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5 years ago
# Discover Steam install and games
# (c) 2020 Taeyeon Mori CC-BY-SA
import sys, os
import re, fnmatch, datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Iterable, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Union
from vdfparser import VdfParser, DeepDict
class CachedProperty:
""" A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces
itself with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the
def __init__(self, func):
self.__doc__ = getattr(func, '__doc__')
self.func = func
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj)
return value
class DictPathRoProperty:
__slots__ = "property", "path", "default"
_nodefault = object()
def __init__(self, property: str, path: Tuple[str], default=_nodefault):
| = property
self.path = path
self.default = default
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
d = getattr(obj,
for pc in self.path:
d = d[pc]
except KeyError:
if self.default is not self._nodefault:
return self.default
return d
class DictPathProperty(DictPathRoProperty):
__slots__ = ()
def _get_create_parent(self, obj) -> Dict:
d = getattr(obj,
for pc in self.path[:-1]:
d = d[pc]
except KeyError:
nd = {}
d[pc] = nd
d = nd
return d
def __set__(self, obj, value):
self._get_create_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]] = value
def __delete__(self, obj):
del self._get_create_parent(obj)[self.path[-1]]
_vdf = VdfParser()
class App:
steam: 'Steam'
library_folder: 'LibraryFolder'
steamapps_path: Path
manifest_path: Path
manifest: DeepDict
def __init__(self, libfolder, manifest_path: Path, *, manifest_data=None):
self.steam = libfolder.steam
self.library_folder = libfolder
self.steamapps_path = libfolder.steamapps_path
self.manifest_path = manifest_path
if manifest_data is None:
with open(manifest_path) as f:
self.manifest = _vdf.parse(f)
self.manifest = manifest_data
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.App %d '%s' @ \"%s\">" % (self.appid,, self.install_path)
# Basic info
def appid(self) -> int:
return int(self.manifest["AppState"]["appid"])
name = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "name"))
language = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "UserConfig", "language"), None)
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "installdir"))
def install_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "common" / self.install_dir
def get_userdata_path(self, user_id: Union[int, 'LoginUser']) -> Path:
return self.steam.get_userdata_path(user_id) / str(self.appid)
# Workshop
def workshop_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "workshop" / "content" / str(self.appid)
# Steam Play info
def compat_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "compatdata" / str(self.appid)
def compat_drive(self) -> Path:
return self.compat_path / "pfx" / "drive_c"
# Install size
declared_install_size = DictPathRoProperty("manifest", ("AppState", "SizeOnDisk"), 0)
def compute_install_size(self) -> int:
def sum_size(p: Path):
acc = 0
for x in p.iterdir():
if x.is_dir():
acc += sum_size(x)
acc += x.stat().st_size
return acc
return sum_size(self.install_path)
class LibraryFolder:
steam: 'Steam'
path: Path
def __init__(self, steam: 'Steam', path: Path):
self.steam = steam
self.path = path
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.LibraryFolder @ \"%s\">" % self.path
# Paths
def steamapps_path(self) -> Path:
steamapps = self.path / "steamapps"
if not steamapps.exists():
# Emulate case-insensitivity
cased = self.path / "SteamApps"
if cased.exists():
steamapps = cased
# try to find other variation
found = [d for d in self.path.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and == "steamapps"]
if len(found) > 1:
raise Exception("More than one steamapps folder in library folder", self.path)
elif found:
return found[0]
# if none exists, return non-existant default name
return steamapps
def common_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "common"
def appmanifests(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
return self.steamapps_path.glob("appmanifest_*.acf") # pylint:disable=no-member
def apps(self) -> Iterable[App]:
return (App(self, mf) for mf in self.appmanifests)
def get_app(self, appid: int) -> Optional[App]:
manifest = self.steamapps_path / ("appmanifest_%d.acf" % appid)
if manifest.exists():
return App(self, manifest)
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str) -> Iterable[App]:
reg = re.compile(r'"name"\s+".*%s.*"' % regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
for manifest in self.appmanifests: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
with open(manifest) as f:
content =
yield App(self, manifest, manifest_data=_vdf.parse_string(content))
def find_apps(self, pattern: str) -> Iterable[App]:
return self.find_apps_re(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"))
class UserAppConfig:
user: 'LoginUser'
appid: int
def __init__(self, user, appid):
self.user = user
self.appid = appid
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.UserAppConfig appid=%d for account %s>" % (self.appid, self.user.account_name)
def _data(self):
return self.user.localconfig["UserLocalConfigStore"]["Software"]["Valve"]["Steam"]["Apps"][str(self.appid)]
except KeyError:
return {} # TODO
def last_played(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self._data.get("LastPlayed", "0")))
def playtime(self) -> datetime.time:
t = int(self._data.get("Playtime", "0"))
return datetime.time(t // 60, t % 60)
def playtime_two_weeks(self) -> datetime.time:
t = int(self._data.get("Playtime2wks", "0"))
return datetime.time(t // 60, t % 60)
launch_options = DictPathProperty("_data", ("LaunchOptions",), None)
class LoginUser:
steam: 'Steam'
id: int
info: Dict[str, str]
def __init__(self, steam, id: int, info: Dict):
self.steam = steam
| = id
| = info
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.LoginUser %d %s '%s'>" % ( , self.account_name, self.username)
def account_id(self):
""" 32-bit account ID """
return & 0xffffffff
account_name = DictPathRoProperty("info", ("AccountName",))
username = DictPathRoProperty("info", ("PersonaName",))
def userdata_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steam.get_userdata_path(self)
def localconfig_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.userdata_path / "config" / "localconfig.vdf"
def localconfig(self) -> DeepDict:
with open(self.localconfig_vdf) as f:
return _vdf.parse(f)
# Game config
def get_app_config(self, app: Union[int, App]) -> Optional[UserAppConfig]:
if isinstance(app, App):
app = app.appid
return UserAppConfig(self, app)
class Steam:
root: Path
def __init__(self, install_path=None):
self.root = install_path if install_path is not None else self.find_install_path()
if self.root is None:
raise Exception("Could not find Steam")
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.Steam @ \"%s\">" % self.root
def find_install_path() -> Optional[Path]:
# TODO: Windows
# Linux
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# Try ~/.steam first
dotsteam = Path(os.path.expanduser("~/.steam"))
if dotsteam.exists():
steamroot = (dotsteam / "root").resolve()
if steamroot.exists():
return steamroot
# Try ~/.local/share/Steam, classic ~/Steam
data_dir = Path(os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share")).expanduser()
for path in data_dir, Path("~").expanduser():
for name in "Steam", "SteamBeta":
steamroot = path / name
if steamroot.exists():
return steamroot
# Various paths
def libraryfolders_vdf(self) -> Path:
""" The libraryfolders.vdf file listing all configured library locations """
return self.root / "steamapps" / "libraryfolders.vdf"
def config_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.root / "config" / "config.vdf"
def loginusers_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.root / "config" / "loginusers.vdf"
# Users
def most_recent_user(self) -> Optional[LoginUser]:
with open(self.loginusers_vdf) as f:
data = _vdf.parse(f)
for id, info in data["users"].items():
if info["mostrecent"] == "1":
return LoginUser(self, int(id), info)
except KeyError:
return None
def get_userdata_path(self, user_id: Union[int, LoginUser]) -> Path:
if isinstance(user_id, LoginUser):
user_id = user_id.account_id
return self.root / "userdata" / str(user_id)
# Game/App Library
def library_folder_paths(self) -> List[Path]:
with open(self.libraryfolders_vdf) as f:
return [Path(v) for k,v in _vdf.parse(f)["LibraryFolders"].items() if k.isdigit()]
def library_folders(self) -> List[LibraryFolder]:
return [LibraryFolder(self, self.root)] + [LibraryFolder(self, p) for p in self.library_folder_paths] #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
def apps(self) -> Iterable[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
yield from lf.apps
def get_app(self, id: int) -> Optional[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
app = lf.get_app(id)
if app is not None:
return app
def find_apps(self, pattern: str) -> Iterable[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
yield from lf.find_apps(pattern)
def find_app(self, pattern: str) -> Optional[App]:
for app in self.find_apps(pattern):
return app