You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
5.8 KiB

// (c) 2020 Taeyeon Mori
#include "koutil.hpp"
#include "kofs.hpp"
#include "kofd.hpp"
#include "koos.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <mntent.h>
struct params {
std::filesystem::path motd;
bool ro = true;
bool protect = true;
char *const *argv = nullptr;
void usage(const char *prog) {
std::cout << "Usage: " << prog << " [-m MOTD] [ARGV...]" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Options:" << std::endl
<< " -m MOTD Specify a file to be displayed on login" << std::endl
<< " ARGV Specify the shell executable and arguments" << std::endl
<< " By default, the shell from /etc/passwd is used with argument -l" << std::endl
params parse_args(int argc, char **argv) {
params p{};
constexpr auto spec = "+hm:";
while (true) {
auto opt = getopt(argc, const_cast<char *const *>(argv), spec);
if (opt == -1)
else if (opt == '?' || opt == 'h') {
exit(opt == 'h' ? 0 : 1);
} else if (opt == 'm') {
p.motd = ::optarg;
if (argc > ::optind)
p.argv = const_cast<char *const *>(&argv[::optind]);
return p;
// Helpers
int xerror(const char *desc) {
return -errno;
[[noreturn]] void die(int r, const char *msg) {
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
[[noreturn]] void die_errno(int r, const char *msg) {
struct mntent_context {
FILE *mounts;
mntent_context(char const *fname) {
mounts = setmntent(fname, "r");
operator bool() {
return mounts != nullptr;
~mntent_context() {
if (mounts != nullptr)
mntent *next() {
return getmntent(mounts);
int ro_all_mounts() {
// Change all current mounts to readonly
auto mounts = mntent_context("/proc/mounts");
if (!mounts)
return 1;
mntent *ent;
while ((ent = != nullptr) {
if (ko::os::bind(ent->mnt_dir, ent->mnt_dir, MS_REMOUNT|MS_RDONLY))
return 1;
return 0;
int protect_self() {
// Hide self by by bind-mounting /dev/zero on top. Make it harder to exploit any vulns, just in case
// Though this does give away the name of the executable...
auto path = ko::fd::readlink("/proc/self/exe");
if (path.empty())
return 1;
return ko::os::bind("/dev/null", path);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
params p = parse_args(argc, argv);
uid_t ruid, euid, suid;
gid_t rgid, egid, sgid;
passwd *passwd;
std::string options;
const char *default_shell_argv[] = {nullptr, "-l", nullptr}; // gets executable name from user passwd record
// Use shell from passwd if no command is given in argv
if (p.argv == nullptr)
p.argv = const_cast<char *const*>(default_shell_argv);
auto [e, eloc] = ko::util::cvshort()
.then("getresuid", getresuid, &ruid, &euid, &suid)
.then("getresgid", getresgid, &rgid, &egid, &sgid)
.then("getpwuid", [ruid,euid,&passwd]() {
// Check root perms
if (euid != 0)
die(3, "Must be suid root");
// Retrieve user info
errno = 0;
passwd = getpwuid(ruid);
if (errno != 0)
return 5;
else if (passwd == nullptr)
die(4, "Calling user ID not known to system");
return 0;
.then("setegid", ::setegid, 0)
.then("unshare", ::unshare, CLONE_NEWNS)
.then("make ns slave", ko::os::mount, "", "/", "", MS_REC|MS_SLAVE, nullptr)
.ifthen("make fs readonly",, ro_all_mounts)
.ifthen("protect self", p.protect, protect_self)
.then("mount tmp", ko::os::mount, "tmpfs", "/tmp", "tmpfs", MS_NOEXEC|MS_NODEV|MS_NOSUID, nullptr)
.then([ruid,rgid,suid,&options,passwd,&default_shell_argv]() -> ko::util::cvresult {
// Create directories
auto d = ko::fd::opendir("/tmp");
auto r = ko::util::cvshort()
.then("fchown tmp", ::fchown, (int)d, ruid, rgid)
.then("setegid", ::setegid, rgid)
.then("seteuid", ::seteuid, ruid)
.then("mkdir .home", ko::fd::mkdir, ".home", 0750, (int)d)
.then("mkdir work", ko::fd::mkdir, ".home/work", 0750, (int)d)
.then("mkdir top", ko::fd::mkdir, ".home/top", 0750, (int)d)
.then("seteuid root", ::seteuid, suid);
if (r) {
// Build option string
options = ko::util::str("lowerdir=", passwd->pw_dir, ",upperdir=/tmp/.home/top,workdir=/tmp/.home/work");
// Use shell from passwd
default_shell_argv[0] = passwd->pw_shell;
return r;
.then("mount overlay", ko::os::mount, "overlay", passwd->pw_dir, "overlay", 0, (void*)options.c_str())
.ifthen("show motd", !p.motd.empty(), [&p]() {
auto f = ko::fd::open(p.motd, O_RDONLY);
if (!f)
return 1;
struct stat st;
if (::fstat(f, &st))
return 1;
return ko::fd::fcopy(f, STDOUT_FILENO, st.st_size) ? 0 : 1;
.then("chdir home", ::chdir, passwd->pw_dir)
.then("drop gid", ::setresgid, rgid, rgid, rgid)
.then("drop uid", ::setresuid, ruid, ruid, ruid)
.then("exec", ::execvp, p.argv[0], p.argv);
return e;