#!/bin/bash # PulseAudio tunnel script # (c) 2014-2015 Taeyeon Mori # Do what the fuck you want with it. (No warranty, etc) # This script will scrape the PA config file for tunnel modules # and load them via pactl. # This is useful to recover from network outages and similar things. set -e source "${DOTFILES-$HOME/.files}/lib/libpulse-config.sh" # Dry run test "$1" = "-dry" && function pactl() { echo $@; } # Work on the tunnels pa_find_config_lines "load-module module-tunnel" for tunnel in "${PA_CONFIG_LINES[@]}"; do pa_parse_tunnel_line "$tunnel" echo -en "\033[32mSetting up tunnel to $TUN_SERVER/$TUN_DEVICE: $TUN_NAME " test -n "$TUN_DESCRIPTION" && echo -n "$TUN_DESCRIPTION " echo -en "\033[31m>> " pactl $tunnel || echo "Couldn't setup tunnel: $tunnel" echo -en "\033[0m" done