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// Simple Client-Library for the KeePassXC-Browser API
// (c) 2019 Taeyeon Mori
// Depends on: libsodium, jsoncpp
// NOTE: Users must make sure to initialize libsodium!
// WARNING: This currently does nothing to protect the keys in memory.
// Such measures could be added to crypto::, but as the key material
// is stored in a plain file on disk anyway, that seems to be a lot of useless work.
// This applies especially for small, short-lived cli utilities.
// WARNING: With a plain secrets file, the 'Never ask before accessing credentials' option in
// in KeePassXC becomes an even bigger security risk!
#pragma once
#include "koproc.hpp"
#include <json/json.h>
#include <sodium.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <cstring>
#include <variant>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace keepassxc {
using string = std::string;
using data = std::basic_string<uint8_t>;
// Hack, but libsodium insists on unsigned char
// The result of this is cleaner than having individual
// casts all over the place and as a side benefit, it
// tends to prevent toughtlessly trying to put binary
// data into json directly.
const data &data_cast(const string &s) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const data*>(&s);
const string &nodata_cast(const data &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const string*>(&d);
* Cryptography goes here
namespace crypto {
data generate_nonce() {
auto nonce = data(crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, 0);
::randombytes(, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
return nonce;
/// Return [[public_key, secret_key]]
std::optional<std::pair<data, data>> generate_keypair() {
auto seckey = data(crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES, 0);
auto pubkey = data(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES, 0);
if (::crypto_box_keypair(, == 0)
return {{pubkey, seckey}};
return {};
data encrypt(const data &plain, const data &nonce, const data &pubkey, const data &seckey) {
auto cipher = data(plain.size() + crypto_box_MACBYTES, 0);
const auto ok = crypto_box_easy(,, plain.size(),,, == 0;
return ok ? cipher : data();
data decrypt(const data &cipher, const data &nonce, const data &pubkey, const data &seckey) {
auto plain = data(cipher.size() - crypto_box_MACBYTES, 0);
const auto ok = crypto_box_open_easy(,, cipher.size(),,, == 0;
return ok ? plain : data();
string b64encode(const data &dec) {
auto enc = string(sodium_base64_ENCODED_LEN(dec.size(), sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL), 0);
::sodium_bin2base64(, enc.size(),, dec.size(), sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL);
return enc;
std::optional<data> b64decode(const string &enc) {
auto dec = data(enc.size() * 3 / 4 + 1, 0);
size_t data_len = 0;
if (::sodium_base642bin(, dec.size(),, enc.size(),
nullptr, &data_len, nullptr, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) == 0) {
return dec;
return {};
void increment(data &n) {
::sodium_increment(, n.size());
* The keepassxc client configuration
struct config {
static constexpr auto CONF_PUBKEY = "public_key",
CONF_PRIVKEY = "private_key",
CONF_DATABASES = "databases";
data public_key, private_key;
std::unordered_map<string, string> dbs;
* Create a new configuration
* @note This creates the persistent key pair
static std::optional<config> create() {
auto keys = crypto::generate_keypair();
if (!keys)
return {};
auto [public_key, private_key] = keys.value();
return config{
.public_key = public_key,
.private_key = private_key,
.dbs = {},
* Load configuration from a JSON object
* @param conf The JSON object
static std::optional<config> load(const Json::Value &conf) {
if (!conf.isMember(CONF_PUBKEY) || !conf.isMember(CONF_PRIVKEY))
return std::nullopt;
auto public_key = crypto::b64decode(conf[CONF_PUBKEY].asString());
if (!public_key)
return std::nullopt;
auto private_key = crypto::b64decode(conf[CONF_PRIVKEY].asString());
if (!private_key)
return std::nullopt;
return config{
.public_key = public_key.value(),
.private_key = private_key.value(),
.dbs = [&conf]() {
auto ids = std::unordered_map<string, string>{};
if (!conf.isMember(CONF_DATABASES))
return ids;
for (auto it = conf[CONF_DATABASES].begin(); it != conf[CONF_DATABASES].end(); it++)
ids.emplace(, it->asString());
return ids;
* Write the configuration into a JSON object
void serialize(Json::Value &conf) const {
conf[CONF_PUBKEY] = crypto::b64encode(this->public_key);
conf[CONF_PRIVKEY] = crypto::b64encode(this->private_key);
conf[CONF_DATABASES] = Json::objectValue;
for (auto [dbhash, id] : this->dbs)
conf[CONF_DATABASES][dbhash] = id;
* Dump the configuration as a JSON object
Json::Value serialize() const {
Json::Value json(Json::objectValue);
return json;
* Simple, blocking client for interacting with KeePassXC
class client {
config conf;
data conn_pubkey = {},
conn_privkey = {},
remote_pubkey = {};
string conn_id = {},
remote_dbhash = {};
pid_t pid = -1;
std::unique_ptr<ko::fd::pipe> pipe = {};
std::array<const char *, 2> proc_cmd = {"keepassxc-proxy", nullptr};
const std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> dumper{[](){
auto builder = Json::StreamWriterBuilder();
builder["indentation"] = "";
return builder.newStreamWriter();
const std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> loader{Json::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader()};
inline string dumps(const Json::Value &v) {
auto s = std::ostringstream();
this->dumper->write(v, &s);
return s.str();
inline std::variant<Json::Value, string> loads(const string &json) {
auto v = Json::Value();
auto err = std::string();
if (this->loader->parse(, + json.size(), &v, &err))
return v;
return err;
client(config conf) :
const config &get_config() const {
return this->conf;
void set_command(const char *cmd) {
this->proc_cmd[0] = cmd;
bool is_connected() {
return this->pid > 0 && this->pipe; // XXX check pipe is connected
bool is_associated() {
return !this->remote_pubkey.empty() && !this->remote_dbhash.empty();
* Start the KeePassXC process
* @note This generates necessary ephemeral keys and ids
* XXX Should move the key pair into associate()?
bool connect() {
auto keys_opt = crypto::generate_keypair();
if (!keys_opt)
return false;
std::tie(this->conn_pubkey, this->conn_privkey) = keys_opt.value();
std::tie(this->pid, this->pipe) = ko::proc::popenp(this->;
this->conn_id = crypto::b64encode(crypto::generate_nonce());
return is_connected();
Json::Value jerror(string reason) {
auto err = Json::Value{Json::objectValue};
err["action"] = "client-error";
err["success"] = "false";
err["errorCode"] = -1;
err["error"] = reason;
return err;
Json::Value send_message(const Json::Value &msg) {
auto &pipe = *(this->pipe);
auto msg_s = this->dumps(msg);
auto sz_opt = pipe.read_bin<uint32_t>();
if (!sz_opt)
return jerror(string{"Could not read result size: "} + strerror(errno));
auto reply =;
if (reply.size() < sz_opt.value())
return jerror(string{"Could not read result: "} + strerror(errno));
auto result_err = this->loads(reply);
if (result_err.index())
return jerror(string{"Could not parse message: "} + std::get<string>(result_err));
//std::cerr << "Conversation: " << msg_s << " -> (" << sz_opt.value() << ") " << reply << std::endl;
return std::get<0>(result_err);
Json::Value send_message_enc(const Json::Value &msg) {
auto nonce = crypto::generate_nonce();
auto msg_enc = crypto::encrypt(data_cast(this->dumps(msg)), nonce, this->remote_pubkey, this->conn_privkey);
auto wrap = Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
wrap["action"] = msg["action"];
wrap["nonce"] = crypto::b64encode(nonce);
wrap["clientID"] = this->conn_id;
wrap["message"] = crypto::b64encode(msg_enc);
auto res = this->send_message(wrap);
if (res.isMember("error"))
return res;
if (res.get("nonce", "").asString() != crypto::b64encode(nonce))
return this->jerror("Invalid response nonce");
auto cipher_opt = crypto::b64decode(res["message"].asString());
if (!cipher_opt)
return this->jerror("Malformed ciphertext");
auto data = crypto::decrypt(cipher_opt.value(), nonce, this->remote_pubkey, this->conn_privkey);
auto result_err = this->loads(nodata_cast(data));
if (result_err.index())
return this->jerror(string{"Could not parse inner message: "} + std::get<1>(result_err));
return std::get<0>(result_err);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Message types
inline Json::Value msg_skeleton(const string &action) {
auto msg = Json::Value{Json::objectValue};
msg["action"] = action;
return msg;
Json::Value send_change_public_keys() {
auto msg = this->msg_skeleton("change-public-keys");
msg["publicKey"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conn_pubkey);
msg["clientID"] = this->conn_id;
msg["nonce"] = crypto::b64encode(crypto::generate_nonce());
return this->send_message(msg);
Json::Value send_get_databasehash() {
return this->send_message_enc(this->msg_skeleton("get-databasehash"));
Json::Value send_associate() {
auto msg = this->msg_skeleton("associate");
msg["key"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conn_pubkey);
msg["idKey"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conf.public_key);
return this->send_message_enc(msg);
Json::Value send_test_associate(const string &id) {
auto msg = this->msg_skeleton("test-associate");
msg["key"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conf.public_key);
msg["id"] = id;
return this->send_message_enc(msg);
Json::Value send_get_logins(const string &url, const string &submitUrl=string(), bool httpAuth=false) {
auto msg = this->msg_skeleton("get-logins");
msg["url"] = url;
if (!submitUrl.empty())
msg["submitUrl"] = submitUrl;
if (httpAuth)
msg["httpAuth"] = httpAuth;
msg["keys"] = Json::Value{Json::arrayValue};
msg["keys"][0] = Json::Value{Json::objectValue};
msg["keys"][0]["id"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conf.public_key);
msg["keys"][0]["key"] = crypto::b64encode(this->conn_pubkey);
return this->send_message_enc(msg);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Composite functions
* Try to associate with KeePassXC using existing IDs
* @return A non-empty error message on failure
string try_associate() {
// Exchange pubkeys
auto res = this->send_change_public_keys();
if (res.isMember("error"))
return res["error"].asString();
if (!res.isMember("publicKey"))
return "publicKey not in change-public-keys reply";
this->remote_pubkey = crypto::b64decode(res["publicKey"].asString()).value();
// Get the dbhash
res = this->send_get_databasehash();
if (res.isMember("error"))
return res["error"].asString();
this->remote_dbhash = res["hash"].asString();
// Look up database
auto f = conf.dbs.find(this->remote_dbhash);
if (f == conf.dbs.end())
return "Not associated with database";
// Verify association
res = this->send_test_associate(f->second);
if (res.get("success", "false") != "true")
return "Key appears to have been revoked";
return {};
* Try to associate with KeePassXC using either existing or new IDs
* @return A non-empty error message on failure
string associate() {
auto err = try_associate();
if (err.empty())
return {};
auto res = this->send_associate();
if (res.isMember("error"))
return res["error"].asString();
if (res.get("success", "false") != "true")
return "Unknown error";
this->conf.dbs.emplace(this->remote_dbhash, res["id"].asString());
return {};