#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Protontool # Make it easier to deal with proton games # (c) 2020 Taeyeon Mori import steamutil import argparse import sys, os import shlex from pathlib import Path def print_error(*msg): print("\033[1;31mError\033[22m:", *msg, "\033[0m") def print_info(*msg): print("\033[1;33mInfo\033[0m:", *msg) def print_warn(*msg): print("\033[1;33mWarning\033[22m", *msg, "\033[0m") def format_size(bytes): units = ["B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB"] unit = 0 while bytes > 750: bytes /= 1024 unit += 1 return "%3.2f %s" % (bytes, units[unit]) def die(int, msg): print_error(msg) sys.exit(int) class ProcessLaunchInfo: """ Collects information needed to execute a process """ # Native oslist name if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): native_target = "linux" elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): native_target = "windows" def __init__(self, argv, target="unknown"): self.target = target self.argv = argv self.tool = None self.environ = dict(os.environ) self.workingdir = None def prepend_argv(self, argv_part): self.argv = [*argv_part, *self.argv] def exec(self): if self.target != self.native_target: print_warn("Oslist mismatch: %s -> %s. Is the correct compatibility tool selected?" % (self.target, self.native_target)) print_info("Launching", " ".join(self.argv)) for f in sys.stdout, sys.stderr: f.flush() if self.workingdir is not None: os.chdir(self.workingdir) # Grab environment vars from cmdline while "=" in self.argv[0]: k, v = self.argv[0].split('=', 1) self.environ[k]=v self.argv.pop(0) os.execve(self.argv[0], self.argv, self.environ) class CompatToolNotFoundError(Exception): pass class ProtonTool: steam: steamutil.Steam app: steamutil.App def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.steam = steamutil.Steam(install_path=args.steam_path) if not isinstance(args.game, str): self.app = args.game if args.game.isdigit(): self.app = self.steam.get_app(int(args.game), installed=False) if self.app is None: die(1, "Could not find App #%s." % args.game) else: apps = list(self.steam.find_apps(args.game, installed=not args.show_all)) if len(apps) > 1: print_error("Found more than one game matching /%s/, please be more specific" % args.game) for app in apps: print("\t", app) sys.exit(2) elif not apps: die(1, "Could not find any App matching /%s/. Make sure it is installed." % args.game) self.app = apps[0] print_info("Found game: %s" % self.app.name) @steamutil.CachedProperty def user(self) -> steamutil.LoginUser: if "userid" in self.args: die(255, "userid not implemented") else: user = self.steam.most_recent_user if not user: die(10, "Could not detect Steam user. Have you logged in on this Computer before?") print_info("Using steam profile: %s (%s)" % (user.username, user.account_name)) return user class ListAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, help=None): super().__init__(option_strings, dest, nargs=0, help=help) def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, opt): steam = steamutil.Steam(install_path=ns.steam_path if "steam_path" in ns else None) for name, info in steam.compat_tools.items(): proton, path = ProtonTool._format_tool_info(steam, {"name": name}, info) print(proton) print(" ", path) parser.exit(0) @classmethod def parse_args(cls, args, prog=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog) parser.add_argument("game", help="Can be either the appid or a name pattern to look for") parser.add_argument("--steam-path", help="Steam install path", default=None) parser.add_argument("-l", "--list-tools", action=cls.ListAction, help="List all known compatibility tools") parser.add_argument("-a", "--show-all", action="store_true", default=False, help="Search all games in local appinfo cache") commands = parser.add_subparsers() info = commands.add_parser("info", description="Get information about a game") info.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_info) exec = commands.add_parser("exec", description="Run an arbitrary command through the compatibility tool") exec.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_exec) exec.add_argument("cmdline", nargs="+", help="Command and arguments to run") exec.add_argument("-t", "--tool", help="Override compatibility tool selection") tool = commands.add_parser("tool", description="Run a command through the compatibility tool") tool.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_tool) tool.add_argument("verb", help="The compatibility tool verb (e.g. run)") tool.add_argument("cmdline", nargs="+", help="Command and arguments to run") tool.add_argument("-t", "--tool", help="Override compatibility tool selection") tool.add_argument("--config", help="Override compatibility tool config") run = commands.add_parser("run", description="Run game") run.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_run) run.add_argument("--waitforexit", action="store_true", help="use waitforexitandrun verb") run.add_argument("-t", "--tool", help="Override compatibility tool selection") run.add_argument("--config", help="Override compatibility tool config") run.add_argument("--no-args", action="store_true", help="Run without any launch arguments") run.add_argument("args", nargs="*", help="Override launch arguments") appinfo = commands.add_parser("appinfo", description="Dump the Steam product info") appinfo.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_appinfo) appinfo.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", help="Output JSON") proton = commands.add_parser("proton", description="Run configured proton executable with custom arguments") proton.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_proton, cmd_proton="proton") proton.add_argument("args", nargs="+", help="Proton arguments") proton.add_argument("-t", "--tool", help="Override compatibility tool selection") proton.add_argument("--config", help="Override compatibility tool config") wine = commands.add_parser("wine", description="Run appropriate wine binary") wine.set_defaults(cmd=cls.cmd_proton, cmd_proton="wine") wine.add_argument("args", nargs="+", help="Wine arguments") wine.add_argument("-t", "--tool", help="Override compatibility tool selection") wine.add_argument("--config", help="Override compatibility tool config") #enter = commands.add_parser("wine", description="Run the correct wine in the correct prefix") #enter.add_argument("command", nargs="+") #config = commands.add_parser("config") return parser.parse_args(args) @steamutil.CachedProperty def appinfo(self): return self.steam.appinfo @property def compat_tools(self) -> dict: self.steam.steamplay_manifest = self.appinfo[891390]["appinfo"] return self.steam.compat_tools @classmethod def _format_tool_info(cls, steam, tool, toolinfo=None) -> (str, str): if toolinfo is None: toolinfo = steam.compat_tools.get(tool["name"], None) proton = [] if not toolinfo: proton.append("\033[31mNot found:\033[0m") if toolinfo and "display_name" in toolinfo and toolinfo["display_name"] != tool["name"]: proton.append("\033[1m%s\033[0m (%s)" % (toolinfo["display_name"], tool["name"])) else: proton.append("'\033[1m%s\033[0m'" % tool["name"]) if toolinfo and "appid" in toolinfo: proton.append("#%s" % toolinfo["appid"]) if toolinfo: proton.append("%s->%s" % (toolinfo.get("from_oslist", "?"), toolinfo.get("to_oslist", "?"))) if "source" in tool: if tool["source"] == "user": proton.append("[per-game override]") elif tool["source"] == "valve": proton.append("[official]") elif tool["source"] == "default": proton.append("[user default]") if "config" in tool and tool["config"]: proton.append("{%s}" % tool["config"]) if toolinfo and "install_path" in toolinfo: proton_path = toolinfo["install_path"] if not os.path.exists(toolinfo["install_path"]): proton_path = f"{proton_path} <>" else: proton_path = "<>" proton = " ".join(proton) return proton, proton_path def cmd_info(self): uc = self.user.get_app_config(self.app) if self.app.installed: installed = "[%s] %s" % (self.app.language, format_size(self.app.declared_install_size)) if self.app.is_proton_app: # Find out version tool = self.app.compat_tool proton, proton_path = self._format_tool_info(self.steam, tool) else: proton = "No" proton_path = None else: installed = "No" print("\033[1;35mName \033[0;1m:", self.app.name) print("\033[1;35mAppID \033[0m:", self.app.appid) print("\033[1;35mInstalled \033[0m:", installed) if self.app.installed: print(" @", self.app.install_path) print("\033[1;35mLaunchOpt.\033[0m:", uc.launch_options) print("\033[1;35mProton \033[0m:", proton) if proton_path: print(" @", proton_path) if self.app.is_proton_app: print("\033[1;35mProtonDrv.\033[0m:", self.app.compat_drive) #### ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compatibility tool support #### ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def tool_get_active(self): """ Get the appropriate compatibility tool, either from commandline or app config """ if "tool" in self.args and self.args.tool: tool = {"name": self.args.tool} elif self.app.is_proton_app: # TODO: other tools? tool = dict(self.app.compat_tool) else: return None if "config" in self.args and self.args.config: tool["config"] = self.args.config return tool def tool_get_install_info(self, tool: dict): if "name" not in tool: raise ValueError("Malformed tool dict: missing 'name' member") if tool["name"] not in self.compat_tools: raise CompatToolNotFoundError(tool["name"]) return self.compat_tools[tool["name"]] def tool_apply_env(self, proc: ProcessLaunchInfo, tool: dict): """ Set up tool environment only """ proc.environ["STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH"] = str(self.steam.root) proc.environ["STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH"] = str(self.app.compat_path) proc.environ["STEAM_COMPAT_CONFIG"] = tool.get("config", "") proc.environ["SteamAppId"] = str(self.app.appid) proc.environ["SteamGameId"] = str(self.app.appid) def tool_apply(self, proc: ProcessLaunchInfo, tool: dict, verb: str): """ Set up compatibility tool """ # XXX: what about other tools? Like Steam Linux Runtime toolinfo = self.tool_get_install_info(tool) tool_description, _ = self._format_tool_info(self.steam, tool, toolinfo) print_info("Using tool", tool_description) # Check targets XXX: should this fail hard? source_oslist = toolinfo.get("from_oslist", "windows") if proc.target != source_oslist and proc.target != "unknown": print_warn("Compatibility tool %s oslist mismatch: expected %s but got %s" % (tool["name"], source_oslist, proc.target)) target_oslist = toolinfo.get("to_oslist", proc.native_target) if target_oslist != proc.native_target: print_warn("Compatibility tool %s is targeting %s, but currently running on %s" % (tool["name"], target_oslist, proc.native_target)) # Find compat tool path and arguments with open(toolinfo["install_path"] / "toolmanifest.vdf") as f: mfst = steamutil._vdf.parse(f) cmdline = None # Newer v2 manifests if "version" in mfst["manifest"]: v = mfst["manifest"]["version"] if v == "2": cmdline = mfst["manifest"]["commandline"].replace("%verb%", verb) # Try to fall back to old manifest format if cmdline is None: v1_key = "commandline" if verb == "run" else "commandline_%s" % verb if v1_key in mfst["manifest"]: cmdline = mfst["manifest"][v1_key] if cmdline is None: # Try to fall back to default print_warn("Compat-tool '%s' toolmanifest.vdf does not specify commandline. Falling back to proton defaults" % tool["name"]) cmdline = "/proton %s" % verb # Make path absolute argv = cmdline.split() argv[0] = str(toolinfo["install_path"]) + argv[0] # update launch info proc.tool = tool proc.target = target_oslist proc.prepend_argv(argv) self.tool_apply_env(proc, tool) def proton_apply_env(self, proc:ProcessLaunchInfo, tool, wine=False): """ Apply some environment modifications that proton would do """ info = self.compat_tools[tool["name"]] if not info: die(20, "Compatibility tool '%s' could not be found. Is it installed?" % tool["name"]) self.tool_apply_env(proc, tool) proc.environ["WINEPREFIX"] = str(self.app.compat_path / "pfx") proton_dir = info["install_path"] proc.environ["WINEROOT"] = str(proton_dir / "dist") if wine: # FIXME: correctly detect WINEESYNC proc.environ["WINEESYNC"] = "1" proc.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(x for x in [ str(proton_dir / "dist/lib64"), str(proton_dir / "dist/lib"), proc.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", None)] if x) proc.environ["PATH"] = ":".join((str(Path(info["install_path"]) / "dist" / "bin"), proc.environ["PATH"])) #### ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compatibility tool support #### ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmd_tool(self): """ Run the associated compatibility tool """ tool = self.tool_get_active() proc = ProcessLaunchInfo(self.args.cmdline) self.tool_apply(proc, tool, self.args.verb) proc.exec() def cmd_exec(self): """ Execute a command in the tool environment (but not through the tool) """ tool = self.tool_get_active() proc = ProcessLaunchInfo(self.args.cmdline) self.proton_apply_env(proc, tool, wine=True) proc.exec() def cmd_run(self): """ Run a game executable directly, possibly using a compat tool """ # Obviously has to be installed if not self.app.installed: print_error("App is not installed.") return 50 # Check if we want to use a compat tool tool = self.tool_get_active() # Set up compat tool target_oslist = ProcessLaunchInfo.native_target if tool is not None: toolinfo = self.tool_get_install_info(tool) target_oslist = toolinfo.get("from_oslist", "") # Read launch configurations for cfg in self.app.launch_configs: # Filter ones that won't work if "type" in cfg and cfg["type"] != "default": continue if "config" in cfg and "oslist" in cfg["config"] and target_oslist not in cfg["config"]["oslist"]: continue if "executable" not in cfg: continue # Execute game_path = self.app.install_path / cfg["executable"] proc = ProcessLaunchInfo([str(game_path)], target_oslist) proc.workingdir = str(game_path.parent) break else: print_error("No launch config for %s in appinfo for %s" % (target_oslist, self.app.name)) return 51 if tool is not None: self.tool_apply(proc, tool, "waitforexitandrun" if self.args.waitforexit else "run") if not self.args.no_args: if "args" in self.args and self.args.args: proc.argv.extend(self.args.args) else: uc = self.user.get_app_config(self.app) if uc and uc.launch_options: add_args = shlex.split(uc.launch_options) try: cmd_i = add_args.index(r"%command%") except ValueError: proc.argv.extend(add_args) else: proc.argv = [*add_args[:cmd_i], *proc.argv, *add_args[cmd_i+1:]] proc.exec() def cmd_proton(self): # proton and wine subcommands: # Run proton respective wine with arguments if not self.app.installed or not self.app.is_proton_app: print_error("App not installed or not a Proton app") return 51 tool = self.tool_get_active() toolinfo = self.tool_get_install_info(tool) info_tool, _ = self._format_tool_info(self.steam, tool, toolinfo) print_info("Using tool", info_tool) if self.args.cmd_proton == "proton": path = str(toolinfo["install_path"] / "proton") argv = ["proton"] + self.args.args elif self.args.cmd_proton == "wine": path = str(toolinfo["install_path"] / "dist/bin/wine") argv = [path] + self.args.args else: print_error("Unknown cmd_proton verb:", self.args.cmd_proton) return 111 if not os.path.exists(path): print_error("No such file:", path) return 53 proc = ProcessLaunchInfo([path, *argv[1:]]) self.proton_apply_env(proc, tool, wine=self.args.cmd_proton=="wine") proc.exec() def cmd_appinfo(self): info = self.appinfo.get(self.app.appid, {}) if self.args.json: import json json.dump(info.dict, sys.stdout) else: print("AppId:", info.id) print("AppState:", info.state) print("Last Update:", info.last_update) print() self._pretty_dump(info.dict) def _pretty_dump(self, d: dict, level=0): for key, value in d.items(): print(" " * level, "\033[1m", key, "\033[0m", end="", sep="") if isinstance(value, dict): print(":") self._pretty_dump(value, level+1) else: print(" = ", value, sep="") @classmethod def main(cls, argv: [str]) -> int: args = cls.parse_args(argv[1:], argv[0]) self = cls(args) if "cmd" not in args or not args.cmd: print_error("No command given. see %s --help" % argv[0]) return 255 return args.cmd(self) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(ProtonTool.main(sys.argv))