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# Use Steam with external HDDs
# (c) 2015 Taeyeon Mori CC-BY-SA
import sys
import os
import argparse
import posixpath
import ntpath
import vdfparser
CONFIG = os.path.expanduser("~/.files/etc/prepare_steam.vdf")
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])
parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", "--profile", default=sys.platform, help="Platform profile (%(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("--config", default=CONFIG, help="Use alternate config file")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
def take_sorted_list(dct, pred):
keys = list(filter(pred, dct.keys()))
lst = [dct[k] for k in sorted(keys)]
for k in keys:
del dct[k]
return lst
def detect_steam_platformpath(steamroot):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(steamroot, "Steam.exe")):
return ntpath
return posixpath
def main(argv):
args = parse_args(argv)
vdf = vdfparser.VdfParser()
with open(args.config) as f:
config = vdf.parse(f)
profile = config[args.platform]
steamroot = os.path.expanduser(profile["steamroot"])
if profile.get("Enabled", "1") != "1":
print("Profile disabled in config")
return 0
# Read steam libraryfolders.vdf
libsvdf = os.path.join(steamroot, "steamapps", "libraryfolders.vdf")
with open(libsvdf) as f:
libs_config = vdf.parse(f)
library_folders = take_sorted_list(libs_config["LibraryFolders"], str.isdigit)
# Read steam config.vdf
steamvdf = os.path.join(steamroot, "config", "config.vdf")
with open(steamvdf) as f:
steam_config = vdf.parse(f)
client_config = steam_config["InstallConfigStore"]["Software"]["Valve"]["Steam"]
take_sorted_list(client_config, lambda k: k.startswith("BaseInstallFolder_"))
# Fix Library Folders
steampath = detect_steam_platformpath(steamroot)
do_normpath = profile.get("SanitizeLibraryPaths", "1") != "0"
if do_normpath:
orig_library_folders = library_folders
library_folders = []
for f in orig_library_folders:
f = steampath.normpath(f)
if f not in library_folders:
for path, steam_path in profile.get("Libraries", {}).items():
if not steampath:
steam_path = path
if do_normpath:
steam_path = steampath.normpath(steam_path)
if os.path.exists(path):
if steam_path not in library_folders:
print ("Added Library Folder at %s%s" % (path, (" (%s)" % steam_path) if steam_path != path else ""))
elif steam_path in library_folders:
print ("Removing unavailable Library Folder %s" % steam_path)
for path in profile.get("LibraryBlacklist", {}).values():
if path in library_folders:
print ("Removing blacklisted Library Folder %s" % path)
for i, path in enumerate(library_folders):
libs_config["LibraryFolders"][str(i + 1)] = path
client_config["BaseInstallFolder_%i" % (i + 1)] = path
print("Available Libraries: %s" % ("\"%s\"" % "\", \"".join(library_folders)) if library_folders else "(none)")
# Save new vdfs
os.rename(libsvdf, libsvdf + ".bak")
with open(libsvdf, "w") as f:
vdf.write(f, libs_config)
if profile.get("DontTouchConfigVdf", "0") != "1":
os.rename(steamvdf, steamvdf + ".bak")
with open(steamvdf, "w") as f:
vdf.write(f, steam_config)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":