *things):
if "pattern" in things:
self.pattern = self.default_pattern
if "exclude" in things:
self.exclude = None
if "specials" in things:
if "options" in things:
def print_info(self):
print("Import Info for %s:" % self.main_name)
print(" Pattern: r'%s'%s" % (self.pattern.pattern, " (default)" if self.pattern is self.default_pattern else ""))
print(" Exclude: %s" % (("r'%s'" % self.exclude.pattern) if self.exclude else "None"))
print(" Options: %s" % self.options)
print(" Specials:%s" % (" (None)" if not self.specials else ""))
for special in self.specials:
print(" %-25s :: %s" % ("r'%s'" % special.pattern.pattern, special._properties))
def flags(self):
return "".join((f for c, f in [
(self.pattern is not self.default_pattern, "p"),
(self.exclude, "e"),
#(self.option("exclude_parts"), "d"),
(not self.option("exclude_parts"), "D"),
(self.option("auto_specials"), "i"),
(not self.option("auto_specials"), "I"),
(self.specials, str(len(self.specials))),
] if c))
## Argument handling ##
class HelpFormatter(argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter):
def __init__(self, prog):
super().__init__(prog, max_help_position=16)
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0], formatter_class=HelpFormatter)
paths = parser.add_argument_group("Paths")
help="The source directory")
paths.add_argument("destination", default=".", nargs="?",
help="The target directory. Note that all visible symlinks inside will be deleted! (default: working dir)")
paths.add_argument("-r", "--recurse", action="store_true",
help="Walk all subdirectories of <destination>")
paths.add_argument("-S", "--check-unknown", action="append", default=[], metavar="PATH",
help="Check The source directory for untracked folders. Use with --recurse")
paths.add_argument("-X", "--check-ignore", action="append", default=[], metavar="FOLDER",
help="Ignore a folder <FOLDER> when checking for untracked folders")
patterns = parser.add_argument_group("Patterns",
description="Patterns are Python re patterns:")
patterns.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", default=None, metavar="PATTERN",
help="Set the episode pattern. Include a named group <ep>")
patterns.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", default=None, metavar="PATTERN",
help="Set the exclusion pattern")
patterns.add_argument("-s", "--special", "--specials", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("SPECIAL", "PATTERN"), dest="specials",
help=("Set the special mapping. This takes 2 arguments and can be specified multiple times.\n"
"1st argument: key=value properties separated by '|'.\n"
"2nd argument: the matching pattern. It should contain a <ep> group\n"
"Valid keys so far are 'type', 'offset', 'name'.\n"
"type can be 'special', 'opening', 'ending', 'trailer', 'parody', 'other' and 'extern'.\n"
"offset adds a fixed number to all episodes numbers matched by the pattern.\n"
"name must only be used with 'extern'. It creates a slave Series to hold the matched episodes in the parent directory.\n"
"It's useful for singling out specials that are recorded as independent series in the metadata provider."))
patterns.add_argument("-a", "--append", action="store_true",
help="Extend the special mapping instead of replacing it")
options = parser.add_argument_group("Options")
options.add_argument("-i", "--auto-specials", action="store_true", dest="auto_specials", default=None,
help="Implicitly add some Specials patterns (default)")
options.add_argument("-I", "--no-auto-specials", action="store_false", dest="auto_specials", default=None,
help="Don't add the implicit Specials patterns")
parser.add_argument("--clear", default=[], action="append", choices={"pattern", "exclude", "specials", "options"},
help="Reset a property to the defaults")
parser.add_argument("-D", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
help="Don't save anything to disk Useful combination")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
## Put the pieces together ##
def main(argv):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)-5s %(message)s")
args = parse_args(argv)
if args.quiet:
if args.source == "info":
if args.recurse:
have_dirs = set()
for dest in filter(os.path.isdir, (os.path.join(args.destination, x) for x in os.listdir(args.destination))):
i = Importer(dest)
if i.destination not in have_dirs:
# We just ignore dupes from slaves
return 0
if args.recurse:
if args.pattern or args.exclude or args.specials or args.auto_specials is not None or args.clear:
logger.error("--recurse can only be combined with --check-unknown")
return -1
got_dirs = set()
OK = 0
dirs = filter(os.path.isdir, (os.path.join(args.destination, x) for x in os.listdir(args.destination)))
if args.source == "update":
fin_dirs = set()
for dest in dirs:
i = Importer(dest)"Processing '%s' (%s)" % (dest, i.flags()))
if not i.source:"'%s' doesn't seem to be an import. Skipping" % os.path.basename(dest))
elif i.destination in fin_dirs:"Already processed '%s'. Skipping" % os.path.basename(dest))
elif not os.path.exists(i.source):
logger.error("Source directory doesn't exist: '%s'" % i.source)
OK += 1
elif not # returns 0 (False) on success
OK += 1
elif args.source == "check":
for dest in dirs:
i = Importer(dest)
if i.source:
logger.error("--recurse can only be used with 'update', 'check' and 'info'")
return -1
if args.check_unknown:
dirs = set(map(os.path.abspath, filter(os.path.isdir, itertools.chain.from_iterable(((os.path.join(f, x) for x in os.listdir(f)) for f in args.check_unknown)))))
ignore = set(map(os.path.abspath, filter(os.path.isdir, itertools.chain.from_iterable(((os.path.join(f, x) for x in args.check_ignore) for f in args.check_unknown)))))
missing = dirs - got_dirs - ignore
if missing:
print("Found missing directories: %s" % "\n ".join(missing))
return OK
elif args.source == "check":
logger.error("'check' only makes sense in combination with --recurse.")
return -1
if args.check_unknown:
logger.error("--check-unknown must be used with --recurse")
return -1
i = Importer(args.destination)
if args.source != "update":
i.source = args.source
elif not args.source:
logger.error("'%s' doesn't look like a previously imported directory" % args.destination)
return -2
if args.pattern:
i.pattern = re.compile(args.pattern)
if args.exclude:
i.exclude = re.compile(args.exclude)
if args.specials:
if args.append:
i.specials.extend(itertools.starmap(Special.parse, args.specials))
i.specials = list(itertools.starmap(Special.parse, args.specials))
for opt in ("auto_specials",):
if getattr(args, opt) is not None:
i.options[opt] = getattr(args, opt)
if not args.dry_run:
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (c) 2015-2017 Taeyeon Mori <>
# Anime Import V5
import os
import sys
import re
import itertools
import functools
import logging
import argparse
logger = logging.getLogger("AnimeImport")
## Utilities ##
def cat_to(filename, text):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def cat_from(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
def abspath_from(path, anchor):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(anchor, path)) if not os.path.isabs(path) else path
def transport_path(path, old_anchor, new_anchor):
:brief: Transport a relative path from one anchor to another
return os.path.relpath(abspath_from(path, old_anchor), new_anchor)
def make_symlink(target, at, anchor=None):
:brief: Make a symbolic link
:param target: The link target
:param at: The location of the new symlink
:param anchor: The anchor if <target> is relative. defaults to os.curdir
This function preserves the absoluteness of <target>, meaning that if you pass in
an absolute path, the link will be created using that absolute path.
However, any relative path will be transported to the new link's containing directory.
That is important if the link isn't created in the cwd because posix symlink() can take
any value which will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link.
if os.path.isabs(target):
os.symlink(target, at)
elif os.path.isdir(at):
os.symlink(transport_path(target, anchor if anchor else os.curdir, at), at)
os.symlink(transport_path(target, anchor if anchor else os.curdir, os.path.dirname(at)), at)
def make_symlink_in(target, in_directory, linkname, anchor=None):
if os.path.isabs(target):
os.symlink(target, os.path.join(in_directory, linkname))
os.symlink(transport_path(target, anchor if anchor else os.curdir, in_directory),
os.path.join(in_directory, linkname))
def clean_links(path):
for f in os.listdir(path):
if not f.startswith(".") and os.path.islink(os.path.join(path, f)):
os.unlink(os.path.join(path, f))
def maybe_number(s):
return int(s) if s.isdigit() else s
def opt_value_str(o):
# since maybe_number converts them back to numbers, we abuse numbers as bools
if o == True:
return "1"
elif o == False:
return "0"
return str(o)
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile(r'(\d+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() for text in _nsre.split(s)]
## Specials patterns ##
class Special:
Specials format:
Specials <= Special '\n' Specials | Special
Special <= Properties '\n' Regexp
Regexp <= regular expression with optional 'ep' group
Properties <= Property '|' Properties | Property
Property <= Name '=' Value
Name <= python identifier
Value <= string value without '\n' and '|'
Valid keys:
type <= "extern" "special" "opening" "ending" "trailer" "parody" "other"
name <= Folder name for "extern" type
offset <= Number to add to the episode number
epnum <= Force all matched episodes to have this episode number (discouraged. use offset instead)
first <= start counting episodes here. This only applies if <ep> is NOT matched in the regexp
subdir <= Specials are located in a subdir of the source
Should contain an <ep> group to match the (relative to [offset]) episode/special/ending/etc number
def __init__(self, properties, pattern):
self._properties = properties
self.pattern = pattern
self.season = 0
if "type" in properties:
t = properties["type"].lower()
if t in ("extern", "episode", "episodes"):
self.season = 1
off = 0
elif t in ("special", "s", "specials"):
off = 0
elif t in ("opening", "op", "openings"):
off = 99
elif t in ("ending", "ed", "endings"):
off = 149
elif t in ("trailer", "t", "trailers"):
off = 199
elif t in ("parody", "p", "parodies"):
off = 299
elif t in ("other", "o", "others"):
off = 399
off = 499
self.type_offset = off
self.type_offset = 0
self.is_extern = "name" in properties
self.is_subdir = "subdir" in properties
if "$custom" in properties:
if not callable(properties["$custom"]):
raise ValueError("$custom Specials must be created from python code and be callable objects")
self.custom = properties["$custom"]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._properties[name]
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self._properties
def source(self):
return "\n".join(("|".join(map("=".join, self._properties.items())), self.pattern.pattern))
def match(self, f):
def custom(self, m, i):
return None
def adjust_episode(self, ep):
ep += self.type_offset
if "offset" in self:
return ep + int(self.offset)
elif "epnum" in self:
return int(self.epnum)
return ep
def get_episode(self, match, last):
if "ep" in self.pattern.groupindex and"ep"):
# TODO: fix this. When doing it properly it breaks the assumption that ...OP is OP1 while OPn is OPn. It makes OP OPn+1
return self.adjust_episode(int("ep")))
#return self.adjust_episode(int("ep")))
elif last == 0:
return self.adjust_episode(1)
return last + 1
def parse_properties(src):
return dict(map(lambda p: p.split("=", 1), src.split("|")))
def parse(cls, props_src, regexp_src):
return cls(cls.parse_properties(props_src), re.compile(regexp_src))
def iterparse(cls, src):
for a, b in zip(*[iter(src.split("\n"))]*2):
yield cls.parse(a, b)
def simple(cls, type, regexp):
return cls({"type": type}, re.compile(regexp))
## The core ##
class Importer:
# Filenames
source_fn = ".source"
master_fn = ".main"
pattern_fn = ".pattern"
exclude_fn = ".exclude"
special_fn = ".specials"
options_fn = ".options"
# Defaults
default_pattern = re.compile(r"[\s_.](?:[Ss](?:eason)?(?P<season>\d+))?[\s_.]*(?:[Ee](?:[Pp]|pisode)?)?[\s_.]?(?P<ep>\d+)(?:\-(?P<untilep>\d+))?([Vv]\d+)?[\s_.]*[\(\[\.]?")
default_options = {
"auto_specials": 1,
"exclude_parts": 1,
"exclude_playlists": 1,
auto_specials = [
Special.simple("Opening", r"[_ ](NC|TV)?OP[ _]?[^\d]"), # FIXME: HACK
Special.simple("Opening", r"[_ ]((NC|TV)?OP|Opening)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)"),
Special.simple("Ending", r"[_ ](NC|TV)?ED[ _]?[^\d]"), # FIXME: HACK
Special.simple("Ending", r"[_ ]((NC|TV)?ED|Ending|Closing)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)"),
Special.simple("Special", r"[_ ](Special|OVA|SP)[ _]?(?P<ep>\d+)?[ _]?"),
# .nfo files
Special({"$custom": lambda m, i: ("link", os.path.join(i.destination, i.main_name + ".nfo"))}, re.compile(r".nfo$"))
link_template = "{series} S{season:d}E{episode:03d}"
until_template = "-E{episode:03d}"
def format_linkname(self, series, season, episode, *, until_ep=None):
linkname = self.link_template.format(series=series, season=season, episode=episode)
if until_ep:
linkname += self.until_template.format(episode=until_ep)
return linkname
def __init__(self, destination):
# Find master
master_f = os.path.join(destination, self.master_fn)
while os.path.islink(master_f):
new_dest = os.readlink(master_f)
if not os.path.isabs(new_dest):
new_dest = transport_path(new_dest, destination, os.curdir)"Destination '%s' belongs to '%s'; Selecting that instead" % (destination, new_dest))
destination = new_dest
master_f = os.path.join(destination, self.master_fn)
self.destination = os.path.abspath(destination)
self.main_name = os.path.basename(self.destination)
def get_source_loc(fn):
source = os.readlink(fn)
if not os.path.isabs(source):
source = transport_path(source, os.path.dirname(fn), os.curdir)
return source
source_f = os.path.join(destination, self.source_fn)
if os.path.islink(source_f):
self.sources = [get_source_loc(source_f)]
elif os.path.isdir(source_f):
self.sources = list(
(os.path.join(source_f, f)
for f in os.listdir(source_f))))))
self.sources = []
options_f = os.path.join(destination, self.options_fn)
if os.path.isfile(options_f):
self.options = {k: maybe_number(v) for k, v in (x.split(": ") for x in cat_from(options_f).split("\n"))}
self.options = {}
pattern_f = os.path.join(destination, self.pattern_fn)
if os.path.isfile(pattern_f):
self.pattern = re.compile(cat_from(pattern_f).rstrip("\n"))
self.pattern = self.default_pattern
exclude_f = os.path.join(destination, self.exclude_fn)
if os.path.isfile(exclude_f):
self.exclude = re.compile(cat_from(exclude_f).rstrip("\n"))
self.exclude = None
special_f = os.path.join(destination, self.special_fn)
if os.path.isfile(special_f):
self.specials = list(Special.iterparse(cat_from(special_f)))
self.specials = []
def _save(self, filename, content):
# save data to <destination>/<filename>
path = os.path.join(self.destination, filename)
if content is not None:
with open(path, "w") as f:
elif os.path.exists(path):
def save(self):
# Write settings to disk
if not os.path.isdir(self.destination):
self._save(self.pattern_fn, self.pattern.pattern if self.pattern is not self.default_pattern else None)
self._save(self.exclude_fn, self.exclude.pattern if self.exclude is not None else None)
self._save(self.special_fn, "\n".join(map(Special.source, self.specials)) if self.specials else None)
self._save(self.options_fn, "\n".join((": ".join((k, opt_value_str(v))) for k, v in self.options.items())) if self.options else None)
source_f = os.path.join(self.destination, self.source_fn)
if os.path.islink(source_f):
oldpath = transport_path(os.readlink(source_f), self.destination, os.curdir)
if oldpath != self.sources[0].rstrip("/"):
logger.warn("Updating source link '%s' with '%s'" % (oldpath, self.sources[0]))
if len(self.sources) > 1 or os.path.isdir(source_f):
if os.path.isdir(source_f):
for i, link in enumerate(
sorted((os.path.join(source_f, f) for f in os.listdir(source_f)), key=natural_sort_key))):
oldpath = transport_path(os.readlink(link), source_f, os.curdir)
if i >= len(self.sources):
logger.warn("Removing source link '%s'" % oldpath)
elif oldpath != self.sources[i].rstrip("/"):
logger.warn("Updating source link '%s' with '%s'" % (oldpath, self.sources[i]))
for i, source in enumerate(self.sources):
make_symlink_in(source, source_f, str(i))
make_symlink(self.sources[0], source_f)
for sp in self.specials:
if not sp.is_extern:
path = os.path.join(self.destination, "..",
if not os.path.isdir(path):
master_f = os.path.join(path, self.master_fn)
if os.path.islink(master_f):
oldpath = transport_path(os.readlink(master_f), path, os.curdir)
if oldpath != self.destination.rstrip("/"):
logger.warn("Updating master link '%s' with '%s'" % (oldpath, self.destination))
make_symlink(self.destination, master_f)
def effective_specials(self):
return itertools.chain(self.specials, self.auto_specials) if self.option("auto_specials") else self.specials
def option(self, name):
return self.options[name] if name in self.options else self.default_options.get(name, None)
def process_file(self, filename, subdir=None):
# Exclude
if self.option("exclude_parts") and filename.endswith(".part"):
return "skip", "partial download"
elif self.option("exclude_playlists") and (filename[-4:] in (".vml", ".m3u", ".pls")):
return "skip", "playlist file"
elif self.exclude and
return "skip", "excluded"
linkpath = self.destination
# Specials
for special in self.effective_specials:
if bool(subdir) != special.is_subdir or (subdir and subdir != special.subdir):
sm = special.match(filename)
if sm:
result = special.custom(sm, self)
if result:
return result
ep = special.get_episode(sm, self.last_special.get(special, 0))
self.last_special[special] = ep
if special.is_extern:
name =
linkpath = os.path.join(self.destination, "..", name)
name = self.main_name
linkname = self.link_template.format(series=name, season=special.season, episode=ep)
if subdir:
#logger.warn("Unhandled file in subdir %s: %s" % (subdir, filename))
return "skip", "in subdirectory"
# Default values
data = {
"series": self.main_name,
"season": 1,
"episode": self.last_episode + 1
# Try to extract info from filename
m =
if m:
# Season number (optional)
if "season" in self.pattern.groupindex and"season"):
season = int("season"))
# Episode number (mandatory)
data["episode"] = int("ep"))
# Until episode number for files containing multiple episodes (optional)
if "untilep" in self.pattern.groupindex and"untilep"):
data["until_ep"] = int("untilep"))
linkname = self.format_linkname(**data)
self.last_episode = (data["until_ep"] if "until_ep" in data else data["episode"])
return "link", os.path.join(linkpath, linkname + os.path.splitext(filename)[1])
def clean_all(self):
for special in self.specials: # auto_specials doesn't have "extern" specials
if special.is_extern:
clean_links(os.path.join(self.destination, "..",
def run(self, *, dry=False):
if not dry:
self.last_episode = 0 # FIXME: global state is bad
self.last_special = {}
for source in self.sources:
for f in sorted(os.listdir(source), key=natural_sort_key):
path = os.path.join(source, f)
if os.path.isdir(path):
if self.specials:
for ff in sorted(os.listdir(path), key=natural_sort_key):
if self.handle_file(source, os.path.join(f, ff), *self.process_file(ff, subdir=f), dry=dry) != 0:
return 1
if self.handle_file(source, f, *self.process_file(f), dry=dry) != 0:
return 1
def handle_file(self, source, f, what, where, *, dry=False):
if what == "link":
if os.path.exists(where) and not dry:
logger.error("LINK %s => %s exists!" % (f, os.path.basename(where)))
return 1
else:"LINK %s => %s" % (f, os.path.basename(where)))
if not dry:
make_symlink(os.path.join(source, f), where)
elif what == "skip":"SKIP %s (%s)" % (f, where))
assert(False and "Should not be reached")
return 0
def reset(self, *things):
if "pattern" in things:
self.pattern = self.default_pattern
if "exclude" in things:
self.exclude = None
if "specials" in things:
if "options" in things:
def print_info(self):
print("Series Info for %s:" % self.main_name)
print("-" * (17 + len(self.main_name)))
print("Sources | %s" % ("\n | ".join(self.sources)))
print("Pattern | r'%s'%s" % (self.pattern.pattern, " (default)" if self.pattern is self.default_pattern else ""))
print("Exclude | %s" % (("r'%s'" % self.exclude.pattern) if self.exclude else "None"))
print("Options | %s" % self.options)
print("Specials | %s" % ("None"
if not self.specials else
"\n | ".join("%-35s :: %s" % ("r'%s'" % special.pattern.pattern, special._properties)
for special in self.specials)))
def flags(self):
return "".join((f for c, f in [
(self.pattern is not self.default_pattern, "p"),
(self.exclude, "e"),
#(self.option("exclude_parts"), "d"),
(not self.option("exclude_parts"), "D"),
(self.option("auto_specials"), "i"),
(not self.option("auto_specials"), "I"),
(self.specials, str(len(self.specials))),
] if c))
## Argument handling ##
class HelpFormatter(argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter):
def __init__(self, prog):
super().__init__(prog, max_help_position=16)
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0], formatter_class=HelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("-l", "--library", default=".",
help="The library folder to work on [%(default)s]")
commands = parser.add_subparsers(title="Commands", dest="command")
# import
importc = commands.add_parser("import", description="Add a new source location")
help="The new source directory")
help="The series (directory) name. All non-hidden symlinks inside will be deleted!")
# unlink
unlink = commands.add_parser("unlink", description="Remove a source location")
help="The series name")
help="The source directory to remove")
# config
config = commands.add_parser("config", description="Modify series configuration")
help="The series name")
patterns = config.add_argument_group("Patterns",
description="Patterns are Python re patterns:")
patterns.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", default=None, metavar="PATTERN",
help="Set the episode pattern. Include a named group <ep>; Optionally <season> and <untilep>")
patterns.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", default=None, metavar="PATTERN",
help="Set the exclusion pattern")
patterns.add_argument("-s", "--special", "--specials", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", metavar=("SPECIAL", "PATTERN"), dest="specials",
help=("Set the special mapping. This takes 2 arguments and can be specified multiple times.\n"
"1st argument: key=value properties separated by '|'.\n"
"2nd argument: the matching pattern. It should contain a <ep> group\n"
"Valid keys so far are 'type', 'offset', 'name'.\n"
"type can be 'special', 'opening', 'ending', 'trailer', 'parody', 'other' and 'extern'.\n"
"offset adds a fixed number to all episodes numbers matched by the pattern.\n"
"name must only be used with 'extern'. It creates a slave Series to hold the matched episodes in the parent directory.\n"
"It's useful for singling out specials that are recorded as independent series in the metadata provider."))
patterns.add_argument("-a", "--append", action="store_true",
help="Extend the special mapping instead of replacing it")
options = config.add_argument_group("Options")
options.add_argument("-i", "--auto-specials", action="store_true", dest="auto_specials", default=None,
help="Implicitly add some Specials patterns (default)")
options.add_argument("-I", "--no-auto-specials", action="store_false", dest="auto_specials", default=None,
help="Don't add the implicit Specials patterns")
config.add_argument("--clear", default=[], action="append", choices={"pattern", "exclude", "specials", "options"},
help="Reset a property to the defaults")
# Check
check = commands.add_parser("check", description="Check library and report untracked sources", fromfile_prefix_chars="@")
check.add_argument("source_roots", nargs="*", metavar="SOURCE_ROOT",
help="Directory path containing source directories")
check.add_argument("-X", "--ignore", action="append", default=[], metavar="DIR",
help="Ignore a directory DIR when checking for untracked sources")
check.add_argument("-I", "--interactive-import", action="store_true",
help="Interactively import any untracked sources")
# Update
update = commands.add_parser("update", description="Update the symlinks")
update.add_argument("series", nargs="*", default=[],
help="Update only these series (Default: all)")
# Info
info = commands.add_parser("info", description="Show information about a series")
info.add_argument("series", nargs="+",
help="Update only these series")
# Global misc
parser.add_argument("-U", "--no-update", action="store_true",
help="Don't automatically update symlinks. Use '%(prog)s update' later (applicable to import, unlink, config)")
parser.add_argument("-D", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
help="Don't save anything to disk Useful combination")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
## Put the pieces together ##
# Helpers
def run_update(i, args):
""" Update the symlinks for a Series Importer """
return == 0
def get_series_importer(args, series=None):
if series is None:
series = args.series
if series is ".":
if args.library == "..":
series = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
raise ValueError("Using '.' as series is only valid when using '..' for library")
if args.library != ".":
return Importer(os.path.join(args.library, series))
return Importer(series)
def list_series_paths(library):
return [de.path
for de in os.scandir(library)
if de.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False)]
def get_series_importers(args, series=None):
if series:
return map(functools.partial(get_series_importer, args), series)
return map(Importer, list_series_paths(args.library))
def check(i):
if not i.sources:
logger.warn("'%s' doesn't have any sources" % i.main_name)
return False
have_sources = list(map(os.path.isdir, i.sources))
if not all(have_sources):
for source, isdir in zip(i.sources, have_sources):
if not isdir:
logger.error("Source link for '%s' doesn't exist: '%s'" % (i.main_name, source))
return False
return True
def do_interactive_import(args, sources):
for source in sources:
source = os.path.relpath(source, args.library)
print("Importing from %s:" % source)
series = input(" Enter Series Name or hit return to skip --> ")
if not series:
i = get_series_importer(args, series)
if i.sources:
print("Adding source '%s' to existing '%s'" % (source, series))
if not args.dry_run:
if not args.no_update:
run_update(i, args)
# Command Mains
def import_main(args):
i = get_series_importer(args)
if args.source not in i.sources:
if i.sources:"Adding source '%s' to '%s'" % (args.source, args.series))
logger.warn("Source '%s' already linked to '%s'" % (args.source, args.series))
if not args.dry_run:
if not args.no_update:
run_update(i, args)
return 0
def unlink_main(args):
i = get_series_importer(args)
source = transport_path(args.source, os.getcwd(), args.library)
print (i.sources)
if source not in i.sources:
logger.error("Source '%s' not linked to '%s'" % (args.source, args.series))
return 1
logger.warn("Unlinking Source '%s' from '%s'" % (args.source, args.series))
if not args.dry_run:
if not args.no_update:
run_update(i, args)
return 0
def config_main(args):
i = get_series_importer(args)
if args.pattern:
i.pattern = re.compile(args.pattern)
if args.exclude:
i.exclude = re.compile(args.exclude)
if args.specials:
if args.append:
i.specials.extend(itertools.starmap(Special.parse, args.specials))
i.specials = list(itertools.starmap(Special.parse, args.specials))
for opt in ("auto_specials",):
if getattr(args, opt) is not None:
i.options[opt] = getattr(args, opt)
if not args.dry_run:
if not args.no_update:
run_update(i, args)
return 0
def check_main(args):
got_dirs = set()
for i in get_series_importers(args):
if check(i):
got_dirs.update(map(os.path.abspath, i.sources))
if args.source_roots:
dirs = set(map(os.path.abspath, filter(os.path.isdir, itertools.chain.from_iterable(((os.path.join(f, x) for x in os.listdir(f)) for f in args.source_roots)))))
ignore = set(map(os.path.abspath, filter(os.path.isdir, itertools.chain.from_iterable(((os.path.join(f, x) for x in args.ignore) for f in args.source_roots)))))
missing = dirs - got_dirs - ignore
if missing:
if args.interactive_import:
return do_interactive_import(args, missing)
print("Found missing directories:\n %s" % "\n ".join(os.path.relpath(m) for m in missing))
return 0
def update_main(args):
fin_dirs = set()
for i in get_series_importers(args, args.series):"Processing '%s' (%s)" % (i.main_name, i.flags()))
if i.destination in fin_dirs:"Already processed '%s'. Skipping" % i.main_name)
if not check(i):
if run_update(i, args):
got_dirs.update(map(os.path.abspath, i.sources))
return 0
def info_main(args):
for i in get_series_importers(args, args.series):
return 0
# Program Main
def main(argv):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)-5s %(message)s")
args = parse_args(argv)
if args.quiet:
if args.command == "info":
return info_main(args)
if args.command == "import":
return import_main(args)
if args.command == "unlink":
return unlink_main(args)
if args.command == "config":
return config_main(args)
if args.command == "update":
return update_main(args)
if args.command == "check":
return check_main(args)
logger.exception("An Exception occured")
return 255
if __name__ == "__main__":