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#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import sys |
import os |
import fnmatch |
import re |
import itertools |
import functools |
import operator |
import shutil |
import tarfile |
import time |
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod |
from copy import copy |
from getpass import getuser |
from pathlib import PurePath, Path |
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Dict, List, Union, Set, Callable, Any, Optional, TypeVar, Generic, Sequence, overload, Literal, TypedDict |
from warnings import warn |
from propex import SettableCachedProperty, cached_property |
from steamutil import Steam, App |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Clone Abstraction |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
_Clone = TypeVar("_Clone", bound="Cloneable") |
class Cloneable: |
__slots__ = () |
def clone(self: _Clone, **update) -> _Clone: |
# XXX: Implement directly? |
obj = copy(self) |
for k, v in update.items(): |
setattr(obj, k, v) |
return obj |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Sync Abstractions |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
PathOrStr = Union[PurePath, os.PathLike, str] |
_SyncPath = TypeVar("_SyncPath", bound="SyncPath") |
class ISyncContext: |
target_path: Path |
home_path: Path |
class ISyncOp(metaclass=ABCMeta): |
parent: ISyncContext |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def target_path(self) -> Path: ... |
@abstractmethod |
def _do_copy(self, ops: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> bool: ... |
@abstractmethod |
def report_error(self, msg: Sequence[str]): ... |
class SyncPath(Cloneable): |
""" |
A SyncPath represents a pair of paths: |
local/common ; target/common |
Whereby target is the location being synched to and local is |
the prefix the data is synched from on the local machine. |
Common has components common to both paths. |
Usually, you'd set the local prefix and then the common part. |
e.g.: op.home.prefix(".my_game") / "Savegames" |
whereby "Savegames" is included in the resulting target |
path, but ".my_game" is not. |
Note that SyncPath should be considered immutable. Relevant |
methods return a new instance. |
""" |
__slots__ = "op", "local", "common" |
op: ISyncOp |
local: Path |
common: PurePath |
def __init__(self, op: ISyncOp, local: PathOrStr, common: PathOrStr="."): |
self.op = op |
self.local = Path(local) |
self.common = PurePath(common) |
@property |
def path(self) -> Path: |
return Path(self.local, self.common) |
def exists(self) -> bool: |
""" Chech whether local path exists """ |
return self.path.exists() |
## Change paths |
def prefix(self: _SyncPath, component: PathOrStr) -> _SyncPath: |
""" Return a new SyncPath that has a component prefixed to the local path """ |
return self.clone(local=self.local/component) |
def __truediv__(self: _SyncPath, component: PathOrStr) -> _SyncPath: |
""" Return a new SyncPath that nas a component added """ |
return self.clone(common=self.common/component) |
@property |
def target_path(self) -> Path: |
""" Get the sync target path """ |
return self.op.target_path / self.common |
## Begin a SyncSet |
def __enter__(self) -> 'SyncSet': |
return SyncSet(self) |
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): |
# Todo: auto-commit? |
pass |
class _SyncSetCommon(metaclass=ABCMeta): |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def files_from_local(self) -> Set[Path]: ... |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def files_from_target(self) -> Set[Path]: ... |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def files_unmodified(self) -> Set[Path]: ... |
def show_confirm(self, skip=True) -> bool: |
# XXX: move to SyncOp? |
print(" Local is newer: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_from_local))) |
print(" Target is newer: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_from_target))) |
print(" Unmodified: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_unmodified))) |
if skip and not self.files_from_local and not self.files_from_target: |
print(" \033[31mNoting to do!\033[0m") |
return False |
print("Continue? <Y/n> ", end="") |
resp = input().strip() |
if resp.lower() in ("y", "yes", ""): |
return True |
return False |
@abstractmethod |
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool: ... |
def execute(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool: |
warn("SyncSet.execute() was renamed to commit()", DeprecationWarning) |
return self.commit(make_inconsistent=make_inconsistent) |
class SyncSet(_SyncSetCommon): |
""" |
A SyncSet represents a set of files to be synchronized |
from a local to a target location represented by a SyncPath |
""" |
FileStatSet = Dict[Path, Tuple[Path, os.stat_result]] |
op: ISyncOp |
spath: SyncPath |
local: FileStatSet |
target: FileStatSet |
changeset: int |
backup_dir: str = "_backup" |
def __init__(self, path): |
self.op = path.op |
self.spath = path |
self.local = {} |
| = {} |
@property |
def path(self) -> Path: |
""" The local path """ |
return self.spath.path |
@property |
def target_path(self) -> Path: |
""" The target path """ |
return self.spath.target_path |
# Modify inclusion |
def _collect_files(self, anchor: Path, patterns: List[str]): |
files: SyncSet.FileStatSet = {} |
def add_file(f): |
if f.is_file(): |
relative = f.relative_to(anchor) |
if[0] == self.backup_dir: |
return |
files[relative] = f, f.stat() |
elif f.is_dir(): |
for f in f.iterdir(): |
add_file(f) |
for f in set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(anchor.glob(g) for g in patterns)): |
add_file(f) |
return files |
def add(self, *patterns): |
self.local.update(self._collect_files(self.path, patterns)) |
|, patterns)) |
self._inval() |
def __iadd__(self, pattern: str) -> 'SyncSet': |
self.add(pattern) |
return self |
# Calculate changes |
def _inval(self): |
for cache in "files_from_local", "files_from_target", "files_unmodified": |
if cache in self.__dict__: |
del self.__dict__[cache] |
@staticmethod |
def _sync_set(src_files: FileStatSet, dst_files: FileStatSet) -> Set[Path]: |
""" |
Return a set of files that need to be updated from src to dst. |
""" |
return {f |
for f, (_, sst) in src_files.items() |
if f not in dst_files or sst.st_mtime > dst_files[f][1].st_mtime |
} |
@cached_property |
def files_from_local(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return self._sync_set(self.local, |
@cached_property |
def files_from_target(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return self._sync_set(, self.local) |
@cached_property |
def files_unmodified(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return (self.local.keys() | - (self.files_from_local | self.files_from_target) |
def backup(self): |
if not self.files_from_local: |
print(" \033[35mBackup not needed\033[0m") |
else: |
backup_file = self.target_path / self.backup_dir / time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M.tar.xz") |
print(" \033[35mBacking up to \033[36m%s\033[35m...\033[0m" % backup_file) |
backup_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True) |
with, "x:xz") as tf: |
for name, (path, _) in |
tf.add(path, name) |
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool: |
operations = [] |
if self.files_from_local: |
if self.files_from_target and not make_inconsistent: |
self.op.report_error(["Both sides have changed files. Synchronizing would lead to inconsistent and possibly broken savegames."]) |
return False |
operations += [(self.path / p, self.target_path / p) for p in self.files_from_local] #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable |
if self.files_from_target: |
operations += [(self.target_path / p, self.path / p) for p in self.files_from_target] #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable |
return self.op._do_copy(operations) |
class SyncMultiSet(list, _SyncSetCommon): |
""" Provides a convenient interface to a number of SyncSets """ |
### XXX: Is this safe with how files_* do relative paths?? |
def _union_set(self, attrname) -> Set[Path]: |
if not self: |
return set() |
return functools.reduce(operator.or_, map(operator.attrgetter(attrname), self)) |
@cached_property |
def files_from_local(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return self._union_set("files_from_local") |
@cached_property |
def files_from_target(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return self._union_set("files_from_target") |
@cached_property |
def files_unmodified(self) -> Set[Path]: |
return self._union_set("files_unmodified") |
def commit(self, *, make_inconsistent=False) -> bool: |
res = True |
for sset in self: |
res = res and sset.execute(make_inconsistent=make_inconsistent) |
return res |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Common Paths |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
P = TypeVar('P', Path, SyncPath) |
class AbstractCommonPaths: |
class Common(Generic[P], metaclass=ABCMeta): |
## Abstract |
@abstractmethod |
def _path_factory(self, path: PathOrStr) -> P: pass |
## Basic |
parent: ISyncContext |
def __init__(self, *, parent): |
self.parent = parent |
## Platform |
is_wine: bool |
is_windows: bool |
is_native_windows: bool |
is_native_linux: bool |
## Common paths |
@property |
def home(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(self.parent.home_path) |
def from_(self, path: PathOrStr) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(path) |
class WindowsCommon(Common[P]): |
is_windows: bool = True |
is_native_linux: bool = False |
# abstract attribute |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def drive_c(self) -> P: ... |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def my_documents(self) -> P: ... |
@property |
@abstractmethod |
def appdata_roaming(self) -> P: ... |
class Windows(WindowsCommon[P]): |
is_native_windows: bool = True |
is_wine: bool = False |
@property |
def drive_c(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory("C:\\") |
# Win32 API |
CSIDL_APPDATA = 0x001a |
@staticmethod |
def SHGetFolderPath(csidl: int) -> str: |
import ctypes.wintypes |
SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value |
buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH) |
shell32 = ctypes.windll.shell32 # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Windows only |
shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, csidl, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf) |
return buf.value |
@cached_property |
def my_documents(self) -> P: |
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """ |
return self._path_factory(self.SHGetFolderPath(self.CSIDL_PERSONAL)) |
@cached_property |
def appdata_roaming(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(self.SHGetFolderPath(self.CSIDL_APPDATA)) |
class Wine(WindowsCommon[P]): |
is_native_windows: bool = False |
is_wine: bool = True |
_wine_prefix: Path |
def __init__(self, *, prefix, **kwds): |
super().__init__(**kwds) |
self._wine_prefix = prefix |
@property |
def wine_prefix(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix) |
@property |
def drive_c(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix / "drive_c") |
@overload |
@staticmethod |
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Sequence[str], exclude: None=None) -> List[Path]: ... |
@overload |
@staticmethod |
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: None, exclude: Sequence[str]) -> List[Path]: ... |
@overload |
@staticmethod |
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Sequence[str], exclude: Sequence[str]) -> List[Path]: ... |
@staticmethod |
def _find_file_ci(path: Path, candidates: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None, exclude: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None) -> List[Path]: |
""" Find directory entry with casefolding |
Note: candidates must already be lowercase """ |
if not path.exists(): |
return [] |
entries: Dict[str, Path] = { p for p in path.iterdir() if p.is_dir()} |
results: List[Path] = [] |
if candidates is not None: |
def gen(): |
for name in candidates: |
p = entries.get(name) |
if p is not None: |
yield p |
results.extend(gen()) |
if exclude is not None: |
results.extend((path for name, path in entries.items() if name not in exclude and path not in results)) |
return results |
@cached_property |
def _wine_prefix_userprofile(self) -> Path: |
## Try to find out the username in the prefix |
## usually, this is the same as the system user, but |
## e.g. Proton always uses 'steamuser' |
# XXX: make user name configurable or at least cache it? |
# BUG: mypy#7781 overload staticmethod is broken when called on instance |
candidates = self.__class__._find_file_ci(self._wine_prefix / "drive_c" / "users", [getuser().lower(), 'steamuser'], ['public']) |
if not candidates: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not detect userprofile path in wine prefix {self.wine_prefix}") |
# XXX: be smarter? |
return candidates[0] |
@property |
def home(self) -> P: |
return self._path_factory(self._wine_prefix_userprofile) |
@cached_property |
def my_documents(self) -> P: |
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """ |
candidates = self._find_file_ci(self._wine_prefix_userprofile, ['my documents', 'documents']) |
if not candidates: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find 'My Documents' folder in profile at '{self._wine_prefix_userprofile}'") |
return self._path_factory(candidates[0]) |
@cached_property |
def appdata_roaming(self) -> P: |
candidates = self._find_file_ci(self._wine_prefix_userprofile, ['appdata', 'application data']) |
if not candidates: |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find 'AppData/Roaming' folder in profile at '{self._wine_prefix_userprofile}'") |
for candidate in candidates: |
roaming = self._find_file_ci(candidate, ['roaming']) |
if roaming: |
return self._path_factory(roaming[0]) |
return self._path_factory(candidates[0]) |
class Linux(Common[P]): |
is_native_linux: bool = True |
is_native_windows: bool = False |
is_windows: bool = False |
is_wine: bool = False |
## XDG |
# XXX: make it methods and search all locations? |
@cached_property |
def xdg_config_dir(self) -> P: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
@cached_property |
def xdg_data_dir(self) -> P: |
raise NotImplementedError() |
class CommonPaths: |
class Mixin(AbstractCommonPaths.Common[Path]): |
def _path_factory(self, p: PathOrStr) -> Path: |
return Path(p) |
class LinuxPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Linux[Path], Mixin): |
pass |
class WindowsPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Windows[Path], Mixin): |
pass |
class WinePaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Wine[Path], Mixin): |
pass |
Paths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths, WinePaths] |
NativePaths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths] |
@overload |
@classmethod |
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: None) -> NativePaths: ... |
@overload |
@classmethod |
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: Path) -> WinePaths: ... |
@classmethod |
def create(c, parent: ISyncContext, wine_prefix: Optional[Path]) -> Paths: |
if wine_prefix is not None: |
return c.WinePaths(parent=parent, prefix=wine_prefix) |
elif sys.platform == 'win32': |
return c.WindowsPaths(parent=parent) |
else: |
return c.LinuxPaths(parent=parent) |
class CommonSyncPaths: |
class Mixin(AbstractCommonPaths.Common[SyncPath]): |
op: 'AbstractSyncOp' |
def __init__(self, *, op: 'AbstractSyncOp', **kwds): |
# Not sure why this complains. Maybe because of the **kwds? |
super().__init__(parent=op.parent, **kwds) #type: ignore |
self.op = op |
def _path_factory(self, p: PathOrStr) -> SyncPath: |
return SyncPath(self.op, p) |
class LinuxPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Linux[SyncPath], Mixin): |
pass |
class WindowsPaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Windows[SyncPath], Mixin): |
pass |
class WinePaths(AbstractCommonPaths.Wine[SyncPath], Mixin): |
pass |
Paths = Union[LinuxPaths, WindowsPaths, WinePaths] |
@classmethod |
def create(c, op: 'AbstractSyncOp', wine_prefix: Optional[Path]) -> Paths: |
if wine_prefix is not None: |
return c.WinePaths(op=op, prefix=wine_prefix) |
elif sys.platform == 'win32': |
return c.WindowsPaths(op=op) |
else: |
return c.LinuxPaths(op=op) |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Sync Operation |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
_AbstractSyncOp = TypeVar("_AbstractSyncOp", bound="AbstractSyncOp") |
class AbstractSyncOp(ISyncOp): |
parent: ISyncContext |
name: str # Abstract |
def __init__(self, parent: ISyncContext): |
self.parent = parent |
# Paths |
@cached_property |
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths: |
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, None) |
def __getattr__(self, name): |
return getattr(self.paths, name) |
# Properties |
@SettableCachedProperty |
def slug(self) -> str: |
""" Name of the destination folder """ |
return |
@property |
def target_path(self) -> Path: |
""" Full path to copy saves to """ |
return self.parent.target_path / self.slug |
def __call__(self: _AbstractSyncOp, func: Callable[[_AbstractSyncOp], Any]): |
# For decorator use |
self._report_begin() |
return func(self) |
# Actual Copy Logic |
@staticmethod |
def _do_copy(ops: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> bool: |
for src, dst in ops: |
if not dst.parent.exists(): |
dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True) |
print(" \033[36m%s -> %s\033[0m" % (src, dst)) |
shutil.copy2(src, dst) |
return True |
# UI |
def _report_begin(self): |
print("\033[34mNow Synchronizing App \033[36m%s\033[34m (%s)\033[0m" |
% (, self.__class__.__name__.replace("SyncOp", ""))) |
def report_error(self, msg: Iterable[str]): |
print("\033[31m"+"\n".join(" " + ln for ln in msg)+"\033[0m") |
class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp): |
""" Sync Operation for Steam Apps """ |
app: App |
def __init__(self, ssync, app): |
super().__init__(ssync) |
| = app |
@cached_property |
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths: |
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, if else None) |
## Implement AbstractSyncOp |
@property |
def name(self): |
return |
@property |
def slug(self): |
return |
## Addidtional information available through Steam |
@property |
def game_directory(self) -> SyncPath: |
return SyncPath(self, |
## Steam Cloud |
def steam_cloud_ufs(self) -> SyncMultiSet: |
if "ufs" not in["appinfo"] or "savefiles" not in["appinfo"]["ufs"]: |
raise ValueError("%r doesn't support Steam Cloud by way of UFS" % |
sms = SyncMultiSet() |
if sys.platform.startswith("win") or |
ufs_platform = "Windows" |
elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): |
ufs_platform = "Linux" |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError("Steam Cloud UFS not (yet) supported on platform %s" % sys.platform) |
for ufs_def in["appinfo"]["ufs"]["savefiles"].values(): |
# Filter by platform |
if "platforms" in ufs_def and ufs_platform not in ufs_def["platforms"].values(): |
continue |
# Find root anchor |
root = ufs_def["root"] |
if root == "WinMyDocuments": |
path = self.paths.my_documents |
elif root in ("LinuxHome", "MacHome"): |
path = self.paths.home |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError("Steam Cloud UFS root %s not implemented for %r" % (root, |
# Add relative path |
# XXX: Should path be prefixed or included in the target. Are there even apps with multiple ufs entries? |
# For now, take last component? |
if "path" in ufs_def and ufs_def["path"]: |
rpath = Path(ufs_def["path"]) |
if rpath.anchor: |
# Fix paths with leading slash/backslash XXX: is this valid? |
rpath = rpath.relative_to(rpath.anchor) |
if len( > 1: |
path = path.prefix(rpath.parent) |
path /= |
# Add files by pattern |
sset = SyncSet(path) |
sset.add(ufs_def["pattern"]) |
# XXX: what about platform and recursive keys? |
sms.append(sset) |
return sms |
class GenericSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp): |
""" Generic Sync Operation for Non-Steam Apps """ |
def __init__(self, parent, name): |
super().__init__(parent) |
| = name |
class GenericFoundSyncOp(GenericSyncOp): |
_found: Path |
def __init__(self, parent, name, found: Path): |
super().__init__(parent, name) |
self._found = found |
@property |
def found(self) -> SyncPath: |
return SyncPath(self, self._found) |
class WineSyncOp(GenericFoundSyncOp): |
_wine_prefix: Path |
def __init__(self, parent, name, prefix: Path, found: Path): |
super().__init__(parent, name, found) |
self._wine_prefix = prefix |
@cached_property |
def paths(self) -> CommonSyncPaths.Paths: |
return CommonSyncPaths.create(self, self._wine_prefix) |
class SyncNoOp: |
""" No-Op Sync Operation """ |
def __call__(self, func) -> None: |
pass |
def __bool__(self) -> bool: |
return False |
AppNotFound = SyncNoOp() |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Main Sync manager class |
### ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
class NoSteamSync(ISyncContext): |
target_path: Path |
home_path: Path |
def __init__(self, target_path: Path): |
self.target_path = Path(target_path) |
self.home_path = Path.home() |
@CachedProperty |
def paths(self) -> CommonPaths.NativePaths: |
return CommonPaths.create(self, None) |
def generic(self, name, find: Optional[Callable[[CommonPaths.NativePaths], Path]], *, platform=None) -> Union[GenericSyncOp, SyncNoOp]: |
""" Non-Steam App """ |
if platform is None or platform in sys.platform: |
if find is None: |
return GenericSyncOp(self, name) |
search_path = find(self.paths) |
if search_path.exists(): |
return GenericFoundSyncOp(self, name, search_path) |
return AppNotFound |
def wine(self, name, prefixes: Sequence[PathOrStr], find: Callable[[CommonPaths.Paths], Path]) -> Union[WineSyncOp, GenericFoundSyncOp, SyncNoOp]: |
""" |
Works the same as .generic() on Windows, but additionally searches any number of Wine-Prefixes when not running on Windows |
""" |
if sys.platform == 'win32': |
search_path = find(self.paths) |
if search_path.exists(): |
return GenericFoundSyncOp(self, name, search_path) |
else: |
for prefix in prefixes: |
prefixpath = Path(prefix) |
paths = CommonPaths.create(self, prefixpath) |
search_path = find(paths) |
if search_path.exists(): |
return WineSyncOp(self, name, prefixpath, search_path) |
return AppNotFound |
class SteamSync(NoSteamSync): |
steam: Steam |
def __init__(self, target_path: Path, *, steam_path: Optional[Path] = None): |
super().__init__(target_path) |
self.steam = Steam(steam_path) |
# Get Information |
@cached_property |
def apps(self) -> List[App]: |
return list(self.steam.apps) |
# Get Sync Operation for a specific App |
def by_id(self, appid: int) -> Union[SteamSyncOp, SyncNoOp]: |
""" Steam App by AppID """ |
app = self.steam.get_app(appid) |
if app is not None: |
return SteamSyncOp(self, app) |
else: |
return AppNotFound |
def by_name(self, pattern: str) -> Union[SteamSyncOp, SyncNoOp]: |
""" Steam App by Name """ |
pt = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"), re.IGNORECASE) |
app = None |
for candidate in self.apps: |
if |
if app is not None: |
raise Exception("Encountered more than one possible App matching '%s'" % pattern) |
app = candidate |
if app is None: |
return AppNotFound |
return SteamSyncOp(self, app)