# # Executes commands at the start of an interactive session. # # # # Set the list of directories that Zsh searches for programs. # fpath=( $DOTFILES/zsh/functions $fpath ) typeset -gU fpath # # Use zplug # export ZPLUG_HOME=$DOTFILES/zsh/zplug if (( $+commands[termux-info] )); then rm $ZPLUG_HOME/zcompdump # Broken in Termux fi if [[ -s "$ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh" ]]; then source "$ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh" zplug "sorin-ionescu/prezto", as:plugin, use:init.zsh zplug "nojhan/liquidprompt", as:plugin zplug check || zplug install zplug load fi # # Git # # Revive old gst alias from OMZ/git alias gst="git status" # git update fork # Merge upstream function gupf { ( set -e local ORIGIN=${1-origin} local UPSTREAM=${2-upstream} local LBRANCH=`git symbolic-ref --short HEAD` local OBRANCH=${3-$LBRANCH} local UBRANCH=${4-$OBRANCH} git fetch $ORIGIN git fetch $UPSTREAM git checkout $ORIGIN/$OBRANCH git checkout -b merge git merge $UPSTREAM/$UBRANCH -m "merge upstream from `git ls-remote --get-url $UPSTREAM`" git checkout $LBRANCH git rebase merge git branch -d merge ) } # # pacman/makepkg # alias mksrcinfo="makepkg --printsrcinfo >! .SRCINFO" # # rsync # alias rsync="command rsync -e ssh -aXSPzs -vih8" alias termux-rsync="command rsync -e 'ssh -p 8022' -rltXSPzzs -vih8" # # NeoVim # if (( $+commands[nvim] )); then alias vim=nvim fi # # BusyBox # # Kill fancy aliases on BusyBox, since not all GNU options are supported if (( $+commands[busybox] )); then for cmd in `busybox --list`; do if (( $+aliases[$cmd] )); then __whence="`builtin whence -p $cmd`" if [ -L "$__whence" ] && command readlink "$__whence" | command grep -q busybox; then unalias $cmd fi fi unset __whence done fi # # Konsole scroll buffer # function clearbuf { echo -en "\e[3J" } # # Misc. # alias lns="ln -sr" # # Local overrides # [[ -e "$DOTFILES/zsh/zshrc.local" ]] && source "$DOTFILES/zsh/zshrc.local"