advancedav: Make it easy to split tasks across multiple ffmpeg workers

MultiAV can manage multiple instances of ffmepeg running in parallel.
Task.split can also split a task with many outputs into multiple smaller ones to distribute them across workers
Taeyeon Mori 7 years ago
parent 5790ea24ca
commit 4cfa9a8d82
  1. 422

@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence, Iterator, MutableMapping
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
__all__ = "AdvancedAVError", "AdvancedAV", "SimpleAV"
__all__ = "AdvancedAVError", "AdvancedAV", "SimpleAV", "MultiAV"
version_info = 2, 99, 0
version_info = 2, 99, 5
# Constants
@ -73,6 +73,57 @@ def ffmpeg_int(no: str) -> int:
return int(no)
class Future:
def __init__(self):
self.result = None
self.finished = False
self.exception = None
self._then = []
self._catch = []
# Consumer
def then(self, fn):
if self.finished:
if not self.exception:
return self
def catch(self, fn):
if self.finished:
if self.exception:
return self
# Provider
def complete(self, result=None):
self.result = result
self.finished = True
for c in self._then:
return self
def fail(self, exception):
self.exception = exception
self.finished = True
for c in self._catch:
def __enter__(self):
return self.complete
def __exit__(self, exc):
if not self.finished:
if exc:
else:"Future not completed in context"))
# == Base Classes ==
class ObjectWithOptions:
@ -366,6 +417,10 @@ class OutputStream(Stream, ObjectWithOptions, ObjectWithMetadata):
bitrate = OptionProperty("b", type=ffmpeg_int)
class OutputAudioStream(OutputStream):
channels = OptionProperty("ac")
class OutputVideoStream(OutputStream):
def downscale(self, width, height):
# Scale while keeping aspect ratio; never upscale.
@ -375,6 +430,7 @@ class OutputVideoStream(OutputStream):
def output_stream_factory(file, source, *args, **more):
return {
S_AUDIO: OutputAudioStream,
S_VIDEO: OutputVideoStream,
}.get(source.type, OutputStream)(file, source, *args, **more)
@ -525,10 +581,7 @@ class InputFile(File):
ffprobe_args = "-show_format", "-show_streams", "-show_chapters", "-print_format", "json"
def _initialize_info(self):
probe = self.pp.call_probe(tuple(Task.argv_options(self.options))
+ self.ffprobe_args
+ ("-i", self.filename))
self._information = json.loads(probe)
self._information = self.pp.probe_file(self, ffprobe_args_hint=self.ffprobe_args)
def _initialize_streams(self):
""" Parse the ffprobe output
@ -733,52 +786,21 @@ class OutputFile(File, ObjectWithMetadata):
# === Task Classes ===
class Task:
class BaseTask:
Holds information about an AV-processing Task.
A Task is a collection of Input- and Output-Files and related options.
While OutputFiles are bound to one task at a time, InputFiles can be reused across Tasks.
Task base class
output_factory = OutputFile
def __init__(self, pp: "AdvancedAV"):
self.pp = pp
self.inputs = []
""" :type: list[InputFile] """
self.inputs_by_name = {}
""" :type: dict[str, InputFile] """
self.outputs = []
""" :type: list[OutputFile] """
# -- Manage Inputs
def add_input(self, file: "str | InputFile") -> InputFile:
""" Register an input file
When \param file is already registered as input file to this Task, do nothing.
:param file: Can be either the filename of an input file or an InputFile object.
The latter will be created if the former is passed.
if isinstance(file, PurePath): # Pathlib support
file = str(file)
if isinstance(file, str):
if file in self.inputs_by_name:
return self.inputs_by_name[file]
file = self.pp.create_input(file)
if file not in self.inputs:
self.pp.to_debug("Adding input file #%i: %s", len(self.inputs),
self.inputs_by_name[file.filename] = file
# -- Inputs
# inputs: Sequence[InputFile]
return file
def inputs_by_name(self) -> Mapping[str, InputFile]:
return { i for i in self.inputs}
def qualified_input_stream_spec(self, stream: InputStream) -> str:
""" Construct the qualified input stream spec (combination of input file number and stream spec)
@ -789,43 +811,28 @@ class Task:
if file_index >= 0:
return "{}:{}".format(file_index, stream.stream_spec)
# -- Manage Outputs
def add_output(self, filename: str, container: str=DEFAULT_CONTAINER, options: Mapping=None) -> OutputFile:
""" Add an output file
NOTE: Contrary to add_input this will NOT take an OutputFile instance and return it.
for outfile in self.outputs:
if outfile.filename == filename:
raise AdvancedAVError("Output File '%s' already added." % filename)
outfile = self.output_factory(self, filename, container, options)
self.pp.to_debug("New output file #%i: %s", len(self.outputs), filename)
return outfile
# -- Manage Streams
def iter_video_streams(self) -> Iterator:
# -- Input Streams
def iter_video_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.video_streams
def iter_audio_streams(self) -> Iterator:
def iter_audio_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputAudioStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.audio_streams
def iter_subtitle_streams(self) -> Iterator:
def iter_subtitle_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.subtitle_streams
def iter_attachment_streams(self) -> Iterator:
def iter_attachment_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.attachment_streams
def iter_data_streams(self) -> Iterator:
def iter_data_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.data_streams
def iter_streams(self) -> Iterator:
def iter_streams(self) -> Iterator[InputStream]:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.streams
@ -833,9 +840,12 @@ class Task:
for input_ in self.inputs:
yield from input_.chapters
# -- Outputs
# outputs: Sequence[OutputFile]
# -- FFmpeg
def argv_options(options: Mapping, qualifier: str=None) -> Iterator:
def argv_options(options: Mapping, qualifier: str=None) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Yield arbitrary options
:type options: Mapping[str, str]
@ -856,7 +866,7 @@ class Task:
yield str(value)
def argv_metadata(metadata: Mapping, qualifier: str=None) -> Iterator:
def argv_metadata(metadata: Mapping, qualifier: str=None) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Yield arbitrary metadata
:type metadata: Mapping[str, str]
@ -870,7 +880,7 @@ class Task:
yield opt
yield "%s=%s" % meta
def generate_args(self) -> Iterator:
def generate_args(self) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Generate the ffmpeg commandline for this task
:rtype: Iterator[str]
@ -917,7 +927,7 @@ class Task:
out_fn = output.filename
yield out_fn if out_fn[0] != "-" else "./" + out_fn
def commit(self, additional_args: Iterable=()):
def commit(self, additional_args: Iterable=(), immediate=True, **args):
Commit the changes.
@ -926,7 +936,122 @@ class Task:
:type additional_args: Iterable[str]
:raises: AdvancedAVError when FFmpeg fails
self.pp.call_conv(itertools.chain(additional_args, self.generate_args()))
f = self.pp.commit_task(self, add_ffmpeg_args=additional_args, immediate=immediate, **args)
if f.finished:
if f.exception:
raise f.exception
elif immediate:
raise RuntimeError("Requested immediate commit but result was deferred")
def commit2(self, **args) -> Future:
Commit the changes.
add_ffmpeg_args can be used to pass global arguments to ffmpeg. (like -y)
:type additional_args: Iterable[str]
:returns: a Future
return self.pp.commit_task(self, **args)
# -- Managing the task
def split(self, pieces=0) -> Sequence["PartialTask"]:
Split a task into min(pieces, len(outputs)) partial tasks
parts = []
if pieces > 0:
for i in range(min(len(self.outputs), pieces)):
for i, output in enumerate(self.outputs):
parts[i % pieces].append(output)
parts = [[output] for output in self.outputs]
return [PartialTask(self, outset) for outset in parts]
class PartialTask(BaseTask):
def __init__(self, parent, outs):
self.parent = parent
self.outputs = outs
def inputs(self):
return self.parent.inputs
def inputs_by_name(self):
return self.parent.inputs_by_name
class Task(BaseTask):
Holds information about an AV-processing Task.
A Task is a collection of Input- and Output-Files and related options.
While OutputFiles are bound to one task at a time, InputFiles can be reused across Tasks.
output_factory = OutputFile
inputs_by_name = None
def __init__(self, pp: "AdvancedAV"):
self.inputs = []
""" :type: list[InputFile] """
self.inputs_by_name = {}
""" :type: dict[str, InputFile] """
self.outputs = []
""" :type: list[OutputFile] """
# -- Manage Inputs
def add_input(self, file: "str | InputFile") -> InputFile:
""" Register an input file
When \param file is already registered as input file to this Task, do nothing.
:param file: Can be either the filename of an input file or an InputFile object.
The latter will be created if the former is passed.
if isinstance(file, PurePath): # Pathlib support
file = str(file)
if isinstance(file, str):
if file in self.inputs_by_name:
return self.inputs_by_name[file]
file = self.pp.create_input(file)
if file not in self.inputs:
self.pp.to_debug("Adding input file #%i: %s", len(self.inputs),
self.inputs_by_name[file.filename] = file
return file
# -- Manage Outputs
def add_output(self, filename: str, container: str=DEFAULT_CONTAINER, options: Mapping=None) -> OutputFile:
""" Add an output file
NOTE: Contrary to add_input this will NOT take an OutputFile instance and return it.
for outfile in self.outputs:
if outfile.filename == filename:
raise AdvancedAVError("Output File '%s' already added." % filename)
outfile = self.output_factory(self, filename, container, options)
self.pp.to_debug("New output file #%i: %s", len(self.outputs), filename)
return outfile
class SimpleTask(Task):
@ -980,27 +1105,6 @@ class AdvancedAV(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def to_debug(self, text, *fmt):
self.get_logger().debug(text % fmt)
# ---- FFmpeg ----
def call_conv(self, args: Iterable):
Call ffmpeg.
:param args: Iterable[str] The ffprobe arguments
It should throw an AdvancedAVError if the call fails
def call_probe(self, args: Iterable) -> str:
Call ffprobe.
:param args: Iterable[str] The ffprobe arguments
:return: str the standard output
It should throw an AdvancedAVError if the call fails
NOTE: Make sure the locale is set to C so the regexes match
# ---- Create Tasks ----
def create_task(self) -> Task:
@ -1018,6 +1122,29 @@ class AdvancedAV(metaclass=ABCMeta):
return SimpleTask(self, filename, container, options)
# ---- Process Tasks ----
def commit_task(self, task: Task, *, add_ffmpeg_args: Sequence[str]=None, immediate: bool=False) -> Future:
Execute a task
:param add_ffmpeg_args: List[str] arguments to add to ffmpeg call, if ffmpeg is used
:param immediate: Request that the task is executed synchronously
:return: A simple (possibly finished) future object describing the result
# ---- Analyze Files ----
def probe_file(self, path, *, ffprobe_args_hint: Sequence[str]=None) -> Mapping[str, object]:
Analyze a media file
:param path: The file path
:param ffprobe_args_hint: A hint as to which arguments would need to be passed to ffprobe to
supply all needed information
:return: The media information, in parsed ffmpeg JSON format
# ---- Create InputFiles ----
def create_input(self, filename: str, options=None):
@ -1056,23 +1183,29 @@ class SimpleAV(AdvancedAV):
_posix_env = dict(os.environ)
_posix_env["LANG"] = _posix_env["LC_ALL"] = "C"
def call_conv(self, args: Iterable):
""" Actually call ffmpeg
def make_conv_argv(self, task, add_ffmpeg_args):
return tuple(itertools.chain((self._ffmpeg,), self.global_args, self.global_conv_args,
add_ffmpeg_args, task.generate_args()))
:type args: Iterable[str]
argv = tuple(itertools.chain((self._ffmpeg,), self.global_args, self.global_conv_args, args))
def commit_task(self, task, *, add_ffmpeg_args=(), immediate=True):
with Future() as f:
argv = self.make_conv_argv(task, add_ffmpeg_args)
self.to_debug("Running Command: %s", argv)
self.to_debug("Running Command: %s", argv)
output = None if self.ffmpeg_output else subprocess.DEVNULL
output = None if self.ffmpeg_output else subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=output, stderr=output), stdout=output, stderr=output)
def call_probe(self, args: Iterable):
""" Call ffprobe (With LANG=LC_ALL=C)
return f()
:type args: Iterable[str]
def call_probe(self, args: Iterable):
Call ffprobe.
:param args: Iterable[str] The ffprobe arguments
:return: str the standard output
It should throw an AdvancedAVError if the call fails
NOTE: Make sure the locale is set to C so the regexes match
argv = tuple(itertools.chain((self._ffprobe,), self.global_args, self.global_probe_args, args))
@ -1088,3 +1221,86 @@ class SimpleAV(AdvancedAV):
raise AdvancedAVError(msg)
return out.decode("utf-8", "replace")
def probe_file(self, file, *, ffprobe_args_hint=None):
probe = self.call_probe(tuple(BaseTask.argv_options(file.options))
+ ffprobe_args_hint
+ ("-i", file.filename))
return json.loads(probe)
class MultiAV(SimpleAV):
def __init__(self, workers=1, ffmpeg=None, ffprobe=None):
super().__init__(ffmpeg=ffmpeg, ffprobe=ffprobe)
self.concurrent = workers
self.workers = {}
self.queue = collections.deque()
# Enqueue
def commit_task(self, task, *, add_ffmpeg_args=(), immediate=False):
if immediate:
return super().commit_task(task, add_ffmpeg_args=add_ffmpeg_args)
f = Future()
self.queue.append((f, task, add_ffmpeg_args))
return f
# Process
def process_queue(self):
Process tasks until queue is empty.
Note that the last few tasks may still be running in the background when this returns
from time import sleep
while self.queue:
def manage_workers(self):
Make a single run over available workers and see to it that they have work if available
for id in range(self.concurrent):
if not self.poll_worker(id) and self.queue:
self.workers[id] = self._spawn_next()
def wait(self):
""" Wait for processing to finish up """
while self.workers:
for id, (worker, f) in list(self.workers.items()):
def process_serial(self):
""" Process the queue one task at a time """
while self.queue:
p, f = self.spawn_next()
with f:
def poll_worker(self, id):
""" See if a worker is still running and clean it up otherwise """
if id in self.workers:
worker, future = self.workers[id]
if worker.poll() is not None:
if worker.returncode != 0:"ffmpeg returned %d" % worker.returncode))
del self.workers[id]
return True
return False
def _spawn_next(self, **b):
""" Spawn next worker """
f, task, add_ffmpeg_args = self.queue.popleft()
argv = self.make_conv_argv(task, add_ffmpeg_args)
self.to_debug("Running: %s" % (argv,))
return subprocess.Popen(self.make_conv_argv(task, add_ffmpeg_args), **b), f
