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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Parse Steam/Source VDF Files
# Reference:
# (c) 2015-2020 Taeyeon Mori; CC-BY-SA
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
import struct
import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, Union, Mapping, Tuple, NewType, cast, overload
#### Nested dictionary support
# Mypy doesn't support recursive types :(
DeepDict = Mapping[str, Union[Mapping[str, Any], str]]
_NoDefault = NewType('_NoDefault', object)
_nodefault = _NoDefault(object())
_DefaultT = TypeVar('_DefaultT', DeepDict, str, None)
_DDCastT = TypeVar('_DDCastT', DeepDict, str)
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _NoDefault=_nodefault, *, t: None=None) -> Union[DeepDict, str]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _DefaultT, *, t: None=None) -> Union[DeepDict, str, _DefaultT]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _NoDefault=_nodefault, *, t: Type[_DDCastT]) -> _DDCastT: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: _DefaultT, *, t: Type[_DDCastT]) -> Union[_DDCastT, _DefaultT]: ...
def dd_getpath(dct: DeepDict, path: Sequence[str], default: Union[_DefaultT, _NoDefault]=_nodefault, *, t: Optional[Type[_DDCastT]]=None):
Retrieve a value from inside a nested dictionary.
@param dct The nested mapping
@param path The path to retrieve. Represented by a tuple of strings.
@param default A default value. Raises KeyError if omitted.
@param t Result type for built-in typing.cast(), specify 'str' or 'dict'
d: Any = dct
for pc in path:
d = d[pc]
# XXX: runtime type check
assert (t is None or isinstance(d, t)), f"Expected value at path {path} to be {t}, not {type(d)}"
return d
except KeyError:
if default is not _nodefault:
return default
#### Case-Insensitive dictionary.
# Unfortunately, Valve seems to play it a little loose with casing in their .vdf files
class LowerCaseNormalizingDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
# XXX: is there a better way to do this?
for k,v in dict(*args,**kwds).items():
k_ = k.lower()
if k_ in self:
raise KeyError("Duplicate key in LowerCaseNormalizingDict arguments: %s" % k_)
self[k_] = v
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return super().__setitem__(key.lower(), value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super().__getitem__(key.lower())
def get(self, key, default=None):
return super().get(key.lower(), default=default)
class VdfParser:
Simple Steam/Source VDF parser
# Special Characters
quote_char = "\""
escape_char = "\\"
begin_char = "{"
end_char = "}"
whitespace_chars = " \t\n"
comment_char = "/"
newline_char = "\n"
def __init__(self, *, encoding=False, factory=dict, strict=True):
@brief Construct a VdfParser instance
@param encoding Encoding for bytes operations. Pass None to use unicode strings
@param factory A factory function creating a mapping type from an iterable of key/value tuples.
self.encoding = encoding
if encoding:
self.empty_string = self.empty_string.encode(encoding)
self.quote_char = self.quote_char.encode(encoding)
self.escape_char = self.escape_char.encode(encoding)
self.begin_char = self.begin_char.encode(encoding)
self.end_char = self.end_char.encode(encoding)
self.whitespace_chars = self.whitespace_chars.encode(encoding)
self.comment_char = self.comment_char.encode(encoding)
self.newline_char = self.newline_char.encode(encoding)
self.factory = factory
self.strict = strict
def _make_map(self, tokens):
return self.factory(zip(tokens[::2], tokens[1::2]))
def _parse_map(self, fd, inner=False):
tokens = []
current = []
escape = False
quoted = False
comment = False
if self.encoding:
make_string = b"".join
make_string = "".join
def finish(override=False):
if current or override:
while True:
c =
if not c:
if len(tokens) / 2 != len(tokens) // 2:
raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF: Last pair incomplete")
elif self.strict and (escape or quoted or inner):
raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF: EOF encountered while not processing outermost mapping")
return self._make_map(tokens)
if escape:
escape = False
elif quoted:
if c == self.escape_char:
escape = True
elif c == self.quote_char:
quoted = False
elif comment:
if c == self.newline_char:
comment = False
if c == self.escape_char:
escape = True
elif c == self.begin_char:
if len(tokens) / 2 == len(tokens) // 2 and (self.strict or self.factory == dict):
raise ValueError("Sub-dictionary cannot be a key")
tokens.append(self._parse_map(fd, True))
elif c == self.end_char:
if len(tokens) / 2 != len(tokens) // 2:
raise ValueError("Unexpected close: Missing last value (Unbalanced tokens)")
return self._make_map(tokens)
elif c in self.whitespace_chars:
elif c == self.quote_char:
quoted = True
elif c == self.comment_char and current and current[-1] == self.comment_char:
del current[-1]
comment = True
def parse(self, fd) -> DeepDict:
Parse a VDF file into a python dictionary
return self._parse_map(fd)
def parse_string(self, content) -> DeepDict:
Parse the content of a VDF file
if self.encoding:
return self.parse(io.BytesIO(content))
return self.parse(io.StringIO(content))
def _make_literal(self, lit):
return "\"%s\"" % (str(lit).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\""))
def _write_map(self, fd, dictionary, indent):
if indent is None:
def write(str=None, i=False, d=False, nl=False):
if str:
if d:
fd.write(" ")
def write(str=None, i=False, d=False, nl=False):
if not str and nl:
if i:
fd.write("\t" * indent)
if str:
if nl:
elif d:
for k, v in dictionary.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
write(self._make_literal(k), i=1, d=1, nl=1)
write("{", i=1, nl=1)
self._write_map(fd, v, indent + 1 if indent is not None else None)
write("}", i=1)
write(self._make_literal(k), i=1, d=1)
write(d=1, nl=1)
def write(self, fd, dictionary: DeepDict, *, pretty=True):
Write a dictionary to a file in VDF format
if self.encoding:
raise NotImplementedError("Writing in binary mode is not implemented yet.") # TODO (maybe)
self._write_map(fd, dictionary, 0 if pretty else None)
class BinaryVdfParser:
# Type codes
T_SKEY = b'\x00' # Subkey
T_CSTR = b'\x01' # 0-delimited string
T_INT4 = b'\x02' # 32-bit int
T_FLT4 = b'\x03' # 32-bit float
T_PNTR = b'\x04' # 32-bit pointer
T_WSTR = b'\x05' # 0-delimited wide string
T_COLR = b'\x06' # 32-bit color
T_UNT8 = b'\x07' # 64-bit unsigned int
T_END = b'\x08' # End of subkey
T_INT8 = b'\x0A' # 64-bit signed int
T_END2 = b'\x0B' # Alternative end of subkey tag
# Unpack binary types
S_INT4 = struct.Struct("<i")
S_FLT4 = struct.Struct("<f")
S_INT8 = struct.Struct("<q")
S_UNT8 = struct.Struct("<Q")
def __init__(self, factory=dict):
self.factory = factory
def _read_until(fd: io.BufferedIOBase, delim: bytes) -> bytes:
pieces = []
buf = bytearray(64)
end = -1
while end == -1:
read = fd.readinto(buf)
if not read:
raise EOFError()
end = buf.find(delim, 0, read)
pieces.append(bytes(buf[:read if end < 0 else end])) - read + len(delim), io.SEEK_CUR)
return b"".join(pieces)
def _read_struct(fd: io.BufferedIOBase, s: struct.Struct):
return s.unpack(
def _read_cstring(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase) -> str:
return self._read_until(fd, b'\0').decode("utf-8", "replace")
def _read_wstring(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase) -> str:
return self._read_until(fd, b'\0\0').decode("utf-16")
def _read_map(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase) -> DeepDict:
map = self.factory()
while True:
t =
if not len(t):
raise EOFError()
if t in (self.T_END, self.T_END2):
return map
key, value = self._read_item(fd, t)
map[key] = value
def _read_item(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase, t: bytes) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, DeepDict]]:
key = self._read_cstring(fd)
if t == self.T_SKEY:
return key, self._read_map(fd)
elif t == self.T_CSTR:
return key, self._read_cstring(fd)
elif t == self.T_WSTR:
return key, self._read_wstring(fd)
elif t in (self.T_INT4, self.T_PNTR, self.T_COLR):
return key, self._read_struct(fd, self.S_INT4)[0]
elif t == self.T_UNT8:
return key, self._read_struct(fd, self.S_UNT8)[0]
elif t == self.T_INT8:
return key, self._read_struct(fd, self.S_INT8)[0]
elif t == self.T_FLT4:
return key, self._read_struct(fd, self.S_FLT4)[0]
raise ValueError("Unknown data type", fd.tell(), t)
def parse(self, fd: io.BufferedIOBase) -> DeepDict:
return self._read_map(fd)
def parse_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> DeepDict:
with io.BytesIO(data) as fd:
return self.parse(fd)
class AppInfoFile:
S_APP_HEADER = struct.Struct("<IIIIQ20sI")
S_INT4 = struct.Struct("<I")
def open(cls, filename) -> "AppInfoFile":
return cls(open(filename, "br"), close=True)
def __init__(self, file, bvdf_parser=None, close=True):
self.file = file
self.parser = bvdf_parser if bvdf_parser is not None else BinaryVdfParser()
self._close_file = close
self._universe = None
self._apps = None
def _load_map(self, offset: int) -> DeepDict:, io.SEEK_SET)
return self.parser.parse(self.file)
class App:
__slots__ = "appinfo", "offset", "id", "size", "state", "last_update", "token", "hash", "changeset", "_data"
def __init__(self, appinfo, offset, struct): = struct[0]
self.size = struct[1]
self.state = struct[2]
self.last_update = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(struct[3])
self.token = struct[4]
self.hash = struct[5]
self.changeset = struct[6]
self.appinfo = appinfo
self.offset = offset
self._data = None
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self._data is None:
self._data = self.appinfo._load_map(self.offset)
return self._data[key]
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in dir(dict):
if self._data is None:
self._data = self.appinfo._load_map(self.offset)
return getattr(self._data, attr)
raise AttributeError(attr)
def dict(self):
if self._data is None:
self._data = self.appinfo._load_map(self.offset)
return self._data
def _read_exactly(self, s: int) -> bytes:
cs =
if len(cs) < s:
raise EOFError()
return cs
def _read_int(self) -> int:
return self.S_INT4.unpack(self._read_exactly(self.S_INT4.size))[0]
def _load(self):
magic = self._read_exactly(4)
if magic != b"\x27\x44\x56\x07":
raise ValueError("Wrong appinfo.vdf magic")
self._universe = self._read_int()
self._apps = {}
buffer = bytearray(self.S_APP_HEADER.size)
while True:
read = self.file.readinto(buffer)
if read < 4:
raise EOFError()
struct = self.S_APP_HEADER.unpack(buffer)
appid, size, *_ = struct
if appid == 0:
return # Done
elif read < self.S_APP_HEADER.size:
raise EOFError()
self._apps[appid] = self.App(self, self.file.tell(), struct) - (self.S_APP_HEADER.size - 8), io.SEEK_CUR)
def universe(self):
if self._universe is None:
return self._universe
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in dir(dict):
if self._apps is None:
return getattr(self._apps, attr)
raise AttributeError(attr)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self._apps is None:
return self._apps[key]
def __iter__(self):
if self._apps is None:
return iter(self._apps)
def dict(self):
if self._apps is None:
return self._apps
# Cleanup
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc, tp, tb):
def close(self):
if self._close_file: