#!/usr/bin/env python3
xconv ffmpeg wrapper based on AdvancedAV
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AdvancedAV helps with constructing FFmpeg commandline arguments .
It can automatically parse input files with the help of FFmpeg ' s ffprobe tool (WiP)
and allows programatically mapping streams to output files and setting metadata on them .
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Copyright ( c ) 2015 - 2017 Taeyeon Mori
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : / / www . gnu . org / licenses / > .
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Commandline Parsing
from . profileman import load_all_profiles , load_profile
from . import version_info
from advancedav import version_info as aav_version_info
from argparse import ArgumentParser , Action
from pathlib import Path
from os . path import basename
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
version = " %s (AdvancedAV %s ) " % ( " . " . join ( map ( str , version_info ) ) , " . " . join ( map ( str , aav_version_info ) ) )
# == Support code ==
class TerminalAction ( Action ) :
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = 0 , default = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs = nargs , default = default or { } , * * kwargs )
def __call__ ( self , parser , namespace , values , option_string = None ) :
self . run ( parser , * values )
parser . exit ( )
class ProfilesAction ( TerminalAction ) :
def run ( self , parser ) :
print ( " Available Profiles: " )
for name , profile in sorted ( load_all_profiles ( ) . items ( ) ) :
print ( " %-25s %s " % ( name , profile . description if profile . description else " " ) )
class ProfileInfoAction ( TerminalAction ) :
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = 1 , default = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs = nargs , default = default or { } , * * kwargs )
def run ( self , parser , profile_name ) :
profile = load_profile ( profile_name )
print ( " Profile ' %s ' : " % profile_name )
if profile . description :
print ( " Description: %s " % profile . description )
if " output " in profile . features :
output = profile . features [ " output " ]
output_info = [ ]
if output [ 0 ] :
output_info . append ( " Format: %s " % output [ 0 ] )
if output [ 1 ] :
output_info . append ( " File extension: %s " % output [ 0 ] )
if output_info :
print ( " Output: %s " % " ; " . join ( output_info ) )
if profile . features :
print ( " Flags: %s " % " , " . join ( " %s ( %r ) " % ( k , v ) if v is not None else k for k , v in profile . features . items ( ) ) )
if profile . defines :
print ( " Supported defines: " )
for define in sorted ( profile . defines . items ( ) ) :
print ( " %s : %s " % define )
class DefineAction ( Action ) :
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = 1 , default = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs = nargs , default = default or { } , * * kwargs )
def __call__ ( self , parser , namespace , values , option_string = None ) :
value = values [ 0 ]
dest = getattr ( namespace , self . dest )
if " = " in value :
k , v = value . split ( " = " )
dest [ k ] = v
else :
dest [ value ] = True
class ExtendAction ( Action ) :
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = " + " , default = None , * * kwargs ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs = nargs , default = default , * * kwargs )
def __call__ ( self , parser , namespace , values , option_string = None ) :
items = getattr ( namespace , self . dest ) or [ ]
items . extend ( values )
setattr ( namespace , self . dest , items )
def parse_args ( argv ) :
prog = basename ( argv [ 0 ] )
if prog == " __main__.py " :
prog = " python -m xconv "
parser = ArgumentParser ( prog = prog ,
usage = """ %(prog)s [-h | -l | -i PROFILE]
% ( prog ) s [ option ] . . . - p PROFILE [ - DNAME [ = VALUE ] ] . . . [ - B ] [ - T ] input output
% ( prog ) s [ option ] . . . - p PROFILE [ - DNAME [ = VALUE ] ] . . . - M [ - T ] inputs . . . output
% ( prog ) s [ option ] . . . - p PROFILE [ - DNAME [ = VALUE ] ] . . . - C [ - T ] inputs . . . output
% ( prog ) s [ option ] . . . - p PROFILE [ - DNAME [ = VALUE ] ] . . . [ - B ] inputs . . . directory
% ( prog ) s [ option ] . . . - p PROFILE [ - DNAME [ = VALUE ] ] . . . [ - B ] - t directory inputs . . . """ ,
description = """ FFmpeg wrapper based on AdvancedAV """ )
parser . add_argument ( " -V " , " --version " , help = " Show version and quit " , action = " version " ,
version = """ XConv %s """ % version )
# Available Options
parser . add_argument ( " -v " , " --verbose " , help = " Enable verbose output " , action = " store_true " )
parser . add_argument ( " -q " , " --quiet " , help = " Be less verbose " , action = " store_true " )
parser . add_argument ( " -j " , " --concurrent " , help = " Run ffmpeg concurrently using at most N instances [ %(default)s ] " , metavar = " N " , type = int , default = cpu_count ( ) )
profile = parser . add_argument_group ( " Profile " )
profile . add_argument ( " -l " , " --list-profiles " , help = " List profiles and quit " , action = ProfilesAction )
profile . add_argument ( " -i " , " --profile-info " , help = " Give info about a profile and quit " , metavar = " PROFILE " , action = ProfileInfoAction )
profile . add_argument ( " -p " , " --profile " , help = " Specify the profile " , metavar = " PROFILE " , required = True )
profile . add_argument ( " -D " , " --define " , help = " Define an option to be used by the profile " , metavar = " NAME[=VALUE] " , action = DefineAction )
mode = parser . add_argument_group ( " Mode " ) . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( )
mode . add_argument ( " -B " , " --batch " , help = " Batch process every input file into an output file (default) " , action = " store_true " )
mode . add_argument ( " -M " , " --merge " , help = " Merge streams from all inputs " , action = " store_true " )
mode . add_argument ( " -C " , " --concat " , help = " Concatenate streams from inputs " , action = " store_true " )
files = parser . add_argument_group ( " Files " )
files . add_argument ( " inputs " , help = " The input file(s) " , nargs = " + " )
files . add_argument ( " output " , help = " The output filename or directory (unless -t is given) " , nargs = " ? " ) # always empty
files . add_argument ( " -u " , " --update " , help = " Only work on files that don ' t already exist " , action = " store_true " )
files . add_argument ( " -c " , " --create-directory " , help = " Create directories if they don ' t exist " , action = " store_true " )
target = files . add_mutually_exclusive_group ( )
target . add_argument ( " -t " , " --target-directory " , help = " Output into a directory " , metavar = " DIRECTORY " , type = Path )
target . add_argument ( " -T " , " --no-target-directory " , help = " Treat output as a normal file " , action = " store_true " )
files . add_argument ( " -S " , " --subdirectory " , help = " Work in a subdirectory of here and -t (use glob patterns for inputs) " )
files . add_argument ( " -K " , " --copy-files " , help = " Copy all following files unmodified " , metavar = " FILE " , action = ExtendAction )
progs = parser . add_argument_group ( " Programs " )
progs . add_argument ( " --ffmpeg " , help = " Path to the ffmpeg executable " , default = " ffmpeg " )
progs . add_argument ( " --ffprobe " , help = " Path to the ffprobe executable " , default = " ffprobe " )
# Parse arguments
args = parser . parse_args ( argv [ 1 : ] )
# Figure out output path
# ----------------------
# Fill in args.output
# args.output will never be filled in by argparse, since inputs consumes everything
if args . target_directory :
args . output = args . target_directory
elif len ( args . inputs ) < 2 :
parser . error ( " Neither --target-directory nor output is given " )
else :
args . output = Path ( args . inputs . pop ( - 1 ) )
if args . subdirectory :
subdir = Path ( args . subdirectory ) #.resolve()
outdir = Path ( args . output , args . subdirectory ) #.resolve()
if outdir . exists ( ) and not outdir . is_dir ( ) :
parser . error ( " --subdirectory only works with output directories. ' %s ' exists and isn ' t a directory " )
inputs = args . inputs
args . inputs = [ ]
for pattern in inputs :
args . inputs . extend ( subdir . glob ( pattern ) )
files = args . copy_files
args . copy_files = [ ]
for pattern in files :
args . copy_files . extend ( subdir . glob ( pattern ) )
args . output_directory = args . output = outdir
args . output_filename = None
else :
# Check if we're outputting to a directory
multiple_outputs = args . copy_files or not ( args . merge or args . concat ) and len ( args . inputs ) > 1
if args . target_directory or args . output . is_dir ( ) or multiple_outputs :
if args . no_target_directory :
if multiple_outputs :
parser . error ( " Passed --no-target-directory, but operation would have multiple outputs. (See --merge or --concat) " )
else :
parser . error ( " Passed --no-target-directory, but ' %s ' is an existing directory. " % args . output )
args . output_filename = None
args . output_directory = args . output
else :
args . output_filename = args . output . name
args . output_directory = args . output . parent
return args