You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

620 lines
22 KiB

// Isolate steam in a namespace
// (c) 2019 Taeyeon mori <taeyeon at>
#include "kons_clone.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/signalfd.h>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
constexpr auto ROOT_DIR = ".local/steam";
constexpr auto DEFAULT_CMD = std::array<char const *const, 2>{"/bin/bash", nullptr};
constexpr auto STEAM_USER = "steamuser";
// Helpers
int xerror(const char *desc) {
return -errno;
[[noreturn]] void die(int r, const char *msg) {
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
[[noreturn]] void die_errno(int r, const char *msg) {
// Report to parent process
template <typename T>
class proc_future {
sem_t ready;
T value;
proc_future(int shared) {
sem_init(&ready, shared, 0);
~proc_future() {
T wait() {
return value;
void post(const T &v) {
value = v;
static proc_future<T> *create() {
auto shm = mmap(nullptr, sizeof(proc_future<T>), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED, -1, 0);
if (shm == MAP_FAILED)
return nullptr;
return new (shm) proc_future<T>(1);
// in shared VM, unmap() must be skipped
static proc_future<T> *create_private() {
auto shm = mmap(nullptr, sizeof(proc_future<T>), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
if (shm == MAP_FAILED)
return nullptr;
return new (shm) proc_future<T>(0);
// Waiting process must call destroy()
void destroy() {
munmap(this, sizeof(proc_future<T>));
// Posting process must call unmap() instead
void unmap() {
munmap(this, sizeof(proc_future<T>));
// ========================================================
// Namespace spawn process
// ========================================================
namespace nsproc {
struct config {
fs::path root_path, home_path, pwd;
char *const *exec_argv; // must be nullptr-terminated
uid_t uid, gid;
bool mounts, gui_mounts, system_ro, keep_root, dummy_mode, pid_ns, use_host_root;
std::optional<fs::path> setup_exec;
int ns_path_fd;
int pid1() {
sigset_t mask;
sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD);
if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL) == -1)
return xerror("sigprocmask");
int sfd = signalfd(-1, &mask, 0);
if (sfd == -1)
return xerror("signalfd");
fd_set fds;
struct timeval const tv = {.tv_sec = 60,.tv_usec = 0};
while (true) {
FD_SET(sfd, &fds);
struct timeval _tv = tv;
int retval = select(sfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &_tv);
if (retval < 0)
return xerror("select");
else if (retval) {
struct signalfd_siginfo si;
int s = read(sfd, &si, sizeof(si));
if (s != sizeof(si))
return xerror("signalfd_read");
if (si.ssi_signo != SIGCHLD) {
std::cerr << "Warn: Got signal != SIGCHLD" << std::endl;
// Reap children
while (true) {
pid_t w = ::waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG);
if (w == -1) {
if (errno == ECHILD)
// Check if there are still processes in namespace
auto dir = ko::fs::dir_ptr("/proc");
int count = 0;
for (auto ent : dir) {
if (!isdigit(ent.d_name[0]))
if (count <= 1)
return 0;
int exec_app(const config &conf) {
if (conf.pwd.empty()) {
// Go to home is_directory
auto home = ko::os::get_home();
} else if (chdir(conf.pwd.c_str())) {
die_errno(50, "Could not preserve working directory (Maybe -k is required?)");
// Env.
setenv("TMPDIR", "/tmp", 1); // Any subfolders may not exist
setenv("PULSE_SERVER", ko::util::str("unix:/run/user/", conf.uid, "/pulse/native").c_str(), 0);
// Run provided setup cmd
if (conf.setup_exec) {
const char* argv[2] = {conf.setup_exec.value().c_str(), nullptr};
auto proc = ko::proc::simple_spawn(argv);
// Drop Permissions
setresgid(conf.gid, conf.gid, conf.gid);
setresuid(conf.uid, conf.uid, conf.uid);
// Exec
execvpe(conf.exec_argv[0], conf.exec_argv, environ);
return xerror("exec");
int nsproc_create(const config &conf, proc_future<int> *report) {
// Mount Namespace
fs::path root = conf.root_path;
if (conf.mounts) {
// Slightly hacky
auto run_media_path = ko::util::str("/run/media/", getenv("USER"));
auto [err, where] = ko::util::cvshort()
// Mount base system: /, /proc, /sys, /dev, /tmp, /run
.then([&conf, &root]() -> ko::util::cvresult {
if (conf.use_host_root) {
root = ko::fs::create_temporary_directory();
auto rel_home = conf.home_path.relative_path();
if (root.empty())
return {1, "create temporary directory"};
return ko::util::cvshort()
ko::os::bind, "/", root, MS_REC|MS_SLAVE)
// Make / read-only
.ifthen("remount_ro", conf.system_ro,
ko::os::bind, "/", root, MS_REMOUNT|MS_RDONLY)
.ifthen("mount_tmp", fs::exists(root / "tmp"),
ko::os::mount, "tmp", root / "tmp", "tmpfs", 0, nullptr)
.ifthen("mount_run", fs::exists(root / "run"),
ko::os::mount, "run", root / "run", "tmpfs", 0, nullptr)
ko::os::bind, conf.root_path / rel_home, root / rel_home, MS_REC|MS_SLAVE);
} else {
return ko::util::cvshort()
.then(ko::ns::mount::mount_core, root)
// Mount /usr readonly because file permissions are useless in a single-uid namespace
.ifthen(conf.system_ro && fs::exists(root / "usr"),
ko::ns::mount::protect_path, root / "usr")
.ifthen(conf.system_ro && fs::exists(root / "etc"),
ko::ns::mount::protect_path, root / "etc")
// Recursively bind in /media and /run/media/$USER for games
.ifthen("bind_media", fs::exists("/media") && fs::exists(root / "media"),
ko::os::bind, "/media", root / "media", MS_REC)
// Add a dummy user to /etc/passwd
.then("bind_passwd", [&conf, &root]() {
auto etc_passwd = root / "etc/passwd";
auto tmp_passwd = root / "tmp/passwd";
if (fs::exists(etc_passwd)) {
fs::copy(etc_passwd, tmp_passwd);
auto s = std::fstream(tmp_passwd, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
s << std::endl << STEAM_USER << ":x:" << conf.uid << ":" << conf.gid << ":Steam Container User:" << conf.home_path.native() << ":/bin/bash" << std::endl;
return ko::os::bind(tmp_passwd, etc_passwd);
return 0;
.ifthen("bind_run_media", fs::exists(run_media_path), [&conf, &root, &run_media_path] () {
auto target_path = conf.use_host_root ? (root / run_media_path) : (root / "run/media" / STEAM_USER);
std::error_code ec;
fs::create_directories(target_path, ec);
if (ec)
return 1;
return ko::os::bind(run_media_path, target_path, MS_REC);
// Mount different things required by gui apps
ko::ns::mount::mount_gui, root, conf.home_path.relative_path(), ko::util::str("run/user/", conf.uid))
// Finally, pivot_root
.then(ko::ns::mount::pivot_root, root, "mnt", conf.keep_root);
if (err) {
if (report) report->post(1);
errno = err;
return xerror(where);
if (report) report->post(0);
// Run Application
if (!conf.dummy_mode)
return exec_app(conf);
return pid1();
// Joining Existing
// Must associate pid namespace in parent process first!
int nsproc_join_parent(const config &conf) {
auto [err, where] = ko::util::cvshort()
.then("setns_p_user", ko::ns::setns, "user", CLONE_NEWUSER, conf.ns_path_fd)
.then("setns_p_pid", ko::ns::setns, "pid", CLONE_NEWPID, conf.ns_path_fd);
if (err)
return xerror(where);
return 0;
int nsproc_join_child(const config &conf) {
auto [err, where] = ko::util::cvshort()
//.then("setns_c_user", ko::ns::setns, "user", CLONE_NEWUSER, conf.ns_path_fd)
.then("setns_c_mnt", ko::ns::setns, "mnt", CLONE_NEWNS, conf.ns_path_fd);
if (err)
return xerror(where);
return exec_app(conf);
// ========================================================
// Main
// ========================================================
void usage(const char *prog) {
std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl
<< " " << prog << " -h" << std::endl
<< " " << prog << " [-rMGk] [-p <path>] [-e <path>] [--] <argv...>" << std::endl
<< " " << prog << " -c <path> [-MGk] [-p <path>] [-e <path>] [--] <argv...>" << std::endl
<< " " << prog << " -j <path> [-e <path>] [--] <argv...>" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "General Options:" << std::endl
<< " -h Display this help text" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Namespace Sharing Options:" << std::endl
<< " -c <path> Create joinable namespace" << std::endl
<< " -j <path> Join namespaces identified by path" << std::endl
<< "Note: Passing the single-character '-' will use '$root_path/.namespace'" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Namespace Joining Options:" << std::endl
<< " -p <path> The path to use for '-j-'" << std::endl
<< " -D Automatically spawn a instance of '" << prog << " -Dc'" << std::endl
<< " into the background if the ns path doesn't exist." << std::endl
<< "Note: -D can be combined with most options from the NS Creation section below" << std::endl
<< " but those options are ignored unless the ns must be created" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Namespace Creation Options:" << std::endl
<< " -r Run in fakeroot mode (implies -W)" << std::endl
<< " -H Use host rootfs (only mount steamns home" << std::endl
<< " -p <path> Use custom root path" << std::endl
<< " -M Don't set up mouts (implies -G)" << std::endl
<< " -G Don't set up GUI-related mounts" << std::endl
<< " -W Don't make system paths read-only (/usr, /etc)" << std::endl
<< " -k Keep the original root filesystem at /mnt" << std::endl
<< " -w Preserve working directory (may require -k)" << std::endl
<< " -e <path> Exceute a file during namespace setup" << std::endl
<< " -D Don't run any program, but idle to keep the namespace active." << std::endl
<< " This also takes care of reaping Zombies if it is PID 1." << std::endl;
struct config {
fs::path root_path;
const char *const *exec_argv =;
bool fakeroot = false,
mounts = true,
gui_mounts = true,
keep_root = false,
keep_pwd = false,
dummy_mode = false,
pid_ns = true,
ns_create = false,
system_ro = true,
use_host_root = false;
std::optional<fs::path> ns_path,
// Parse commandline arguments
// returns -1 on success, exit code otherwise
int parse_cmdline(config &conf, int argc, const char *const *argv) {
constexpr auto spec = "+hp:rHkwWMGe:c:j:D";
std::optional<fs::path> create_path, join_path;
while (true) {
auto opt = getopt(argc, const_cast<char *const *>(argv), spec);
if (opt == -1)
else if (opt == '?' || opt == 'h') {
return opt == 'h' ? 0 : 1;
else if (opt == 'r') {
conf.fakeroot = true;
conf.system_ro = false;
else if (opt == 'p')
conf.root_path = ::optarg;
else if (opt == 'M')
conf.mounts = false;
else if (opt == 'G')
conf.gui_mounts = false;
else if (opt == 'W')
conf.system_ro = false;
else if (opt == 'k')
conf.keep_root = true;
else if (opt == 'w')
conf.keep_pwd = true;
else if (opt == 'e')
conf.ns_setup_exec = ::optarg;
else if (opt == 'c')
create_path = ::optarg;
else if (opt == 'j')
join_path = ::optarg;
else if (opt == 'D')
conf.dummy_mode = true;
else if (opt == 'H')
conf.use_host_root = true;
// Check sanity
bool good = true;
if (join_path) {
if (create_path) {
std::cerr << "Error: -c and -j cannot be combined" << std::endl;
good = false;
// NOTE: let -p slip by to facilitate '-p<path> -j-' use-case
if (!conf.dummy_mode && (!conf.mounts || !conf.gui_mounts || conf.keep_root || conf.use_host_root)) {
std::cerr << "Error: -j cannot be combined with any namespace setup options (-MGk) unless -D is given" << std::endl;
good = false;
conf.ns_path = join_path;
if (create_path) {
conf.ns_path = create_path;
conf.ns_create = true;
if (conf.ns_path) {
// This is somewhat arbitrary but should prevent accidentally entering a fakeroot ns using -j
if (conf.fakeroot) {
std::cerr << "Error: -r cannot be combined with -c or -j" << std::endl;
good = false;
if (conf.use_host_root) {
std::cerr << "Error: -H cannot be combined with -c or -j" << std::endl;
good = false;
// - Special default in -j and -c
if (*conf.ns_path == "-")
conf.ns_path = conf.root_path / ".namespace";
} else if (conf.dummy_mode) {
std::cerr << "Error: -D must be combined with -c or -j" << std::endl;
good = false;
if (!good) {
return 5;
// Rest is child cmnd
if (argc > ::optind)
conf.exec_argv = &argv[::optind];
return -1;
fs::path transpose_prefix(const fs::path &p, const fs::path &prefix, const fs::path &replace) {
static const auto up = fs::path{".."};
auto rel = fs::relative(p, prefix);
for (auto &c : rel) {
if (c == up)
return {};
return replace / rel;
fs::path convert_path(const config &conf, const fs::path &p) {
static const auto mounts = std::array<std::pair<fs::path,fs::path>, 2>{
std::pair{conf.root_path, "/"},
std::pair{"/media", "/media"}
for (auto &pr : mounts) {
auto res = transpose_prefix(p, pr.first, pr.second);
if (!res.empty())
return res;
return fs::path{"/mnt"} / p;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
auto home = ko::os::get_home();
auto uid = getuid();
auto gid = getgid();
// Set defaults
auto conf = config{
.root_path = home / ROOT_DIR,
// Parse commandline
auto perr = parse_cmdline(conf, argc, argv);
if (perr != -1)
return perr;
// FIXME should lock something. Not sure what though. this can currently race
if (conf.ns_path) {
auto st = fs::symlink_status(*conf.ns_path);
if (fs::exists(st)) {
if (conf.ns_create) {
std::cerr << "Error: File exists: " << *conf.ns_path << std::endl;
return -EEXIST;
} else {
auto tgt = fs::status(*conf.ns_path);
if (!fs::exists(tgt)) {
std::cerr << "Warning: Cleaning up stale ns link " << *conf.ns_path << " to " << fs::read_symlink(*conf.ns_path) << std::endl;
} else if (!conf.ns_create && !conf.dummy_mode) {
std::cerr << "Error: No such file: " << *conf.ns_path << std::endl;
return -ENOENT;
// Auto-create dummy instance
auto parent_future = [&conf]() ->proc_future<int>* {
if (!conf.ns_create && conf.dummy_mode && !fs::exists(*conf.ns_path)) {
// Fork twice while communicating child pid
auto f = proc_future<int>::create();
if (!f)
die_errno(31, "Could not allocate future for dummy process");
auto vpid = ::vfork();
if (vpid < 0)
die_errno(32, "Could not spawn dummy process (-Dc)");
else if (vpid == 0) {
auto pid = ::fork();
if (pid < 0)
else if (pid > 0)
// Daemon process here
// Switch to creation mode
conf.ns_create = true;
return f;
} else {
// Parent process here
// check if second fork failed
int st = 0;
waitpid(vpid, &st, 0);
if (WEXITSTATUS(st) != 0)
die(33, "Could not spawn dummy process (-Dc); double fork failed");
// Wait for ns creation
auto pid = f->wait();
if (pid < 0)
die(34, "Could not spawn dummy process (-Dc); reported failure");
conf.ns_path = ko::util::str("/proc/", pid, "/ns");
return nullptr;
ko::fd::fd ns_path_fd = conf.ns_path ? ko::fd::opendir(*conf.ns_path) : ko::fd::fd(-1);
// Create nsproc config
auto nsconf = nsproc::config{
.root_path = conf.root_path,
.home_path = home,
.pwd = conf.keep_pwd ? convert_path(conf, fs::current_path()) : fs::path{},
.exec_argv = const_cast<char *const *>(conf.exec_argv),
.uid = conf.fakeroot ? 0 : uid,
.gid = conf.fakeroot ? 0 : gid,
.mounts = conf.mounts,
.gui_mounts = conf.gui_mounts,
.system_ro = conf.system_ro,
.keep_root = conf.keep_root,
.dummy_mode = conf.dummy_mode,
.pid_ns = conf.pid_ns,
.use_host_root = conf.use_host_root,
.setup_exec = conf.ns_setup_exec,
.ns_path_fd = ns_path_fd,
constexpr auto stacksize = 1024*1024;
// clone
auto ns_future = conf.ns_create ? proc_future<int>::create_private() : nullptr;
auto [proc, res] = conf.ns_path && !conf.ns_create ?
[&nsconf]() -> std::pair<ko::proc::child_ref, int> {
int e = nsproc::nsproc_join_parent(nsconf);
if (e) return {-1, e};
auto child = ko::proc::vclone(nsproc::nsproc_join_child, stacksize, 0, nsconf);
return {std::move(child), 0};
}() :
ko::ns::clone::uvclone_single(nsconf.uid, nsconf.gid, nsproc::nsproc_create, stacksize, CLONE_NEWNS|CLONE_NEWPID, nsconf, ns_future);
if (proc) {
// Child should handle signals and then return
static int _pid =;
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); // assume sent to whole session
signal(SIGTERM, [](int sig){
kill(_pid, sig);
// Create ns_reference
if (conf.ns_create) {
if (ns_future) {
// TODO consider the return value?
// TODO move this out so it's independent of ns_create. But create_symlink can throw which would
// lead to a locked-up parent.
if (parent_future) {
fs::create_directory_symlink(ko::util::str("/proc/",, "/ns"), *conf.ns_path);
// Wait for child
res = proc.wait();
// Clean up ns path
if (conf.ns_create)
return res;
} else {
if (parent_future)