steamsync: Add support for Non-Steam apps

Taeyeon Mori 4 years ago
parent 8edb723f09
commit 908fe47ff5
  1. 33
  2. 205
  3. 4

@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from getpass import getuser
from pathlib import Path
from steamsync import SteamSync, SyncOp
from steamsync import SteamSync
# Find home
steamns_home = Path("~/.local/steam/home/taeyeon/").expanduser()
sync = SteamSync(Path("~/Nextcloud/Misc/Savegames").expanduser())
# Find home
steamns_home = Path("~/.local/steam/home/%s/" % getuser()).expanduser()
if steamns_home.exists():
home = steamns_home
home = Path("~").expanduser()
sync = SteamSync(Path("~/Nextcloud/Misc/Savegames").expanduser())
sync.home_path = steamns_home
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Steam Games
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
def zanzarah(op):
with op.game_directory.prefix("Save") as set:
@ -36,8 +37,22 @@ def fs19(op):
#@sync.by_name("Fell Seal")
def fell_seal(op):
with op.from_(home).prefix("Fell Seal") as set:
with op.home.prefix("Fell Seal") as set:
set += "saves"
set += "customdata"
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Other Games
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
@sync.generic("Final Fantasy XIV", platform="win")
def ffxiv(op):
path = op.my_documents.prefix("My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn")
if not path.exists():
with path as set:
set += "FFXIV_CHR*/*.dat"
if set.show_confirm():

@ -13,20 +13,28 @@ from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Union, Set, Callable, Any
from steamutil import Steam, App, CachedProperty, MalformedManifestError
class AppNotFoundType:
def __call__(self, func) -> None:
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return False
AppNotFound = AppNotFoundType()
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sync Abstractions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SyncPath:
A SyncPath represents a pair of paths:
local/common ; target/common
Whereby target is the location being synched to and local is
the prefix the data is synched from on the local machine.
Common has components common to both paths.
Usually, you'd set the local prefix and then the common part.
e.g.: op.home.prefix(".my_game") / "Savegames"
whereby "Savegames" is included in the resulting target
path, but ".my_game" is not.
Note that SyncPath should be considered immutable. Relevant
methods return a new instance.
__slots__ = "op", "local", "common"
op: 'SyncOp'
op: 'AbstractSyncOp'
local: Path
common: Path
@ -34,21 +42,32 @@ class SyncPath:
self.op = op
self.local = Path(local)
self.common = Path(common)
## Change paths
def prefix(self, component: Union[str, Path]) -> 'SyncPath':
""" Return a new SyncPath that has a component prefixed to the local path """
return SyncPath(self.op, self.local / component, self.common)
def __div__(self, component: Union[str, Path]) -> 'SyncPath':
""" Return a new SyncPath that nas a component added """
return SyncPath(self.op, self.local, self.common / component)
## Retrieve paths
def path(self) -> Path:
""" Get the local path """
return self.local / self.common
def exists(self) -> bool:
""" Chech whether local path exists """
return self.path.exists()
def target_path(self) -> Path:
""" Get the sync target path """
return self.op.target_path / self.common
## Begin a SyncSet
def __enter__(self) -> 'SyncSet':
return SyncSet(self)
@ -58,9 +77,13 @@ class SyncPath:
class SyncSet:
A SyncSet represents a set of files to be synchronized
from a local to a target location represented by a SyncPath
FileStatSet = Dict[Path, Tuple[Path, os.stat_result]]
op: 'SyncOp'
op: 'AbstractSyncOp'
spath: SyncPath
local: FileStatSet
target: FileStatSet
@ -74,10 +97,12 @@ class SyncSet:
def path(self) -> Path:
""" The local path """
return self.spath.path
def target_path(self) -> Path:
""" The target path """
return self.spath.target_path
# Modify inclusion
@ -131,12 +156,16 @@ class SyncSet:
def files_unmodified(self) -> Set[Path]:
return (self.local.keys() | - (self.files_from_local | self.files_from_target)
def show_confirm(self) -> bool:
def show_confirm(self, skip=True) -> bool:
# XXX: move to SyncOp?
print(" Local is newer: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_from_local)))
print(" Target is newer: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_from_target)))
print(" Unmodified: ", ", ".join(map(str, self.files_unmodified)))
if skip and not self.files_from_local and not self.files_from_target:
print("Noting to do!")
return False
print("Continue? <Y/n> ", end="")
resp = input().strip()
if resp.lower() in ("y", "yes", ""):
@ -157,20 +186,43 @@ class SyncSet:
return self.op._do_copy(operations)
class SyncOp:
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sync Operation
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class AbstractSyncOp:
parent: 'SteamSync'
app: App
def __init__(self, ssync, app):
self.parent = ssync = app
def __call__(self, func: Callable[['SyncOp'],Any]):
def __init__(self, parent: 'SteamSync'):
self.parent = parent
# Properties
def name(self):
""" Name of the app """
raise NotImplementedError()
def slug(self):
""" Name of the destination folder """
def slug(self, value: str):
dict(self)["slug"] = value
def target_path(self) -> Path:
""" Full path to copy saves to """
return self.parent.target_path / self.slug
def __call__(self, func: Callable[['AbstractSyncOp'], Any]):
# For decorator use
return func(self)
def _do_copy(self, ops: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> bool:
# Actual Copy Logic
def _do_copy(ops: List[Tuple[Path, Path]]) -> bool:
for src, dst in ops:
if not dst.parent.exists():
@ -178,25 +230,24 @@ class SyncOp:
print(" \033[36m%s -> %s\033[0m" % (src, dst))
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
return True
# UI
def _report_begin(self):
print("\033[34mNow Synchronizing App %s\033[0m" %
print("\033[34mNow Synchronizing App \033[36m%s\033[34m (%s)\033[0m"
% (, self.__class__.__name__.replace("SyncOp", "")))
def report_error(self, msg: List[str]):
print("\033[31m"+"\n".join(" " + l for l in msg)+"\033[0m")
def target_path(self) -> Path:
return self.parent.target_path /
# Start from here
def home(self):
return SyncPath(self, self.parent.home_path)
def my_documents(self) -> SyncPath:
""" Get the Windows "My Documents" folder """
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# TODO: what about native games?
return SyncPath(self, / "users/steamuser/My Documents")
elif sys.platform == "win32":
if sys.platform == "win32":
def get_my_documents():
import ctypes.wintypes
CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents
@ -208,36 +259,92 @@ class SyncOp:
return buf.value
return SyncPath(self, get_my_documents())
raise Exception("Platform not supported")
raise RuntimeError("Platform has unknown My Documents location")
def from_(self, path: Path) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self, path)
class GenericSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
""" Generic Sync Operation for Non-Steam Apps """
name: str = None
def __init__(self, parent, name):
super().__init__(parent) = name
class SteamSyncOp(AbstractSyncOp):
""" Sync Operation for Steam Apps """
app: App
def __init__(self, ssync, app):
super().__init__(ssync) = app
## Implement AbstractSyncOp
def name(self):
def slug(self):
## Addidtional information available through Steam
def game_directory(self) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self,
def from_(self, path: Path) -> SyncPath:
return SyncPath(self, path)
def my_documents(self) -> SyncPath:
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# TODO: what about native games?
return SyncPath(self, / "users/steamuser/My Documents")
return super().my_documents
class SyncNoOp:
""" No-Op Sync Operation """
def __call__(self, func) -> None:
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return False
AppNotFound = SyncNoOp()
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Sync manager class
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
class SteamSync:
target_path: Path
steam: Steam
home_path: Path
def __init__(self, target_path: Path, *, steam_path: Path = None):
self.target_path = Path(target_path)
self.steam = Steam(steam_path)
self.home_path = Path("~").expanduser()
# Get Information
def apps(self) -> List[App]:
return list(self.steam.apps)
# Get Sync Operation for a specific App
def by_id(self, appid):
""" Steam App by AppID """
app = self.steam.get_app(appid)
if app is not None:
return SyncOp(self, app)
return SteamSyncOp(self, app)
return AppNotFound
def by_name(self, pattern):
""" Steam App by Name """
pt = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern).rstrip("\\Z"), re.IGNORECASE)
app = None
for candidate in self.apps: #pylint:disable=not-an-iterable
@ -245,4 +352,12 @@ class SteamSync:
if app is not None:
raise Exception("Encountered more than one possible App matching '%s'" % pattern)
app = candidate
return SyncOp(self, app)
if app is None:
return AppNotFound
return SteamSyncOp(self, app)
def generic(self, name, *, platform=None):
""" Non-Steam App """
if platform is not None and platform not in sys.platform:
return AppNotFound
return GenericSyncOp(self, name)

@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ class Steam:
except WindowsError:
pfiles = (os.environ.get("ProgramFiles(x86)", "C:\Program Files (x86)"),
os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", "C:\Program Files"))
pfiles = (os.environ.get("ProgramFiles(x86)", "C:\\Program Files (x86)"),
os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", "C:\\Program Files"))
for path in pfiles:
if path.exists():
path /= "Steam"
