#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ xconv ffmpeg wrapper based on AdvancedAV ----------------------------------------------------------- AdvancedAV helps with constructing FFmpeg commandline arguments. It can automatically parse input files with the help of FFmpeg's ffprobe tool (WiP) and allows programatically mapping streams to output files and setting metadata on them. ----------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Taeyeon Mori This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from .profileman import load_profile from .cmdline import parse_args, version import advancedav from os.path import isdir, join as build_path, basename, dirname, splitext, exists, abspath from os import environ, makedirs, mkdir from shutil import copyfile from pathlib import Path from functools import partial # == Extend AAV == class OutputFile(advancedav.OutputFile): def change_format(self, format=None, ext=None): # Diverge from decorated format. # Watch out for args.genout!! if format: self.container = format if ext: self.name = splitext(self.name)[0] + "." + ext class XconvMixin: output_factory = OutputFile class SimpleTask(XconvMixin, advancedav.SimpleTask): pass class AdvancedTask(XconvMixin, advancedav.Task): def __init__(self, aav, output_prefix): self.output_prefix = output_prefix self.output_directory = dirname(output_prefix) self.output_basename = basename(output_prefix) super().__init__(aav) class Manager(advancedav.MultiAV): def _spawn_next(self, **b): task = self.queue[0][1] print("\033[32m Processing '%s'\033[0m" % task_name(task)) proc, f = super()._spawn_next(**b) f.then(partial(task_done, task)).catch(partial(task_fail, task)) return proc, f def task_done(task, res): print("\033[32m Finished '%s'\033[0m" % task_name(task)) def task_fail(task, exc): print("\033[31m Failed '%s': %s\033[0m" % (task_name(task), exc)) # == App == def make_basename(path, infile): return build_path(path, splitext(basename(infile))[0]) def make_outfile(path, infile, ext=None): name, oldext = splitext(basename(infile)) return build_path(path, ".".join((name, ext if ext else oldext))) def create_task(aav, profile, inputs, args, filename_from=None): is_advanced_task_profile = any(("advanced_task" in profile.features, "no_single_output" in profile.features)) filename_from = filename_from or inputs[0] if not is_advanced_task_profile: fmt = None ext = None if "output" in profile.features: fmt, ext = profile.features["output"] outfile = args.output if args.output_filename else make_outfile(args.output_directory, filename_from, ext) task = SimpleTask(aav, outfile, fmt) else: basename = args.output if args.output_filename else make_basename(args.output_directory, filename_from) task = AdvancedTask(aav, basename) for input in inputs: task.add_input(input) return task def task_name(task): if hasattr(task, "name"): return basename(task.name) elif task.inputs or task.outputs: name = "ffT" if task.inputs: name += " <`%s`" % task.inputs[0].name if len(task.inputs) > 1: name += "..." if task.outputs: name += " >`%s`" % task.outputs[0].name if len(task.outputs) > 1: name += "..." return name else: return "(anon task %p)" % id(task) def main(argv): import logging # Parse commandline args = parse_args(argv) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO) profile = load_profile(args.profile) print("\033[36mXConv %s (c) Taeyeon Mori\033[0m" % version) print("\033[34mProfile: %s\033[0m" % args.profile) unknown_defines = [n for n in args.define.keys() if n not in profile.defines] if unknown_defines: print("\033[33mWarning: Unknown defines %s; see '%s -i %s' for avaliable defines in this profile\033[0m" % (", ".join(unknown_defines), argv[0], args.profile)) if args.create_directory: makedirs(args.output_directory, exist_ok=True) if not args.output_filename and not isdir(args.output_directory): print("\033[31mOutput location '%s' is not a directory.\033[0m" % args.output_directory) return -1 # Initialize AAV aav = Manager(ffmpeg=args.ffmpeg, ffprobe=args.ffprobe, workers=args.concurrent) if args.quiet: aav.global_conv_args = "-loglevel", "warning" aav.global_args += "-hide_banner", aav.global_conv_args += "-stats", # Collect Tasks tasks = [] print("\033[35mCollecting Tasks..\033[0m") if args.merge: tasks.append(create_task(aav, profile, args.inputs, args)) elif args.concat: import tempfile, os tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) with tmp: tmp.write("ffconcat version 1.0\n") tmp.write("# XConv concat file\n") for f in map(abspath, args.inputs): print("\033[36m Concatenating %s\033[0m" % basename(f)) tmp.write("file '%s'\n" % f) task = create_task(aav, profile, (), args, filename_from=args.inputs[0]) task.add_input(tmp.name).set(f="concat", safe="0") tasks.append(task) else: for input in args.inputs: tasks.append(create_task(aav, profile, (input,), args)) print("\033[35mPreparing Tasks..\033[0m") # Prepare profile parameters pkw = {} if profile.defines: pkw["defines"] = args.define if profile.features: if "argshax" in profile.features: pkw["args"] = args # Apply profile for task in tasks: print("\033[32m Applying profile for '%s'\033[0m" % task_name(task), end="\033[K\r") res = profile(task, **pkw) if not res: print("\033[31m Failed to apply profile for '%s'\033[0m\033[K" % task_name(task)) return 1 if args.update: for task in tasks[:]: for output in [o for o in task.outputs if exists(o.filename)]: print("\033[33m Skipping existing '%s' (--update)\033[0m\033[K" % output.name) task.outputs.remove(output) if not task.outputs: print("\033[33m Skipping task '%s' because no output files are left\033[0m\033[K" % task_name(task)) tasks.remove(task) print("\033[35mExecuting Tasks..\033[0m\033[K") # Paralellize if args.concurrent > 1 and not args.merge and not args.concat: tasks = sum([task.split(args.concurrent) for task in tasks], []) # Commit [t.commit2() for t in tasks] aav.process_queue() aav.wait() else: for task in tasks: print("\033[32m Processing '%s'\033[0m" % task_name(task)) task.commit() # Clean up if args.concat: os.unlink(tmp.name) # Copy files if args.copy_files: print("\033[35mCopying Files..\033[0m\033[K") for file in args.copy_files: print("\033[32m Copying '%s'\033[0m\033[K" % basename(file)) copyfile(file, build_path(args.output_directory, basename(file))) print("\033[35mDone.\033[0m\033[K") return 0