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# Discover Steam install and games
# (c) 2020 Taeyeon Mori CC-BY-SA
import datetime
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Iterable, Dict, Literal, Mapping, Tuple, Optional, Union, Any, cast, overload
from vdfparser import VdfParser, DeepDict, AppInfoFile, LowerCaseNormalizingDict, dd_getpath
from propex import SettableCachedProperty, DictPathProperty, DictPathRoProperty, cached_property
_vdf = VdfParser()
_vdf_ci = VdfParser(factory=LowerCaseNormalizingDict)
class MalformedManifestError(Exception):
def filename(self):
return self.args[1]
class AppInfo:
steam: 'Steam'
appid: int
def __init__(self, steam, appid, *, appinfo_data=None):
self.steam = steam
self.appid = appid
if appinfo_data is not None:
self.__dict__["appinfo"] = appinfo_data
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.AppInfo #%7d '%s' (%s)>" % (self.appid,, self.install_dir)
installed = False
# AppInfo
def appinfo(self):
# FIXME: properly close AppInfoFile but also deal with always-open appinfo
return self.steam.appinfo[self.appid]
def launch_configs(self):
return self.appinfo["appinfo"]["config"]["launch"].values()
name = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "name"), default=None)
oslist = DictPathRoProperty[List[str]] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "oslist"), type=lambda s: s.split(","))
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("appinfo", ("appinfo", "config", "installdir"), default=None)
languages = DictPathRoProperty[Any] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "supported_languages"))
gameid = DictPathRoProperty[int] ("appinfo", ("appinfo", "common", "gameid"), type=int)
# Misc.
def get_userdata_path(self, user_id: Union[int, 'LoginUser']) -> Path:
return self.steam.get_userdata_path(user_id) / str(self.appid)
def is_native(self):
""" Whether the app has a version native to the current platform """
return sys.platform in self.oslist
def compat_tool(self) -> dict:
""" The compatibility tool selected for this app.
Note: this will still return a default if no tool is used
mapping = self.steam.compat_tool_mapping
appid = str(self.appid)
# User override
if appid in mapping and mapping[appid]["name"]:
tool = dict(mapping[appid])
tool["source"] = "user"
return tool
# Steam play manifest
manifest = self.steam.steamplay_manifest["extended"]["app_mappings"]
if appid in manifest:
tool = dict(manifest[appid])
tool["name"] = tool["tool"]
tool["source"] = "valve"
return tool
# User default
tool = dict(mapping["0"])
tool["source"] = "default"
return tool
class App(AppInfo):
steam: 'Steam'
library_folder: 'LibraryFolder'
steamapps_path: Path
manifest_path: Path
manifest: DeepDict
def __init__(self, libfolder, manifest_path: Path, *, manifest_data=None):
self.library_folder = libfolder
self.steamapps_path = libfolder.steamapps_path
self.manifest_path = manifest_path
if manifest_data is None:
with open(manifest_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
self.manifest = _vdf.parse(f)
self.manifest = manifest_data
if "AppState" not in self.manifest:
raise MalformedManifestError("App manifest doesn't have AppState key", self.manifest_path)
super().__init__(libfolder.steam, int(dd_getpath(self.manifest, ("AppState", "appid"), t=str)))
installed = True
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.App #%7d '%s' @ \"%s\">" % (self.appid,, self.install_path)
# Basic info
name = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "name"), None)
language = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "UserConfig", "language"), None)
install_dir = DictPathRoProperty[Optional[str]]("manifest", ("AppState", "installdir"), None)
def install_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "common" / self.install_dir
# Workshop
def workshop_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "workshop" / "content" / str(self.appid)
# Steam Play info
def platform_override(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
uc = dd_getpath(self.manifest, ("AppState", "UserConfig"), None, t=Dict[str, str])
if uc:
return uc.get("platform_override_source", None), uc.get("platform_override_dest", None)
return None, None
def is_steam_play(self) -> Union[str, bool]:
""" Whether app needs a compatibility tool to run """
if (po := self.platform_override[0]) is not None:
return po
return not self.is_native
def is_proton_app(self) -> Optional[bool]:
""" Whether app needs (specifically) Proton to run """
# XXX: Should this try to figure out if selected compat tool is actually proton?
return self.platform_override[0] == "windows" or not self.is_native and "windows" in self.oslist
def compat_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "compatdata" / str(self.appid)
def compat_prefix(self) -> Path:
return self.compat_path / "pfx"
def compat_drive(self) -> Path:
return self.compat_prefix / "drive_c"
# Install size
declared_install_size = DictPathRoProperty[int]("manifest", ("AppState", "SizeOnDisk"), 0, type=int)
def compute_install_size(self) -> int:
def sum_size(p: Path):
acc = 0
for x in p.iterdir():
if x.is_dir():
acc += sum_size(x)
acc += x.stat().st_size
return acc
return sum_size(self.install_path)
class LibraryFolder:
steam: 'Steam'
path: Path
def __init__(self, steam: 'Steam', path: Path):
self.steam = steam
self.path = path
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.LibraryFolder @ \"%s\">" % self.path
# Paths
def steamapps_path(self) -> Path:
steamapps = self.path / "steamapps"
if not steamapps.exists():
# Emulate case-insensitivity
cased = self.path / "SteamApps"
if cased.exists():
steamapps = cased
# try to find other variation
found = [d for d in self.path.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and == "steamapps"]
if len(found) > 1:
raise Exception("More than one steamapps folder in library folder", self.path)
elif found:
return found[0]
# if none exists, return non-existant default name
return steamapps
def common_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steamapps_path / "common"
def appmanifests(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
return self.steamapps_path.glob("appmanifest_*.acf") # pylint:disable=no-member
def apps(self) -> Iterable[App]:
for mf in self.appmanifests:
yield App(self, mf)
except MalformedManifestError as e:
print("Warning: Malformed app manifest:", e.filename)
def get_app(self, appid: int) -> Optional[App]:
manifest = self.steamapps_path / ("appmanifest_%d.acf" % appid)
if manifest.exists():
return App(self, manifest)
return None
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str) -> Iterable[App]:
reg = re.compile(r'"name"\s+".*%s.*"' % regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
for manifest in self.appmanifests:
with open(manifest, encoding="utf-8") as f:
content =
yield App(self, manifest, manifest_data=_vdf.parse_string(content))
def find_apps(self, pattern: str) -> Iterable[App]:
return self.find_apps_re(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"))
class UserAppConfig:
user: 'LoginUser'
appid: int
def __init__(self, user, appid):
self.user = user
self.appid = appid
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.UserAppConfig appid=%d for account %s>" % (self.appid, self.user.account_name)
def _data(self):
return dd_getpath(self.user.localconfig, ("UserLocalConfigStore", "Software", "Valve", "Steam", ("Apps", "apps"), str(self.appid)), {}, t=dict)
def last_played(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self._data.get("LastPlayed", 0)))
def playtime(self) -> datetime.time:
return datetime.time(minute=int(self._data.get("Playtime", 0)))
def playtime_two_weeks(self) -> datetime.time:
return datetime.time(minute=int(self._data.get("Playtime2wks", 0)))
launch_options = DictPathProperty[Optional[DeepDict]]("_data", ("LaunchOptions",), None)
class LoginUser:
steam: 'Steam'
id: int
info: Dict[str, str]
def __init__(self, steam, id: int, info: Dict):
self.steam = steam = id = info
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.LoginUser %d %s '%s'>" % ( , self.account_name, self.username)
def account_id(self):
""" 32-bit account ID """
return & 0xffffffff
account_name = DictPathRoProperty[str]("info", ("AccountName",))
username = DictPathRoProperty[str]("info", ("PersonaName",))
def userdata_path(self) -> Path:
return self.steam.get_userdata_path(self)
def localconfig_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.userdata_path / "config" / "localconfig.vdf"
def localconfig(self) -> DeepDict:
with open(self.localconfig_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
return _vdf.parse(f)
# Game config
def get_app_config(self, app: Union[int, App]) -> Optional[UserAppConfig]:
if isinstance(app, App):
app = app.appid
return UserAppConfig(self, app)
class Steam:
root: Path
def __init__(self, install_path=None):
self.root = install_path if install_path is not None else self.find_install_path()
if self.root is None:
raise Exception("Could not find Steam")
def __repr__(self):
return "<steamutil.Steam @ \"%s\">" % self.root
def find_install_path() -> Optional[Path]:
# TODO: Windows
# Linux
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# Try ~/.steam first
dotsteam = Path(os.path.expanduser("~/.steam"))
if dotsteam.exists():
steamroot = (dotsteam / "root").resolve()
if steamroot.exists():
return steamroot
# Try ~/.local/share/Steam, classic ~/Steam
data_dir = Path(os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share")).expanduser()
for path in data_dir, Path("~").expanduser():
for name in "Steam", "SteamBeta":
steamroot = path / name
if steamroot.exists():
return steamroot
elif sys.platform.startswith("win"):
import winreg
key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\Valve\\Steam")
path, t = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "steampath")
if (t == winreg.REG_SZ):
return Path(path)
except WindowsError:
pfiles = (os.environ.get("ProgramFiles(x86)", "C:\\Program Files (x86)"),
os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", "C:\\Program Files"))
for path in pfiles:
if path.exists():
path /= "Steam"
if path.exists():
return path
return None
# Various paths
def libraryfolders_vdf(self) -> Path:
""" The libraryfolders.vdf file listing all configured library locations """
return self.root / "steamapps" / "libraryfolders.vdf"
def config_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.root / "config" / "config.vdf"
def loginusers_vdf(self) -> Path:
return self.root / "config" / "loginusers.vdf"
# Users
def most_recent_user(self) -> Optional[LoginUser]:
# Apparently, Steam doesn't care about case in the config/*.vdf keys
with open(self.loginusers_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = _vdf_ci.parse(f)
for id, info in cast(Mapping[str, Dict], data["users"]).items():
if info["mostrecent"] == "1":
return LoginUser(self, int(id), info)
except KeyError:
return None
def get_userdata_path(self, user_id: Union[int, LoginUser]) -> Path:
if isinstance(user_id, LoginUser):
user_id = user_id.account_id
return self.root / "userdata" / str(user_id)
# Config
def config(self) -> DeepDict:
with open(self.config_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
return _vdf.parse(f)
config_install_store = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config", ("InstallConfigStore",))
config_software_steam = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config", ("InstallConfigStore", "Software", "Valve", "Steam"))
compat_tool_mapping = DictPathProperty[Dict]("config", ("InstallConfigStore", "Software", "Valve", "Steam", "CompatToolMapping"))
# AppInfo cache
def appinfo_vdf(self):
return self.root / "appcache" / "appinfo.vdf"
def appinfo(self) -> AppInfoFile:
def steamplay_manifest(self) -> DeepDict:
with self.appinfo as info:
return info[891390]["appinfo"]
def compat_tools(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
tools = {}
# Find official proton installs
valve = self.steamplay_manifest["extended"]["compat_tools"]
for name, t in valve.items():
app = self.get_app(t["appid"])
if app:
tool = dict(t)
tool["install_path"] = app.install_path
tools[name] = tool
# Find custom compat tools
compattools_d = self.root / "compatibilitytools.d"
if compattools_d.exists():
manifests = []
for p in compattools_d.iterdir():
if p.suffix == ".vdf":
elif p.is_dir():
c = p / "compatibilitytool.vdf"
if c.exists():
for mfst_path in manifests:
with open(mfst_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
mfst = _vdf.parse(f)
for name, t in dd_getpath(mfst, ("compatibilitytools", "compat_tools"), t=dict).items():
# TODO warn duplicate name
t["install_path"] = mfst_path.parent / t["install_path"]
tools[name] = t
return tools
# Game/App Library
def library_folder_paths(self) -> List[Path]:
with open(self.libraryfolders_vdf, encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = _vdf_ci.parse(f)
def gen():
for k, v in dd_getpath(data, ("LibraryFolders",), t=dict).items():
if k.isdigit():
if isinstance(v, str):
yield Path(v)
elif 'path' in v:
yield Path(v['path'])
raise ValueError("Unknown format of libraryfolders.vdf")
return list(gen())
def library_folders(self) -> List[LibraryFolder]:
return [LibraryFolder(self, self.root)] + [LibraryFolder(self, p) for p in self.library_folder_paths]
def apps(self) -> Iterable[App]:
for lf in self.library_folders:
yield from lf.apps
def get_app(self, id: int, installed: Literal[True]=True) -> Optional[App]: ...
def get_app(self, id: int, installed: Literal[False]) -> Optional[AppInfo]: ...
def get_app(self, id: int, installed=True) -> Optional[AppInfo]:
for lf in self.library_folders:
app = lf.get_app(id)
if app is not None:
return app
if not installed:
for appinfo in self.appinfo:
if == id:
return AppInfo(self, id, appinfo_data=appinfo)
return None
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed: Literal[True]) -> Iterable[App]: ...
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed: Literal[False]) -> Iterable[AppInfo]: ...
def find_apps_re(self, regexp: str, installed=True) -> Iterable[AppInfo]:
""" Find all apps by regular expression """
if not installed:
# Search whole appinfo cache
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
broken_ids = set()
for appinfo in self.appinfo:
# Skip broken entries
name = appinfo["appinfo"]["common"]["name"]
except KeyError:
for lf in self.library_folders:
app = lf.get_app(
if app:
yield app
yield AppInfo(self,, appinfo_data=appinfo)
except Exception:
import traceback
print("[SteamUtil] Warning: could not read non-installed apps from Steam appinfo cache. Searching locally")
if broken_ids:
print("[SteamUtil] Warning: found broken entries in appinfo cache:", ",".join(map(str, broken_ids)))
# Search local manifests directly
reg = re.compile(r'"name"\s+".*%s.*"' % regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
for lf in self.library_folders:
for manifest in lf.appmanifests:
with open(manifest, encoding="utf-8") as f:
content =
yield App(lf, manifest, manifest_data=_vdf.parse_string(content))
def find_apps(self, pattern: str, installed=True) -> Iterable[App]:
return self.find_apps_re(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"), installed=installed)
def find_app(self, pattern: str, installed=True) -> Optional[App]:
for app in self.find_apps(pattern, installed=installed):
return app
return None