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swayr v0.10.0
- The `con` module which enhances the sway IPC container tree structure has
been replaced by `tree` which achieves the same job but is not restricted to
only handle workspaces, and windows.
- Formats such as `format.workspace_format`, and `format.window_format` can now
include a `{indent}` placeholder which will be replaced with N times the new
`format.indent` value. N is the depth in the shown menu input, e.g., with
`swayr switch-workspace-or-window` the indent level for workspaces is 0, and
1 for windows.
- The `format.workspace_format` may now include a `{layout}` placeholder which
is replaced with the current container's layout.
swayr v0.9.0
3 years ago
- The commands `switch-workspace`, and `switch-workspace-or-window` now also
show empty workspaces which makes it possible to switch to another output
currently showing an empty workspace.
- All menu switching commands (`switch-window`, `switch-workspace`, and
`switch-workspace-or-window`) now handle non-matching input instead of doing
nothing. The input should start with any number of `#` (in order to be able
to force a non-match), a shortcut followed by a colon, and some string as
required by the shortcut. The following shortcuts are supported.
- `w:<workspace>`: Switches to a possibly non-existing workspace.
`<workspace>` must be a digit, a name, or `<digit>:<name>`. The
`<digit>:<name>` format is explained in `man 5 sway`. If that format is
given, `swayr` will create the workspace using `workspace number
<digit>:<name>`. If just a digit or name is given, the `number` argument
is not used.
- `s:<cmd>`: Executes the sway command `<cmd>` using `swaymsg`.
- Any other input is assumed to be a workspace name and thus handled as
`w:<input>` would do.
- The command `execute-swaymsg-command` executes non-matching input as
described by the `s:<cmd>` shortcut above.
- There's a new command `move-focused-to-workspace` which moves the currently
focused window or container to another workspace selected with the menu
program. Non-matching input of the form `#w:<workspace>` where the hash and
`w:` shortcut are optional can be used to move it to a new workspace.
3 years ago
swayr v0.8.0
- There's now the possibility to define a system-wide config file
`/etc/xdg/swayr/config.toml`. It is used when no
`~/.config/swayr/config.toml` exists.
- New commands: `next-tiled-window`, `prev-tiled-window`,
`next-tabbed-or-stacked-window`, `prev-tabbed-or-stacked-window`,
`next-floating-window`, `prev-floating-window`, `next-window-of-same-layout`,
and `prev-window-of-same-layout`.
- **Incompatible change**: All `next/prev-window` commands (including the new
ones above) now have a mandatory subcommand determining if all or only the
current workspace's windows should be considered: `all-workspaces`, or
- Bugfix: `prev-window` has never worked correctly. Instead of cycling through
all windows in last-recently-used order, it switched between the current and
last recently used window. Now it works as expected.