swayr v0.9.0 ============ - All menu switching commands (`switch-window`, `switch-workspace`, and `switch-workspace-or-window`) can now create and switch to not yet existing workspaces. Just type a digit, a name, or `:`, confirm your input, and it'll do. The `:` format is explained in `man 5 sway`. If that format is given, `swayr` will create the workspace using `workspace number :`. If just a digit or name is given, the `number` argument is not used. swayr v0.8.0 ============ - There's now the possibility to define a system-wide config file `/etc/xdg/swayr/config.toml`. It is used when no `~/.config/swayr/config.toml` exists. - New commands: `next-tiled-window`, `prev-tiled-window`, `next-tabbed-or-stacked-window`, `prev-tabbed-or-stacked-window`, `next-floating-window`, `prev-floating-window`, `next-window-of-same-layout`, and `prev-window-of-same-layout`. - **Incompatible change**: All `next/prev-window` commands (including the new ones above) now have a mandatory subcommand determining if all or only the current workspace's windows should be considered: `all-workspaces`, or `current-workspace`. - Bugfix: `prev-window` has never worked correctly. Instead of cycling through all windows in last-recently-used order, it switched between the current and last recently used window. Now it works as expected.